Wish it was cooler here young Froglet - we had rain all night, but still just horribly hot and humid this morning.
Mr S left the car windows down - I had a complete sense of humour bypass about that
'Results' only not results day for eldest granddaughter today, just had message from her 'grades were not good, but neither were anyone else's, decided to apply for Leicester because that's where I looked round and I really liked it and I got in' (She had been offered Leeds too)
I am pleased for her obviously, but at the same time I am so fed up with this Government and the whiny voiced Gavin Williamson, why downgrade their predicted grades, totally unfair, they did not ask to be in this situation 😡 Government should have 'cut them some slack'
She hasn't told me what her grades were, I am not going to ask her, she was predicted ABB - clearly that's not what she was awarded
Anyway, just need to concentrate on the great news that she is off to Leicester, same Uni town, but different Uni as eldest grandson which is great - not sure what the position is Lockdown wise for Leicester currently - dear goodness I had momentarily forgotten about that 🤦♀️