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  On 16/05/2020 at 08:55, sunnyday said:

Of course, as is my way, I don't have a useful link but.....the BMA has now written to Government - they are of the belief that this idea of returning to school/nursery 1st June is not good - let's hope this carries some weight.

I haven't been contributing to this and similar threads much because my decision is made. We are not returning, I have written to all of my parents outlining the guidelines and the restrictions that we would have to put in place. I sent out this letter with such trepidation (I Thought they would all hate me!), I have been completely 'blown away' by the support that they have shown me.

I am very aware that I am at the age where I can say 'sod it' if I lose funding and/or my setting and that tis is not the case for others, so all in all, I felt that I should just keep quiet (those that 'know' me will understand that it's very hard for me to not throw my opinions into the mix!)

I hope with all my heart that this Government come to their senses and none of this happens - I am suspicious that there is an element of 'kite flying' going on here i.e. lets put this forward and gauge reaction.....


My sentiments entirely !

I am now off for a walk and talk with deputy. On Monday all staff meeting 6 of us. I am not returning - if they wish to go ahead I will fully  support their needs and will do the admin side. But I am not setting foot in setting once open to children.  My own family comes first I'm afraid. 

I was worried that you have been  so quite the last few days, I was worried you may have had problems :o... glad is was just you keeping stum :D:D


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  On 15/05/2020 at 10:19, enuffsenuf said:

we are in a Parish hall and I have to meet with them (at a distance of course because Im allowed to work with 2 year old's on mass but not get close to one  adult.)....I am writing a game plan for how we can safely work, a risk assessment and have asked if we can have social distance marking on the pathway outside....To be honest you could try throwing the "its an income for the hall owners " line and as they have said to us no one else will be using the hall fat the current  time, we have explained our plans and how we will also up the cleaning regime.  If you are the halls biggest user and income provider then you should have a strong hand....if of course you want to re open



Thank you. I have promised them full risk assessment and a declaration of my responsibility which I think they are now fine with. Thank you. I have promised them full risk assessment and a declaration of my responsibility which I think they are now fine with.


FM - I still haven’t had a response re insurance, it seems from others  posts they are taking a ‘no one will be able to prove where someone caught it’🤷‍♀️

I’ve just spent an hour sat in the sun listening to a YouTube webinar with a Dr Matt Butler talking about transmission in younger chn and how to minimise transmission in schools/settings...really interesting 🧐 

  On 16/05/2020 at 11:51, Mouseketeer said:

FM - I still haven’t had a response re insurance, it seems from others  posts they are taking a ‘no one will be able to prove where someone caught it’🤷‍♀️

I’ve just spent an hour sat in the sun listening to a YouTube webinar with a Dr Matt Butler talking about transmission in younger chn and how to minimise transmission in schools/settings...really interesting 🧐 


If i wasn't a limited company i wouldn't be opening! even then someone could take a private prosecution against me...guess i could say i was told to open....Oh no can't do that its just advice:ph34r:

Anyhting interesting you'd like to share about your webinar...promised myself i wasn't going to work this weekend!

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  On 16/05/2020 at 11:55, finleysmaid said:

If i wasn't a limited company i wouldn't be opening! even then someone could take a private prosecution against me...guess i could say i was told to open....Oh no can't do that its just advice:ph34r:



Exactly - I am an owner/manager which means that the buck stops with me

I not sure who you are insured with - Morton Michel for me, bizzylizzy posted on one of these threads that she had been in contact and the answer was 'no' :o

  • Like 1

Wow, I was out almost three hours walking and talking.  It was good to have someone to talk to in real life about the situation  rather than just myself and you lot :D.

