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The Foundation Stage Forum Community

Welcome to the FSF – a community for early years professionals. Engage in conversations, offer and receive advice and support, make connections. Discover our library of education articles and podcast episodes to enhance your reflective practice. Working together to achieve high-quality early childhood education.
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Author Hannah Peckham shares her reflections on how books can support children's emotional literacy. 
Ben and Jules chat with Maths and Robotics tutor Zan Nadeem about the importance of strong mathematical foundations in the early years and how they link to children’s learning and confidence in maths as they move through primary and secondary school.…
EYFS teacher Jess Gosling takes a closer look at how to support partnership with parents in international schools, and how Tapestry can help.


  1. 2

    Registers - reports by child?

  2. 0

    Online Register for staff export

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    New setup screens

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    Register CSV Exports

  5. 0

    Relative phone numbers and collection passwords

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    Preschool Practitioner, Chobham

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    Version 5.1 of the iOS Tapestry app

  8. 0

    Small changes for Invoicing

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