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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. So here we are again 'tis Friday! You haven't seen me - shhhh - still in hiding! 😂 So big day here - youngest granddaughter's birthday - off to celebrate with family later and Mr S has had his long awaited video call with surgeon...lung reduction surgery will be carried out in the next 4 - 6 weeks, or as he put it before end of July... Hope that everyone is okay? Weather is warming up nicely here Granddogs are behaving beautifully and bringing much joy - they are due to go home on Monday but will be back in a week or so for a two week stay - this dependant on whatever is happening with Mr S and hid op date - they can go to their 'maternal grandparents' if necessary! Hope that the weekend is kind to all x
  2. No idea - I won't lose any sleep over it 😂
  3. Thank you - I honestly don't think that I have done anything special or particularly worthy 🤷‍♀️ and I really don't like a 'fuss'... I can't understand why someone didn't tip off Mr S if it was that important - oh well, never mind, nothing I can change now
  4. It is funny 🤣 I would have 'hated' it anyway - I don't like that sort of thing at all... Just wish that didn't feel like I need to hide now!
  5. Oh my actual goodness - I have well and truly blotted my copy book... There was a village meeting yesterday evening - quite a big affair - I had received a special invitation to attend supposedly to talk about Knit and Natter - I had said "thanks, but no thanks, trying to keep the group quite small, don't want to make a noise about it" - then it was "please, come along anyway, you don't need to say anything" - then several friends had asked if I was going - I thought 'this is so strange, why is everyone so keen for me to go', especially as I have 'dropped out' of most village things that I was previously involved with...anyway, needless to say I didn't attend It transpires that I was to be presented with some sort of 'Community Service' award - this to be given to me by no less than the Mayor of our nearest town 🤦‍♀️ - well, honestly, how was I meant to know 🙃 🤣 the friends that kept asking if I was going were obviously in the know... Goodness - I feel that I need to hide - especially as I can't help but find it funny 🤣 I wasn't the only recipient so hopefully I will be forgiven and if not 🤷‍♀️
  6. I just had to 'check my tree' 🤣
  7. Hmm - I reckon I might be 'Crumpsy' before 8 and then hopefully 'Matutinal' thereafter 😂 (I do like a 'bit of quiet' first thing)
  8. Oh my actual goodness he is beautiful zigzag ❤️
  9. The 'granddogs' have arrived! ❤️
  10. Oh right - I got hold of the wrong end of the stick - sorry - shouldn't be commenting on things I know nothing about 🤦‍♀️
  11. Isn't there always 🤦‍♀️ I think it's a 'let's make sure there is not too much relaxation through the summer holiday' 😧
  12. Just popping in to say - for those starting the last term of the year tomorrow - hope all goes well and that you get off to a great start
  13. 'that child' is hilarious 🤣 reminded me of my late mum - if she was cross with one of us it would be "that sister of yours" or "that brother of yours" 🤷‍♀️🙃
  14. Lovely colours young Froglet
  15. Oh Mousie that all sounds so stressful - sending a huge virtual hug xxx
  16. Morning all - 'tis Friday! I have youngest granddaughter here - she didn't want to go supermarket shopping with her mummy - who can blame her - she is busy colouring at the moment! Mr S is just off to his mum's house to meet a man about fitting a stair lift for her, she will be 92 in a few days, her greatest wish is to be able to stay in her house we will do all we can to help her with this although it is not practical really... Weather - hmm, well least said about that the better - overcast with that horrible NE wind - 2nd June should not be like this at all... I have two 'granddogs' arriving on Tuesday - whoop! A bit of confusion at 'Knit and Natter' - as I said before we are making up lap blankets to be included in 'seasonal' hampers for the most senior village residents...when we agreed this I had said "we need to make 25 squares each week now to have enough ready for 12 blankets" - yesterday one of the lovely ladies put a huge pile of squares on the table - I said "wow, you have made loads" - yes she said but it's not enough is it - she thought that I meant 25 each! 🤦‍♀️ all sorted now and she can relax this coming week Think that's all my 'exciting news' 🙃 Have a lovely weekend all x
  17. I am wearing a t-shirt, a shirt, a thick cardi, jeans, socks...but have put the heating on - I may have mentioned before 'I don't do cold'!
  18. Rumour has it that it is 1st June today and the first day of meterological (oh how do you spell that?) summer - flippin' heck it feels like autumn here 🙃
  19. 🤣🤣🤣
  20. Sounds like a good plan - you should not be working every day - you are meant to take a break x Very simple tea here - sausage and mash (might run to a few peas with that!) What is your next crochet project? We have had our two youngest grandchildren - they have just gone home - seems quiet now! Weather seems to have gone a bit pear shaped - very chilly NE wind and a few showers...
  21. Oh my actual goodness - I still feel guilty about your poinsettia - you posted a photo of it and I said something awful like "I would chuck that if I were you" 🤦‍♀️ shows how much I know about such things! 😂 Agree about wasps nests - they are incredible - I would be happier though if the little blighters did not build them near my front door! I loved 'doing' autumn when I was working - lots of awe and wonder in that changing season...
  22. Oh yes - i had quite forgotten - there does come a time when they are a bit 'too big for their boots' 😂 Can't believe you used the C word louby - you wait 'til Sue sees that 🤦‍♀️
  23. I was thinking that yesterday - last term of the year was my favourite too! We have had an invitation to lunch at youngest son's house today - all very last minute - but all lovely! Beautiful morning here - hope the sun is shining for all today
  24. Agreed - but I loved it - such quick thinking!
  25. I have just been out for my first 'decent' walk since the 'horrible knee' business started - it was lovely - one of the things that I really enjoy about walking is that you get to chat with people along the way - my eldest son would be saying 'mum, can you just say hello' but keep moving.......er, well, no that won't ever happen! 😂 In other news - we are picking strawberries from the poly tunnel - whoop!
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