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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Oh socks - that's ambitious - my dear old mum used to knit socks (amongst other things) I seem to recall much muttering about 'turning the heel'🤣 in photos my 'boys' were always dressed in identical jumpers courtesy of granny's knitting - they say things like "what were you thinking of mum" - well I thought they looked just lovely! Anyway - this is not what I am meant to be doing - back to the accounts now!
  2. I know - I think I might sleep in the garden 🤦‍♀️
  3. Our funding for the first half-term is based on the estimate - if I only entered the 'returnees' I would be a bit 'short' ☹️
  4. Good morning all - another Friday - right I need things to slow down a bit now as I am not really getting on with the old TDL...... We are forecast temperatures of up to 37 degrees in this part of the country - phew, I can't cope with that, although I am loathe to admit it, that is definitely an 'age thing', it used to be that it was never too hot for me Have been out for a walk and now I really am going to get on with the aforementioned TDL, I have a fan on it's highest setting and it feels fairly comfortable at the moment Hope the weekend is kind to all
  5. Oh zigzag - I have often been tempted to buy a steam cleaner - this could be just the excuse I needed 😃
  6. I was really quite annoyed about that - mainly because I like to be accurate and this early submission made that imposssible
  7. I honestly don't know what to make of all this - we had to submit our estimates before the end of the summer term - mine is going to be ridiculously 'wrong' - oh well, as long as I get paid the correct amount for children that are attending I will be happy enough
  8. Well I never - found what I needed without any problem - yay!
  9. It's all very quiet here now - she has just gone home - that was easily the best 24 hours that I have had in the last 5 months - she really is a dear little girl Right, I need to put my house back together and then try and find my way into the 'policies and procedures' section EYA - I struggle every year with this!
  10. Give her time louby! 🤣🤣 Mine is outside chalk drawing on my patio - lots of fun!
  11. Good news - hope that you feel even better tomorrow
  12. Youngest granddaughter is here today - oh my actual goodness I had forgotten how much she talks, non-stop since I picked her up this morning 😂 most of it starts with "nana shall we just....." or "nana I'm going to...…" Five minutes respite now as she is off 'making music' with grandad - yay! btw "nana it's amazing, I love making music" 🤣 Thought I would just pop on here to see if young Froglet had posted today as she wasn't feeling well ……. hmm no sign then
  13. sunnyday


    Never managed that 😂
  14. No, are you zigzag?
  15. Round of applause for fm please! 100% agreement with all of your points
  16. Feel better soon xxx
  17. Accounts - yes, really need to get mine sorted too
  18. I do have some really nice delivery drivers - had never met this one before, but think we are best friends now! 🤣
  19. Oh no, that's not good, feel better soon 😘 Since our last chat - I have Had a good natter with my delivery driver - what I don't know now about his weight loss plan is not worth knowing! Ironing - all done Dealt with some emails Had lunch That's about it!
  20. sunnyday


    Thanks Ben 😃
  21. Ouch - why are you 'full of aches' young Froglet? I like fm's tip re an hour of 'work' My day has started off really well - I have had my haircut - whoop, whoop - never underestimate the power of a haircut! 🤣 My lovely hairdresser works from home and she did it out in her garden - I washed it before I left home, walked through the village with wet hair (no standards at all me!) Waiting now for a Sainsbos delivery and then who knows what I will do with the rest of my day - certainly won't be any pre-school stuff, just not in the mood for that at all, might make a start on sorting out our office/dumping ground - it is an absolute disgrace😬 Ditto my 'under the sink' cupboard' perhaps I will tackle that first - choices, choices..... Weather is lovely here, warm but not too hot, a gentle breeze blowing, so might do a bit in the garden too (a bit of reading probably)! Have you been on your shopping trip for books yet? Fairy cakes - yum!
  22. Yes, very much so fm. Think we will have to use on arrival but will then move on to handwashing only
  23. sunnyday


    Thanks Deb I usually make my play-dough using the microwave method - I am certainly not doing that on a daily basis! 🤦‍♀️I think I need a tried and tested 'no cook' recipe As for pens, pencils etc - I had (so far) planned to offer as usual and then clean at end of session - is that a terrible idea?
  24. That is enormously helpful thank you Stargrower
  25. sunnyday


    Which playdough recipe are you using fm?
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