My deputy has come up with a good plan, and I'm going to let her run it if she wants - subject to insurance etc. Mind you we've only had a response from 8 children possibly wanting it and 5 def nots.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

From the webinar it seems all the things we’re removing (soft toys, rugs etc)  hold the virus for the least time (6hrs) where as smoothest surfaces like stainless steel, glass, laminates could be up to 6 days but obviously can be cleaned easier with just a washing up liquid as it disperses the fats, then rinse cloths used down the sink so you wash the virus away, make surfaces wet before wiping/moping so you don’t move the dry virus around, interesting when talking about taking paper/homework books home to mark it said to leave them min 12hrs/24hrs better from the child finishing with it ..but every day it says on tv that letters and packages are not a problem? 

Talked about nappy changing side ways on, wipe away from you, use a ventilated area rather than a small 1 mt sq type space, if a child is likely to spit at you wear something like chemistry goggles. Teachers not being at the same level as chn where possible, think about how a cough or sneeze would arc, lower transmission between chn/less concern over not staying apart for youngest, more likely teacher to teacher transmission and why adults need to stay apart. 

Temperature checking on arrival not much point as by the time a raised temperature is a symptom it’s most likely to be day 4 or 5 already, glove wearing gives false sense of security/skin is your glove even cuts don’t make a difference - regular hand washing is still best thing and regular cleaning of high contact points - taps, door handles, pens, switches (involve older chn in this).

It was worth listening too if you get a chance.


Does anyone keep expecting the ed minister to come out with “ummm Betty”


Edited by Mouseketeer
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Posted (edited)
  On 16/05/2020 at 08:55, sunnyday said:

Of course, as is my way, I don't have a useful link but.....the BMA has now written to Government - they are of the belief that this idea of returning to school/nursery 1st June is not good - let's hope this carries some weight.

I haven't been contributing to this and similar threads much because my decision is made. We are not returning, I have written to all of my parents outlining the guidelines and the restrictions that we would have to put in place. I sent out this letter with such trepidation (I Thought they would all hate me!), I have been completely 'blown away' by the support that they have shown me.

I am very aware that I am at the age where I can say 'sod it' if I lose funding and/or my setting and that tis is not the case for others, so all in all, I felt that I should just keep quiet (those that 'know' me will understand that it's very hard for me to not throw my opinions into the mix!)

I hope with all my heart that this Government come to their senses and none of this happens - I am suspicious that there is an element of 'kite flying' going on here i.e. lets put this forward and gauge reaction.....



Yes he is very 'Frank' isn't he 

The 'paper' thing - I can tell you that one of Mr S docs rang this week - long conversation about all sorts of issues - his advice re post was to leave 3 days before opening 

Oh my word I meant to quote Mousie - no idea what I did there 

Edited by sunnyday
because i have lost the plot
  • Haha 1
  On 16/05/2020 at 15:59, Mouseketeer said:

From the webinar it seems all the things we’re removing (soft toys, rugs etc)  hold the virus for the least time (6hrs) where as smoothest surfaces like stainless steel, glass, laminates could be up to 6 days but obviously can be cleaned easier with just a washing up liquid as it disperses the fats, then rinse cloths used down the sink so you wash the virus away, make surfaces wet before wiping/moping so you don’t move the dry virus around, interesting when talking about taking paper/homework books home to mark it said to leave them min 12hrs/24hrs better from the child finishing with it ..but every day it says on tv that letters and packages are not a problem? 

Talked about nappy changing side ways on, wipe away from you, use a ventilated area rather than a small 1 mt sq type space, if a child is likely to spit at you wear something like chemistry goggles. Teachers not being at the same level as chn where possible, think about how a cough or sneeze would arc, lower transmission between chn/less concern over not staying apart for youngest, more likely teacher to teacher transmission and why adults need to stay apart. 

Temperature checking on arrival not much point as by the time a raised temperature is a symptom it’s most likely to be day 4 or 5 already, glove wearing gives false sense of security/skin is your glove even cuts don’t make a difference - regular hand washing is still best thing and regular cleaning of high contact points - taps, door handles, pens, switches (involve older chn in this).

