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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. I recovered my 'oomph' and have actually been quite busy - most of my 'busyness' has revolved around the granddogs! Mainly clearing up after them! 🤦‍♀️ Emails answered Had a lovely gossip with our postie - she knows everything!🤣 Sainsbos has delivered my shopping - all put away - excellent! Washing through and out on the line. Lots of deadheading completed Polytunnel tomatoes watered... Must be lunchtime now!
  2. Oops - missed this - sorry fm - no idea my lovely - long retired - hopefully someone can help
  3. Oh my life Mousie - you poor thing - 'deleting the woolly' I remember that so well - sure there were times when I just thought 'why didn't I just write them all myself in the first place' 🤦‍♀️ Added to that was the thought 'is anyone actually going to read and act upon these'...
  4. Okay - hands up - who has got my 'oomph'? It's 10:30 and virtually nothing done 🤦‍♀️
  5. Oh goodness zigzag, that is so very sad, poor little love and poor family 💔 what a shock for you too
  6. Good morning - 'tis Friday Reading the above posts reminds me how precious weekends are when working... Nothing exciting to report from here - the two granddogs continue to be an absolute joy - we were due to have an extra one for the weekend but she is now going to her maternal granny - probably the best idea, think/know it would have been chaos with her added into the mix 😂 Lots of rain yesterday great for the garden - chilly too, I was in jeans, cardi, socks - our weather is certainly interesting! Hoping for a good and restful weekend for all x
  7. Right young Froglet - here are my recommendations for you! The Light Between Oceans - ML Stedman Thursdays in the park - Hilary Boyd The keeper of Lost Things - Ruth Hogan The little Girl in the Radiator - Martin Slevin Still Alice - Lisa Genara A Slight Change of Plan - Dee Ernst The Black Dress - Deborah Maggoch The Cuckoo Sister - Alisson Stockha The Midnight Library - Matt Haig Elizabeth is Missing - Emma Healey
  8. 'their child didn't like the timer' - give me strength 🤦‍♀️
  9. Blimey - all sounds like a flippin' nightmare to me That's not any help at all - sorry - just sending some empathy
  10. I think Elton's set gave me one of those 'I won't forget this' moments - sitting comfortably with my sofa seat reclined, Mr S pretending to be engrossed in a film on his ipad (he had said earlier that he wasn't much interested) - he was watching/listening and enjoying 🤣 the sun was setting on a very hot day and the two granddogs were sharing a space (quietly) right next to me...the only thing that I just can't understand is - why did he not ask me to sing 'Don't Go Breaking my Heart' with him? 🤷‍♀️ All family know that 'Don't Let the Sun go Down' is my 'funeral song' - I want the Elton and George Michael version - however it is very long so it might have to be at the end for people to leave to...(I do like to plan ahead!) Lewis Capaldi - I was in tears - incredible young man and the crowd were amazing - how must it feel to have 100,000 people singing your words when you just can't anymore ❤️❤️❤️
  11. Looks lovely Cait Cooler but still lovely here this morning - phew! Did anyone watch Elton last night - wow! Lewis Capaldi 💔
  12. Good!
  13. No regrets young Froglet x
  14. 😂 No - they do have one at home - I don't want a wet Golden retriever thank you! 🤦‍♀️ They have plenty of 'shady areas' to get into and doors open for them to come inside whenever they want - all good, just not the weather for rushing about!
  15. Oh my actual goodness - it is hot, hot, hot here! Ridiculous dogs have just been having a 'loon' around the garden - "stop, it's far too hot for that" - just fell on deaf dog ears 🤦‍♀️
  16. It is such a relief - she has been so resistant - I feel so sorry for her it must be complete rubbish to have to accept help and I know that I have to tread very gently so I have just (semi) sorted the kitchen and downstairs loo today - will have another go sometime soon
  17. 😇 No idea - some people just have to lower the tone...
  18. Morning - 'tis Friday Granddogs are arriving today - I am a 'soft touch' - apparently if they come today it would be one less thing to do tomorrow! 🙃😂 Before that I am off to spend some time cleaning for my lovely mum-in-law - she has finally recognised that she needs a little help - she is 92 so about time ❤️ Weather is beautiful - long may it last... Hope everyone is okay and that the weekend is kind to all x
  19. Have we moved away from 'knickers' - who the heck started all that? 🤦‍♀️ Here is the 'one' - rationing ended the year that I was born!
  20. Do you save wool for 'Sunday best'? 🤷‍♀️😂
  21. I'm loving this thread and the memories (very distant memories🤣) that it has stirred... Did anyone else have to do Primary school P.E. in just knickers and vest? I knew that wasn't quite 'right' at the time - the boys got to wear shorts, can't understand the thinking behind that one at all... Anyway - how lucky am I that I can remember such detail at the age of 103 🙃
  22. I had a lovely surprise yesterday As you know, I often look after my granddogs - the last time I had two of them my DIL loaned me her Dyson cordless saying "this is so handy" - I was so impressed with it and commented that I had thought of buying one until researched them and that they are just too expensive for me... When we turned up for granddaughter's birthday bash yesterday evening youngest son said "can you open your boot mum" - yes my lovely boys had bought one for me as a 'thank you' for looking after their doggos - how very kind of them! I have two granddogs arriving this Saturday for a two week stay + one more the following Friday for the weekend - never had three of them together before - it will be chaos - hope it's happy chaos!
  23. ....and (I'm back) Blackboard rubbers whizzing past my ear - teachers threw such rubbers at disruptive children - obviously I was a good girl so I was never the intended target 😇 My younger brother and I disappearing off on our bikes for hours, only going home when were hungry... My younger brother and I stealing matches so that we could make bonfires (thank goodness these never got out of control) Aunties - who were not family at all - I had Auntie Fuff (Florence) and Auntie Nin (Lilian) - they were lovely Using a metal 'grinder' to grind up horseradish - loved that job even though it was so strong it made my eyes water...
  24. Good grief you are soooo young (do your mum and dad know that you are out?) 🤣🤣🤣
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