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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Good morning - 'tis Friday! Have we all settled down now? 🤦‍♀️😂 My beautiful youngest grandson turned 6 on Wednesday - how did that happen - lovely little family celebration for him on the day and then he has his party with friends after school today! Big week coming up for Mr S - Monday he goes up to London for some more tests and then next Friday he has a video call with the surgeon - please keep everything crossed for him. My poor sister is still in hospital in Brighton - she was hoping to be transferred to our local hospital but sadly there seems to be another infection - I am so worried for her it would be so cruel if after all her ops they have to amputate. Anyway that's enough about the poorly people - hope my Friday Friends are all good and that the weekend is kind to all x
  2. 'just woke' - I am so concerned for Sue that I didn't sleep! 🙃
  3. In a darkened room I hope 🤣
  4. Steady on Sue! 😂
  5. Hi fm He sounds very much like a little boy that I had the pleasure of working with a few years back - the only way that we could 'manage' him and help him was to assign one-to-one...I had to do so without any extra funding so that was far from ideal. Good luck - it was all very challenging - but I still see him from time to time and I am pleased to be able say that he is doing well - he needed one-to-one at primary school too - he has just left for secondary school (mainstream) and I don't know what the arrangements are there for him...
  6. Good morning - 'tis Friday! I'm still here - wasn't sure after my use of the C word yesterday! Mind you, it is November, sure we can say it now... I so enjoyed my 'grand day out' - it started off being an outing for our little Knit and Natter group but then it grew a bit to include friends and family which enabled us to book a coach - thank goodness we did as the trains weren't running early yesterday. Lots of festive shopping completed - yay! Super company and lovely to be out!!! So quiet outside today - no wind, no rain and a lovely blue sky - need to make the most of it and spend some time outdoors... Hope everyone is okay Wishing you all the best of weekends x
  7. I did - will I get banned - please don't tell Sue 🤣
  8. I have been up to London today! Every fibre of my being was saying "you shouldn't be doing this" But I felt the fear and did it anyway! What a brilliant day we had at Olympia 'Spirit of Christmas' Awful journey home (coach) as Operation Brock was in place on the M20 and the M4 was closed because of an accident...journey up was 2.5 hours and home 4.5
  9. Wow, wow and wow! They are lovely young Froglet
  10. I know - sorry about that louby x
  11. Good morning - 'tis Friday! Have a lovely weekend all x
  12. It is the 'big one' she is 103 today! 🤣
  13. Have a lovely day young Froglet xxx
  14. You deserve a morning off - enjoy! I also need to catch up with Bake Off and fully intend to do so later... Has anyone read 'Lessons in Chemistry'? - I have read some favourable reviews...I am currently sending a book each week (via Amazon) to my poor sister in hospital and I am fast running out of ideas
  15. Yep! that's it exactly!
  16. Interesting - I have completely lost my reading mojo - not sure why...
  17. Velcro strips to 'undo' if you see what I mean - hmm that's not a good explanation really
  18. A weighted blanket? Velcro strips? Bubble wrap? Do you have a school/class newsletter - could you put out a request for items? One of my 'fiddlers' loved an old fashioned spinning top ... We need fm on the case - bet she would have loads of ideas Will keep thinking!
  19. Thank you both x These birthdays come round far too fast🤣 I had a lovely day - time well spent with friends and family❤️
  20. Good morning - tis Friday Happy half-term to those who get a break now! Hope everyone survived Storm Babet in one piece Have a lovely weekend x
  21. Oooh you are talking my language - love, love, love a list or three!
  22. This made me smile - talking to my youngest granddaughter about school dinner, she told me that the pudding choices were fruit or apple crumble and custard - "I had the apple crumble and custard without the apple crumble" 🤦‍♀️🤣
  23. I feel your pain louby and as you say why send her child if that's the way she feels
  24. Good morning - 'tis Friday! How is everyone - fast approaching half-term now! Update on my sister and thanks for asking/caring - she had an operation on Wednesday - long, long time in theatre they did all procedures in one go - she was not in a good place yesterday - tired, stressed and probably still full of anaesthetic - this morning she is far more positive and upbeat...proud of her for that Onwards and upwards! Hope that the weekend is kind to all x
  25. Have loved reading all your news my Friday friends! My poor sister, thanks for asking, it's all a bit of a disaster for her (that could be the understatement of the century) - in a nutshell her operated leg became so infected that she was moved to another hospital (Brighton) where an operation was carried out to open the wound and clean - but the situation was far worse than envisioned - tomorrow she faces another op to remove the knee replacement and then maybe Wednesday another op to insert a rod to 'fuse' her leg - this will leave her with a completely straight leg - horror of horrors the only alternative is amputation... It is all so unbelievably stressful for her. I have no idea if she will cope with this 'fused leg', she is 77 and full of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Bet you wish you had never asked! In other and better news - weather is incredible here today - hot, hot, hot - have been busy in my garden find this such a good distraction
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