Ouch - why are you 'full of aches' young Froglet?
I like fm's tip re an hour of 'work'
My day has started off really well - I have had my haircut - whoop, whoop - never underestimate the power of a haircut! 🤣 My lovely hairdresser works from home and she did it out in her garden - I washed it before I left home, walked through the village with wet hair (no standards at all me!)
Waiting now for a Sainsbos delivery and then who knows what I will do with the rest of my day - certainly won't be any pre-school stuff, just not in the mood for that at all, might make a start on sorting out our office/dumping ground - it is an absolute disgrace😬 Ditto my 'under the sink' cupboard' perhaps I will tackle that first - choices, choices.....
Weather is lovely here, warm but not too hot, a gentle breeze blowing, so might do a bit in the garden too (a bit of reading probably)!
Have you been on your shopping trip for books yet?
Fairy cakes - yum!