Have loved reading all your news my Friday friends!
My poor sister, thanks for asking, it's all a bit of a disaster for her (that could be the understatement of the century) - in a nutshell her operated leg became so infected that she was moved to another hospital (Brighton) where an operation was carried out to open the wound and clean - but the situation was far worse than envisioned - tomorrow she faces another op to remove the knee replacement and then maybe Wednesday another op to insert a rod to 'fuse' her leg - this will leave her with a completely straight leg - horror of horrors the only alternative is amputation...
It is all so unbelievably stressful for her. I have no idea if she will cope with this 'fused leg', she is 77 and full of Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Bet you wish you had never asked!
In other and better news - weather is incredible here today - hot, hot, hot - have been busy in my garden find this such a good distraction