It was worth listening too if you get a chance.


Does anyone keep expecting the ed minister to come out with “ummm Betty”



Now- Mousie!! Frank Spencer indeed!! Made me giggle- he is such a drip- isnt he. We were watching him yesterday and I was thinking (to myself) oh goodness me- its like listening to the most boring  sermon ever, when my husband said ' maybe he's good at planning and doing, as he certainly isnt a public speaker'!!


What do you mean about changing nappies sideways? I cant quite understand that bit?



  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

I always changed nappies side on, but my daughter in law does it with baby's feet nearest to her, can't see that it could matter enough though.


What activities are you  planning to do if and when you return, anyone got that far yet?

Edited by Panders
  On 17/05/2020 at 16:26, Panders said:

I always changed nappies side on, but my daughter in law does it with baby's feet nearest to her, can't see that it could matter enough though


I have always used your DIL's method - feet first - I wonder how many nappies I have changed :)

  • Haha 1

So do you mean having them laying on floor sideways. like this -----------------  as you would with baby on your lap? instead of head at top and feet nearest you? 

What is the reasoning behind this, is it because your face isnt quite so near either end?

Activities planned so far:

Water play- got some new bowls so they can have one each, and washed thoroughly after use

Playdo' - got 36 pots of 'proper' playdo that we will name individually and once gone will make it for them each day. Or maybe flour and water and then bin each day

Messy play- can each have heir own tray (accidentally ordered 2 sets of 4 (so 8) of what I thought were big square tuff trays last year, So can each have their own jelly play, cornflour, finger paint

Writing/Collagy stuff Have bought see through A4 zip up document wallets for them to have one each with some pens, pencils, glue sticks etc in

Sand- cant work out what to do about this-    I'd love to have it as ours. just love the sand and after being off for all this time I'm sure some of them would spend most of the morning with it. 

We will have 2 groups of 5 & 1 of 4. I'm thinking that each group can have a box of books & puzzles each day & then that box can be put away for 72 hours (when hopefully anything will have died) We have 100's of books and just about enough puzzles I think to last for 9 boxes every 3 days. 

I've seen some really good ideas on FB- wash little things like small world play, duplo etc in those net bags (the kind they sell kindling in) dunk the whole bag in soapy water, rinse, dump in disinfectant and then leave in bag and hang out to dry. Again we have so much duplo, animals, dinosaurs etc that we can have 3 smaller boxes for each group as they are so small.

Another a suggestion on there was using a  garden pressure hose thing- (the type that sprays fences or weed killer on trees- )   put soapy water/disinfectant in and spray down our wooden play house & outdoor equipment that is wooden- so I think I will get one.

Cant think of anything else at present- we have spent so much money- we had almost run out of soap & cleaning stuff when we shut. So have also ordered hand sanitiser, cleaning stuff, gloves, face shields, luckily we have loads of disposable aprons (another mistake on my part) So I do hope that someone somewhere reminds the powers that be, that we also need some extra money- as we are more likely to need extra cleaning stuff and PPE than the schools, but what's the betting we dont get given any.

Some of our equipment - the physical stuff I'm not sure we can use it as it will take 2 of us to set up/carry it and we will be too near each other.

My dep and I are meeting on Tues to go through everything and try and write some sort of plan- I'm not asking rest of staff as not one (well just one) has bothered to email, text, ask how we (as in preschool) is doing or how I am. 

Mind you- we also have a meeting with parish priest who will hopefully say yes to us not packing away, no point in cleaning it and then stacking it all on top of each other! So hoping he will say yes- he has said no before but hopefully things are a bit different now and no one else using the hall. 

So sorry- I only meant to answer Panders and wrote an essay- fell better seeing it all down in black and white though:D^_^

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We normally pack away daily but in a Scout hut and they are not returning so no need to pack away:D

I'm now trying to find out if I can continue to furlough some staff through summer holidays as we would be closings 17th July for six week summer holidays.  So keep 3 staff on for the 9 out of 45 children coming back week commencing 1st June. and continue to furlough 3?

