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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Oh crikey - the 20th that's still 9 days away My knee is 'changeable' - awful yesterday just so painful, but today it's not too bad at all, I am not holding my breath though because I've been here before...
  2. Good morning all - 'tis Friday - and half-term for those who get a break now - this one marks halfway through the school year - unbelievable really! Mr S celebrated a significant birthday this week - we had a lovely family get together for this - happy days Lovely views there louby Zigzag - have you had your x-ray results? Have a lovely weekend x
  3. That's really interesting Cait and having seen a photo of you taken at your daughter's wedding I can testify that you are looking fabulous
  4. Thanks lovely zigzag - I am fine, I was wearing a good thick coat (thank goodness she didn't go for my face, that would have been a different story) and I had shelving behind me which although I felt 'trapped' prevented her from knocking me over, so honestly could have been so much worse Hope that you get your xray results in a timely way. If I could give you a tiny bit of advice, it would be to have lots of answers ready for any physio that you get to see (if that's the route for you) I know that I didn't help get my diagnosis by not being able to pinpoint where the pain was precisely, I was much more prepared on my second appointment Weight - ahem - yes, I can identify with that, I really need to shift some too Hope that your meeting with the 'in laws' went well
  5. Granddogs have arrived - their 'parents' are off to London for the day to celebrate DIL's birthday which is tomorrow - I said to my DIL "shall I give you your birthday present now, but you mustn't open it until tomorrow" "Oh yes please, no I won't open it" About five minutes later my son sent me a photo...she was opening her present 🤣🤣🤣
  6. Oh my word Panders that sounds absolutely awful ☹️
  7. Thanks Cait and louby - the only way is up! Had a very unfortunate experience earlier this week...I was standing in our pharmacy, minding my own business, but was very aware of a young woman with severe special needs, she was accompanied by two carers, she was making some quite alarming noises, but as I said I was minding my own business and not looking at her, suddenly she launched herself at me, scratching at my arms and body, her carers were not as quick as her...I am unhurt, but what a bloomin' shock, when the carers managed to get her off me I completely forgot about my poorly knee as I quickly made my way around the pharmacy and positioned myself behind a guy who was built like a brick outhouse! Her carers were really apologetic, but my word, they need to speed up their reactions methinks... In other, and much better news - have two 'granddogs' for the day tomorrow - whoop!
  8. Good morning - 'tis Friday! How is everyone? I now have a whole new diagnosis for my knee - this makes so much more sense - I couldn't see that it was a 'torn meniscus' as it didn't happen suddenly, rather it started at the beginning of December and gradually got worse...new diagnosis is pes anserinus - so just different exercises and rest and time to heal, I am grateful to the physio for his comment "this is going to be a long job", that sounds a bit odd but it stops all the 'oh it might be better today' thoughts - anyway, it's really nothing in the grand scheme of things, lots of people would pay to have my problems... Hope the weekend is kind to all x
  9. Crikey - I hope not - no mention of any operation for me at this time... Your knee sounds so painful - I so hope that you get some proper help very soon - I know that you have your xray next week x
  10. Thanks for your kind thoughts louby Oh no - poor little girl How is your daughter now?
  11. Hello 'tis Friday again - how is everyone doing? Lots of news here! I had my knee appointment on Monday - it would seem that I have a 'torn meniscus' (cartilage) - I am doing my exercises religiously and following orders about 'staying off it' as much as possible - I think it's improving - back for another appointment next Monday That's not the 'big' news though... Mr S has been given the go ahead for lung reduction surgery - phew - such a long wait, but obviously we understand that everyone is waiting too - he has to complete eight weeks of 'rehabilitation' (physio) beforehand to give him the best chance of a successful outcome, and, of course, keep himself well in the meantime... Hope that the weekend is kind to all x
  12. Ah that will be it 🤣
  13. Have had my blood test result and am breathing a big sigh of relief...when I went for the repeated kidney function, I asked the lovely nurse what it was all about - she looked at the screen and said "I can't really tell you except that I can see your (something) level was 29 and it should be between 1 and 20" - that felt a bit worrying, but anyway the great news is that it was all normal this time - whoop!
  14. Oh no so sorry that your daughter has Covid - as Panders asked has she contacted her midwife? I really hope that you don't succumb - I will keep everything crossed for you Yay to the bus pass and pension - I haven't applied for a bus pass - should do that really, our bus service is dire here though...
  15. Arrrgh parking tickets are painful Hope you had a lovely catch up
  16. Good morning all - 'tis Friday Trying really hard to find something positive to say...er, um, er...🙃 Oh I know - the sun is shining - yay! Knee continues to give me grief, had my follow up blood test for kidney function on Wednesday so should get news on that soon, muscular skeletal appointment on Monday... How is your knee zigzag? Hope that the weekend is kind to all x
  17. Hello I have been retired for just over a year now so not sure if I am the best person to advice - however, I would contact your LA as a starting point - wishing you luck with this venture
  18. Whoa young Froglet you have had a big week - no wonder you need to rest your eyes 🤣
  19. Oh louby douby - a new grandson in the near future - I am green with envy - do hope that our daughter has a 'good' delivery! I recognise what you are saying about staying on at preschool until your granddaughter leaves - I was in the same position with my youngest grandson - I felt that I was letting him down - but, you know what, he was just fine!
  20. Well done lovely zigzag - it is indeed Friday again! So pleased that you now have an xray in the offing... I also try my hardest to avoid anything 'medical' but constant pain and no real answer is just no good at all - I am speaking for both of us here! My appointment with the physio/muscular skeletal team has been postponed (no real surprise there) it will hopefully happen on Monday 23rd - I really hope that they offer a scan, I'm not really happy with the vague "it's not osteoarthritis so possibly you have torn something". I made a huge mistake on Wednesday, I decided that I would walk to my hairdresser appointment it is something like a mile round trip and I was sure that wouldn't do any 'damage' - how wrong was I, knee was absolute agony yesterday, all my own fault I had been told to "keep off it"...anyway, it is a bit easier today and I plan a very restful day Knit and Natter continues to be great fun, I am so pleased that I bit the bullet and set it up. Had a chat with the lovely lady that took my pre-school on when I retired - so sad to hear from her about all of the settings that are closing due to the poor funding levels, obviously made far worse by the cost of living crisis. Onwards and upwards - hope that the weekend is kind to all x
  21. Ooops sorry I must learn to read! 🙃 I thought you were off to get some sun!
  22. Mexico - how lovely - enjoy my lovely black and white furry friend!
  23. I know - I am not going to think about it 🤦‍♀️🤣 My lovely DIL is driving her up (train strikes), she is also taking some of her friends from down here - no idea how they will get home again...
  24. We had such a lovely time celebrating our granddaughters 21st birthday - it's so good that both sides of the family get on really well, I was thinking that there were 4 generations present - eldest 94, youngest just 2... She has gone back up to her Uni town today to celebrate with her friends!
  25. Oh zigzag you poor thing - such a long time with no diagnosis... I am longing for spring/summer too
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