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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Thank you - have just had a look and have followed you!
  2. Hi Stephen 'can you remember whether it felt like the scales were appropriate for all learners'? It may surprise you to hear that my answer is yes when used as a tool for observation - but not necessarily to report to parents I must try and find the Twitter discussion...
  3. Good morning 'tis Friday! Another BH and half-term for those who get them - enjoy... How is everyone? Nothing exciting to report here - just happy with the better weather which helps with the 'gentle pottering' that I enjoy so much Hope that the weekend is kind to all x P.S. How brilliant was that woman that 'watered' the protesters at Chelsea yesterday! 😂
  4. Hi Stephen Happily retired now - but yes, I used the Leuven Scales in my setting - we had some super training in Kent around this, I seem to think it was called 'A Boxful of Feelings'
  5. Eh? What? Are you telling me it's not 🤣
  6. How brilliant - have a wonderful time!
  7. Weather is just beautiful again here - line full of washing (I am so sad that's important to me 🙃), I have planted out 27 plants, geraniums, salvias, petunias and sunflowers, have chatted with neighbours (also important to me), house is 'acceptable', so I think my next step is to sit in the sun and read...
  8. Oh that's not good...everything crossed here too xxx
  9. Sending lots of loving support to both of you xxx
  10. Good morning - 'tis Friday! How is everyone getting on? I am enjoying the change in the weather - how lovely to see the sun long may it last - not too much to ask for now that we are halfway through May... Looked after our two youngest grandchildren for a few hours after school - very 'interesting' conversation with granddaughter, after checking with my DIL it would seem that her class (Year 3) have had some sort of Sex Ed...good to know, thanks for warning me 🤦‍♀️🤣 Knitting group was such fun yesterday - we are now making 'lap blankets' for inclusion in the 'seasonal' hampers that our Parish Council clerk makes up for our very oldest village residents. Might pop out later - need to buy eleventy-billion cards for all of the June birthdays... No real plans for the weekend will just take it as it comes - have a good one y'all x
  11. Nope - I am the crochet edger 🙃
  12. They are really lovely Cait! I broke the news to my little group this morning re the lap blankets for our own 'seniors' - phew - they were all really enthusiastic - so that's great! The member that takes on all the 'sewing up' wasn't there today, so lets hope she is keen too - I'm sure she will be...
  13. Shhhhhh I'm knitting 🤣🤣🤣
  14. Oooh - I am proper excited! 🤣 Our, very lovely Parish Council Clerk makes up (oh crikey - hmmm) seasonal hampers for the village seniors - I asked her if she would like Knit and Natter group to make some lap blankets for the hampers - she thinks this is a great idea and commented that the 'old folk' will be especially pleased if they are made by 'local hands' - will share this news with my little group on Thursday I know they will be enthusiastic (well, they had better be, or I will have some serious blanket making to do 🤣)
  15. Well done on the gardening zigzag! How is your knee? I had an absolutely horrible day yesterday - I won't go into detail - but it's behind me now - so all good! Today - the sun is shining and I have been very busy in the garden - just popped back in for lunch - going back out now!
  16. Ouch young Froglet
  17. Here we are again 'tis Friday! Hope that everyone has a good weekend x
  18. Biros - absolutely - only good thing about training in days gone by - I would routinely hoover up all of the pens that were supplied! 🤣
  19. Oh I don't know about that - that particular outfit is a thing of beauty and I am concerned that louby would fall in love with it and I would never get it back...
  20. Happy birthday lovely lady x
  21. Oh no! Obviously not a 'des res' 😂
  22. Bother - turned my back for five minutes and missed out on scones...
  23. What is all this faffing about - I was ready and waiting for the Coronation concert at 8pm - come on now!
  24. Thank goodness for Mr zigzag! I agree Penny Mordaunt did a superb job. How are you feeling now? I must busy myself today having spent so much time on the sofa watching proceedings yesterday...
  25. Agreed Cait - must have been many people saying phew! Didn't it go well! I loved seeing George with an active role, Charlotte is a beautiful little girl and Louis is super too - I did have a little laugh when I noticed that he had been 'whisked away' Harry - oh I don't know, I agree with your comment 'what a sad figure he cuts' - but can't help but feel that he has heaped a whole load of hurt on his family... I was so interested in film shown earlier this week of people working on the embroidery - can't be easy to work at such a strange 'angle' Other than that you work too hard young Froglet - I hope that you do take time to do those things that you enjoy over the weekend
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