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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Phew! My busy weekend of volunteering is done! My part of the 'operation' was raising funds for DEC Turkey/Syria earthquake relief - yesterday we raised just over £500 and today was busier so all in all we should be making a fairly hefty donation which is brilliant. All good fun but quite taxing and reminded me why I am happy in my state of retirement 🤣
  2. It wasn't at all awful - doc said "breathe in" then "breathe out" and that's when he put the needle in - injection contained a local anaesthetic, an anti-inflammatory and the steroid - doc asked "was that painful" to which I replied "meh, I've had babies"! 🤣🤣🤣 I do have everything crossed that you get some help soon x
  3. I don't know what you are worried about - I have a niece who is 52 - but my sister, her mum, is 9 years older than me...
  4. Well there's a thought 🤣🤣🤣
  5. Thank you so much louby that is such encouraging news! I forgot to say that he said "you may need a top up at some point, I will keep you on my list and if you just ring Sam she can arrange it" - I thought/said oh that's great, thank you...sometime later I realised to me that I actually have no idea who Sam is or how to contact her - doh 🙃 I will have to ask the physio when I next see him and hopefully he can enlighten me 🤣
  6. Sheesh Cait - I'm worn out just reading that - you will be busy, busy, busy - whereas I just have to 'show up' for my volunteering! 😂
  7. Good morning all - 'tis Friday! Had the horrible knee injected yesterday afternoon - all went well and the doctor is confident that it will make a huge difference in 3 - 5 days - currently it is more painful than ever but I imagine that is to be expected...he said "this is a damned painful injury" which made me feel validated - I know that I am not a 'wuss' but good to hear someone acknowledge that! I have a very busy weekend coming up - volunteering at a village charity event - I have been given a sit down job (taking the money) so actually really looking forward to it. Hope that everyone is okay? Have a lovely weekend x
  8. Ooh - what an absolute sweetie ❤️ Your son's girlfriend sounds like a very impressive young lady - I hope that they will be very happy in their life together
  9. Sounds horrible! We started with a lovely sunny morning and I was delighted to be able to peg my washing out - it was out for all of an hour when the flippin' rain started again. Holiday dog has gone home - feels odd without her - never mind, it won't be long before she's back😂
  10. Okay - who turned the flippin' tap back on - enough already with the rain 🙃
  11. Oooh Cait they look lovely and I'm sure the nurses loved them
  12. Well...someone yes I am looking at you Mr S managed to break my FSF mug, but I still have a pen and notebook! 😂
  13. We spent a lovely couple of hours with our youngest son, his wife and our two granddaughters (21 and 16) - their house is beautiful and always looks like a 'show home' so I was quite surprised to see that the table was covered in Lego - son has bought an enormous 'Ghostbuster car set/kit' and they are all working on it together - what a brilliant idea! I was not at all tempted to have a go - useless at that sort of thing -can't do jigsaws either 🤷‍♀️ Oldest granddaughter is due to finish Uni in May - where did that 3 years go - she has already secured a job in her chosen field - very proud of her Our dog sitting continues to go very well - I am so tempted to get my own dog - but I will resist - I always get asked to have all the family doggos when their 'parents' are on holiday - so lots of fun without the expense! We were talking about my last dog, she was the most beautiful and very clever Border Collie - I said to the girls "I so wish that you had known her, you would have loved her so much and she worshipped the ground your dad walked on" (she really did!) Son's reply was "well most women do" 🤣
  14. I do remember Nancy - good luck with the green cleaning!
  15. Make the most of that good drying weather zigzag - the forecast for your neck of the woods does not look great at all... So sorry to hear that your 'horrible knee' is no nearer getting sorted. So pleased to hear that you enjoyed the visit from your niece - that all sounds lovely
  16. Oh louby 'a jumble sale donation point' really made me laugh 🤣
  17. Oh a Peak district holiday sounds lovely - so pleased that you had a good time with your family. A clean fridge is a lovely thing - 'bout time I did the same! Sainsbury do a delicious hot cross bun 🙃🤣 Would you employ a cleaner? This coming from the woman that would find that far too intrusive...
  18. Good morning - 'tis Friday! How is everyone getting on? The Easter Egg hunt last weekend was a great success - lots of fun had by all We are dog-sitting - have elder son's Sprocker with us for a week - she is an absolute sweetie - the pleasure is all ours I have to make a decision about the 'horrible knee' - it is so much much better <touch wood> it aches constantly but swelling has nearly gone and that awful pain is, I hope, a thing of the past...my dilemma is - the appointment for a steroid injection has finally come through - do I go ahead or do I cancel? Mr S thinks I should go ahead...really, I need to make my mind up by Tuesday as I would like the surgery to have time to offer the appointment to someone else on the waiting list. Zigzag - any news on your progress in the 'horrible knee' department? Hope to catch up with younger son and family tomorrow. Happy Easter all x
  19. We are having a little Easter Egg hunt in the garden tomorrow for our two youngest grandchildren - we have to do this 'early' as they are away for Easter...I wasn't sure if my granddaughter aged 7 still bought into the Easter bunny - so I said a couple of weeks ago "I wonder if the Easter Bunny will be leaving any eggs here for you" her answer was "he usually writes to us, but we haven't heard from him yet" Quick letter writing from nana a.k.a. the Easter Bunny! 😂
  20. Good morning 'tis Friday Last day of term too? Have a lovely weekend all x
  21. No you didn't tell us that! Whoop! So pleased for you and your family, make sure you let us know when the baby has arrived x
  22. That's so lovely Agreed grandchildren are the best invention ever! We have our two littlest ones tomorrow for a few hours - can't wait!
  23. I am just about to go against all of my physio's advice and spend some time tidying my garden - shhh don't tell him 🙃
  24. Ooh - they really are - he will be delighted with those... Are they extra roomy inside? 🤣
  25. Morning - 'tis Friday! Hope everyone is okay and suitably rested thanks to the 'sleeping foot butter' 😂 Have a lovely weekend x
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