Then i have read about part time furlough so was thinking to open 4 days a week and furlough the staff for 1 day? I wish there was someone that could answers all the questions.... I might call Boris:ph34r:.


Has everyone heard of the Kawaski disease that children are now getting?

Doctors are describing it as a "new phenomenon" similar to Kawasaki disease shock syndrome - a rare condition that mainly affects children under the age of five. Symptoms include a rash, swollen glands in the neck and dry and cracked lips. Scores of UK and US children have been affected by the rare inflammatory disease linked to coronavirus.

 So many children had hand foot and mouth Disease in February and I'm starting to think there is a link.

Had a couple of messages from parents regarding it. 


  On 16/05/2020 at 11:06, Pendle58 said:

Thank you. I have promised them full risk assessment and a declaration of my responsibility which I think they are now fine with. Thank you. I have promised them full risk assessment and a declaration of my responsibility which I think they are now fine with.


that's good news.....


  On 16/05/2020 at 13:24, sunnyday said:

Exactly - I am an owner/manager which means that the buck stops with me

I not sure who you are insured with - Morton Michel for me, bizzylizzy posted on one of these threads that she had been in contact and the answer was 'no' :o


I found this info sheet on Morton Michel FAQ's. Would seem to indicate that Public and Employer's liability are covered for Covid-19?

INFORMATION-SHEET-COVID19-V2.pdfFetching info...

  • Thanks 1
Posted (edited)
  On 17/05/2020 at 17:00, lynned55 said:

I've seen some really good ideas on FB- wash little things like small world play, duplo etc in those net bags (the kind they sell kindling in) dunk the whole bag in soapy water, rinse, dump in disinfectant and then leave in bag and hang out to dry. 

Wow thank you thank you thank you excellent idea and will allow me to hang things overnight on the gazebo to dry....was wondering how I was going to get things dry again overnight!





Edited by enuffsenuf


Really sorry if this has been asked before but i'm going round in circles and slowly going mad!! I've read, somewhere, I think, :| that the Early Years Guidance is coming out on the 28th May.  Is this right, I know we are always last on the list but this is ridiculously late?


  On 18/05/2020 at 08:37, smudge65 said:


Really sorry if this has been asked before but i'm going round in circles and slowly going mad!! I've read, somewhere, I think, :| that the Early Years Guidance is coming out on the 28th May.  Is this right, I know we are always last on the list but this is ridiculously late?



Hi, I know the Primary School guidance said Early Years would follow but I’m sure I’ve read it will be this Thursday ...but where did I read that 🤔 

  On 18/05/2020 at 13:23, louby loo said:


  On 18/05/2020 at 11:08, Mouseketeer said:

Hi, I know the Primary School guidance said Early Years would follow but I’m sure I’ve read it will be this Thursday ...but where did I read that 🤔 


my money's on 27th ....



That sounds about right timing!!!

Would anyone please mind sharing where they are purchasing masks etc from? 
Sorry if I’ve missed this elsewhere.Do we just go for anything on Amazon? How do we know if what we choose is ok? Thx

  On 18/05/2020 at 13:29, Greenfinch said:

That sounds about right timing!!!

Would anyone please mind sharing where they are purchasing masks etc from? 
Sorry if I’ve missed this elsewhere.Do we just go for anything on Amazon? How do we know if what we choose is ok? Thx


I've just ordered some from Ebay, chose some with the word surgical in, that would be here in time, and we could afford. Can only hope they're going to be ok.   Only going to use masks if child shows symptons.  Just been to Lidl to stock up on antibac spray, tissues, disposable cloths etc.

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I ordered from amazon.  

Staff did say they were actually a bit pointless anyway if we are only recommended to use if a child show symptoms - the words  stable door and horse bolted came to mind.


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