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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Guess who is working on the old TDL on a Sunday 🤦‍♀️🤣 I am never going to 'settle' until I get all the 'parent involving' bits completed It is all such a new way of working because we didn't reopen last term I will have to 'brave' the Post Office tomorrow as I need to post 'Registration packs' - I usually give these to parents when they visit during the summer term 😷 that's me in my mask 🤣 I have already posted Parental Declaration forms, I included stamped self addressed envelopes for return - what could I have done to make it easier - still not all back with me 😡
  2. This is definitely going to happen 🤦‍♀️ I am going ahead with planning to the latest guidance - I simply cannot have this hanging over my head all summer - I will have to do a quick 'update' doc if necessary
  3. This is a copy and paste job from info that I am sending parents Parents/visitors: Guidance states ‘Parents and carers should not be allowed into the setting unless this is essential, children should be dropped off and collected at door if possible’ This should be workable with our returning children, however, parents of ‘new’ children, will, of course, be permitted to enter the setting in order to settle their children in. In the interests of safety we will expect parents of new children to stand by the open fire exit and not interact with other children please and to minimise the amount of time spent in the setting. Guidance states ‘Wherever possible, settings are encouraged to avoid visitors entering their premises’
  4. Missed that this year - it all feels really odd
  5. I don't think that calling her 'smelly bags' is nice at all
  6. Just been reading up about lavender - apparently you must not cut back at all in it's first year
  7. Oh - please share if you get any good info from the 'Big Convo' I completely recognise the 'constant whir' - I know that I need to get my thoughts down on paper and organise my Risk Assessment (instead of just constantly thinking about it) Compost is definitely the way to go! Lavender - I do have lots - but I'm no expert - I do know that you shouldn't cut back as far as the 'woody' parts..... I came back with a book recommendation 'The Last days of Rabbit Hayes' Anna McPartlin
  8. 'ere we go again - another Friday! Pretty good week here Just as I was beginning to feel more confident about this whole situation I have had a text message from staff member this morning (also dear friend) her husband is not well, high temperature, dodgy tum and chest pain (he thinks muscular), she rang 111 expecting them to say 'get a test', but in fact they sent an ambulance, upshot is that he was checked over, his blood pressure kept dipping too low.....whole family to be tested this morning (drive thru), obviously I have everything crossed for them. Hope that all my Friday Friends are well, wishing you all a good weekend x
  9. Hi anju I wish we knew if there will be new guidance, I am loathe to put too much time into planning for September until we know where we are. Well that was a less than helpful reply 🤦‍♀️ sorry
  10. What makes you think that I have even written my TDL louby! 🤣 Funny old summer this - we will not be going away at all. Shielding will be 'paused' for Mr S 1st August, I asked him yesterday if he thought we would be venturing out and he thinks yes we will - yay! Mentioned this to eldest son today and his face was a picture 🤦‍♀️ I understand that he is worried about his dad, but this is not 'living', if he is feeling that we can get out and about albeit cautiously then I am certainly up for it. The word 'paused' indicates to me that shielding is likely to be re-introduced at some point. I am also hoping that those who have already opened will share some pointers with us
  11. Good to read this fm - one of my staff members is keen on taking temps as children enter - this is so not happening! 🤣
  12. It really was, as you know I haven't been 'out and about' so it was especially lovely to see her(once I had stopped her from hugging me 🤦‍♀️)
  13. No change there then 🤣 I have been up to our Post Office to post some letters (didn't go in at all) - out came my youngest son's ex girlfriend (from 20 odd years ago), she is such a lovely person and a huge 'hugger' - I found myself saying "no, stop, no hugs, keep away from me" - luckily she thought that was really funny and we whiled away an hour, chatting from a safe distance!
  14. It is indeed another Friday! My last day of term today - well it would have been if I had gone back! Time to think about the summer TDL 😮 with all sorts of additions for a safe return in September Happy weekend y'all
  15. I take it you have seen this Deb? https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-early-years-and-childcare-closures/coronavirus-covid-19-early-years-and-childcare-closures
  16. 🤣 I'm not sure how helpful they were really!
  17. My thinking is that now 'everything' is opening up the whole 'bubble' thing doesn't work anymore, if children are back to swimming, cubs, brownies or whatever extra-curricular activities they attend there are so many extra contacts Thinking of one of my families: 4 children - one at secondary school, two at primary and one will be starting with me, mum is a secondary school teacher and dad is an estate agent - the amount of contacts there is mind-boggling - the idea that I could say 'no she can't come to me and her childminder' is just not tenable really I am pretty sure that we will get new guidance before much longer as things seem to be moving so fast (too fast) now
  18. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-early-years-and-childcare-closures/coronavirus-covid-19-early-years-and-childcare-closures Bottom of page 10 'Parents and carers should be encouraged to limit the number of settings their child attends, ideally ensuring their child only attends the same setting consistently. This should also be the same for staff' My interpretation is that it is a 'should', not a 'must'. I don't want to do anything that makes life even more problematic for my parents
  19. Off to google 'Persian jewel' Crochet? If so very pretty Note to self:do not go back and look at pictures of Persian cats
  20. No problem and on my way back down to Kent I can call in to Louby and get her composting started 🤣 - oh in a compost BIN of course 🤣
  21. Oh right, well when I pop up for breakfast I will remember to put a big sticker on your bin 🤣
  22. Bins, bins, bins, bins, BINS 🤣 Right, now I need to do something constructive (oh I know, I could clean my BINS!)
  23. Yep - I've been stickered 'do not put food waste in this bin' - what, I did no such thing 😡- turned out as Mousie said it was a general sticker job(good job that I realised that before ringing the council full of indignation) 🤣
  24. Can I come for breakfast please, pretty please....
  25. Happy weekend all 🙂
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