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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Good morning - 'tis Friday - another week has gone by in a flash! 1st September so 'white rabbits' one and all Hope the new term starts well for those heading back this week Have a lovely weekend x
  2. Thanks both x
  3. That sounds like great progress young Froglet although I am sorry to hear about your headache... How on earth is it the end of summer hols already Fairly okay here - could do with a 'drama' free week - not this one for sure - my sister had a total knee replacement on Friday - long story short - everything has gone a bit pear shaped - she has developed blood clots on her lungs (not for the first time, this happened January '22 and led to a heart attack) and now the blood thinners have led to her wound bleeding and she has needed two blood transfusions...thankfully she is being well cared for in hospital and they will delay her discharge which can only be a good thing. Onwards and upwards is my current mantra!
  4. Good morning 'tis Friday Hope everyone is okay - summer has gone by in an absolute flash... We have had much excitement (and much expense) here this week - long story short - we have no mains drainage in our village so we all have tanks and soakaways...not sure why but our soakaway has given up the ghost 🤷‍♀️ options were - dig a new soakaway or sink a borehole - after much deliberation we have opted for the borehole...drillers have completed this - I so enjoyed watching Mr S who spent the entire time they were here (all day) leaning against their big water tank watching and chatting - he was in his absolute element - I couldn't help wondering are they thinking 'wish he would just go indoors'! 🤦‍♀️🤣 This coming week will be next step of digging a trench and laying a pipe to connect the tank to the borehole. The borehole cost £2,500 and the rest of the work will be something like £700 - don't mind spending money but would at least like something good to look at and enjoy 🙃 but I will settle for functioning drains! 😂 Hope that everyone has a lovely BH weekend x
  5. Good morning - 'tis Friday Have a lovely weekend x
  6. Good morning - 'tis Friday Nothing exciting to report from here - I am enjoying the change in the weather - perhaps we will be able to salvage a little of our summer. I'm concerned that we haven't heard from fm in ages - perhaps she just doesn't feel like joining in - I do hope she is okay... Wishing everyone a lovely weekend filled with things that you enjoy x
  7. Oh don't! My wardrobes and my airing cupboard are just awful - I must take a leaf out of your book louby!
  8. Well that's true - offer them to a museum 🙃🤣
  9. Could you offer the books to an FE 'institution'? We have a branch of Oxfam in Canterbury who take all sorts of 'specialist' books and sell them on (not in their shop) - not sure that makes any sense at all - my late BIL had all sorts of photography books and something else, can't think what...anyway my sister rang them and they collected them from her house. Glad the cookie dough worked out!
  10. Maroon! Primary school uniform - maroon and yellow Secondary school uniform - maroon and pale blue So I just could not get away from maroon 🤣 Sorry - that was not what you were asking at all Our primary is accepting of any trousers but their polo shirts and sweatshirts have the school logo and can only be purchased via the school office - same with sports shorts and tops - also book bags There is a chance to obtain second hand uniform items from school (items gifted by parents) - also lots for sale via the village FB page
  11. Oh my actual goodness! 🤦‍♀️ My curtains were fine too - phew!
  12. Youngest grandson has just finished his Reception year - they often call by on their way home from school - in the early days I would say "oh you had PE today then darling" - everything, but everything was on back to front and inside out! 🤦‍♀️🤣 More of a worry is that I can usually hazard a guess about what my 8 year old granddaughter has had for lunch - she wears most of it if it involved any sort of sauce! 🤣
  13. Don't know about an hour - but I don't actually mind a bit of ironing - I have a friend who doesn't even own an iron 🤷‍♀️ obviously I need some tips from her! This is me getting on with some admin - can you tell? 🤣
  14. Oh how lovely - enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!
  15. Give this woman a prize! Sitting room curtains - down and washed - keeping everything crossed here - label says 'dry clean only' - however, I have washed the matching cushion covers eleventy billion times without problems - we shall see 🙃 All downstairs carpets shampooed... Sitting room windows cleaned... Hard floors cleaned... Ironing completed... Achieved all this whilst keeping one eye on the ladies football - it was better really to only watch with one eye - penalties to win!
  16. I have just had a lovely visit from my DIL and two youngest grandchildren - youngest grandson wanted to show me that he can ride his bike without stabilisers - yay! He was like a dog with two tails - absolutely beaming - dear little boy ❤️
  17. I have one word - dungarees - oh my life no, just no 🤦‍♀️
  18. That all sounds great Mousie!
  19. I think so, yes - but that is probably because that's what you need x
  20. Phew! Peace has been restored 🙃 good to see them back safe and sound...
  21. Welcome to the forum and a very warm welcome to the 'Friday' thread What a lovely outing - well apart from the car part!
  22. Good morning - 'tis Friday How is everyone? The little 'snack thief/fox poo roller' is going home today - a day earlier than expected, her family are caravanning in the New Forest and have sensibly decided to pack up today whilst it's dry 🤞 and head home - I'm pleased that my son won't be towing in the awful weather forecast for tomorrow...looking forward to seeing them all, but will miss the doggo when she's gone! We have been trying to contact the hospital re the promised op - why, oh why did the consultant make the promise about the timing - "definitely before end of July" - that gave him (and me) false hope... Onwards and upwards - must make the most of today before we batten down the hatches (again!) Hope that weekend is kind to all x
  23. Oh young Froglet - I love a new diary - no 'digitalness' here 🤦‍♀️🤣 but 'major throwing out mode' I can identify with! My lovely sons have bought some long lengths of wood (not a good description really) anyway one of them has been busy cutting and splitting and guess what - my log store is full - whoop - how generous! They have enough to fill their log stores too... I know I am not meant to keep moaning about the weather - but give me strength - it was blue skies and sunshine first thing but the grey is back, think it will rain any minute now 🤦‍♀️ time to get that little 'snack thief/fox poo roller' out before it does 🤦‍♀️🤣
  24. Yay! Mousie has been buying stationery!
  25. Well done young Froglet - but I need to know have you bought any new stationery? One of the very few things I miss about working is that lovely stationery buying spree that I indulged in at the beginning of summer hols 😉
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