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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Yay!
  2. Good morning - 'tis Friday! Not just any old Friday - the Friday when young Froglet actually breaks up - yay! Mr S continues to be a very good patient and is making good and steady progress <touch wood> I am sure the outstanding nursing care is contributing to this 😇🤣 I can tell you that we 'count our blessings' daily. At our little knitting group this week we helped our Parish Council clerk to make up the Christmas hampers for our very oldest village residents - these contained lots of festive food treats and one each of our lap blankets which we had worked like Trojans to have ready in time - all looked lovely and I do enjoy seeing a plan come together. We hope and think that Mr S will be well enough for us to spend Christmas as planned - Christmas day with eldest son and family and Boxing Day with youngest son and family - even if we can stay for a shorter time than usual at each house it will still be lovely. 27th we will have eldest son's spaniel come to stay whilst they go to Euro Disney with our youngest grandchildren - Mr S has said he feels up to the planned granddog sitting - she is a real sweetie so that's all good. Goodness - that's a lot of waffle! How is everyone? Hope that the weekend and the festive period are kind to all x
  3. Nearly there young Froglet - sending you strength x
  4. Louby - you don't like Panto - oh yes you do! 🤣
  5. Oh, young Froglet it will be such a short break for you - that's not good
  6. Good morning - 'tis Friday! Last day of term for some? Our primary doesn't end term until 20th... Hope everyone has had a good week? Mr S is being an absolute model patient and I am doing my best on the nursing front 😇 I overheard him talking to a friend on phone he said "I am certainly being looked after well" - I was chuffed with that! 🤣 He is <touching wood> making steady progress. My sister has, at long last, been discharged from hospital - she has gone home - something we weren't sure could ever happen - she has employed a live-in carer and also has 'hospital at home' visit once a day to deal with IV anti-biotics. Hope the weekend is kind to all x
  7. Oh no, you poor thing, sending lots of get well wishes xxx
  8. Thanks fm - great idea! We made it through his first night home, although we were up and drinking tea at 1:30 🤦‍♀️ I have counted - he has (if you include inhalers and nebuliser fluids) 19 different drugs...
  9. Thanks my lovely Friday friends! Just one word, no two THE DRUGS - oh my actual goodness he has brought home so many drugs and your truly is responsible for dispensing - I need to get myself sorted with a list - some are one in the morning, others are twice per day, some three times a day, some four times a day, some are one at night... So good to have him home where he belongs ❤️
  10. Good morning - 'tis Friday! I can't believe what I have to tell you - Mr S is coming home today - phew - full recovery will take around 3 months but his surgeon has said this can happen at home...I am, of course, absolutely thrilled but at the same time a little apprehensive. He has come a long way in such a short time - including having his heart shocked back into rhythm on Wednesday - the thought of that frightened the life out of me - I thought it might be a step too far for his poor old body...but, of course, they know what they are doing and he was fine. Eldest son is driving up to collect him - he should be released around 1pm. So off now to dust of my nurses uniform 🤦‍♀️can you imagine that would put him straight back in hospital 🤣 I hope everyone is okay and that those still working are covered in glitter! Have the best of weekends x
  11. Oh louby - thank you that is so reassuring! A friend told me that when his dad was on morphine he kept saying "forget about mum, save the boat" - needless to say he wasn't a boat owner! I spoke to his nurse this morning and she reminded me that 'small progress is still progress' which is so true - at the time he was off having an echocardiogram...when he rang a bit later he said "I have to try and cut down on the morphine, I thought you were in the unit with me and I was talking to you, the young girl (for young girl please read radiographer) asked me who I was talking to"...
  12. Thank you that is so reassuring x
  13. louby - you do make me laugh - how are you finishing this Thursday?🤣 Thank you for all the good wishes for Mr S - he is not doing very well - but I just remind myself that it is very early days - I spoke to the nurse looking after him this morning and he was full of reassurance that he is heading in the right direction 🤞🤞🤞 it doesn't help at all that he is 'completely off his trolley' with the morphine - he keeps sending me crazy voice texts - so far today I have received - "put down, slam base" and "we need to MC" 🤦‍♀️ okay then! We have had a couple of fairly normal conversations too so not all bad... Snow has all gone now and replaced with rain, rain, and a bit more rain
  14. Good morning - 'tis Friday! How is everyone? Poor Mr S is in an awful lot of pain - this was expected and the hospital 'pain management team' are helping him so that is good...they had to halve his 'self-administered' pain relief oxycodone as that was having some nasty side effects and are topping him up with paracetamol and codeine - have to keep reminding ourselves that it is very early days yet and that it was major surgery this time - they have removed two thirds of his right lung, hoped for keyhole but ended up having to 'cut' - he is a determined old bugger so if anyone can get through this he will <obviously touching wood as I type that> We have to be a bit 'economical with the truth' for his poor mum, she is 92, we just keep it all very upbeat for her, I don't like 'fibbing' but want to protect her and try to prevent too much worry for her. My sister has finally been moved to our nearest hospital, which is good but sadly she is not on very good form at all, which is understandable, she is turning over all the things that she has lost in her mind, I don't really know how to help her but I try my best! Goodness - that's enough now of the 'poorly ones' Who has snow? We do! Hope the weekend is kind to all x
  15. Thanks Cait! x
  16. Just to say... Mr S is through the op and in recovery, will be moved to HDU shortly as expected, thank you so much for all of your good wishes x
  17. Ooh where are you going Louby? I forgot to say that I have two granddogs here for the weekend - choc lab and golden retriever - lovely boys ❤️
  18. Good morning - 'tis Friday! I have big news - Mr S is going into hospital on Tuesday and will be having his operation on Wednesday It is all becoming very real now... Hope everyone is okay and that the weekend is kind to all x
  19. Wonderful news ❤️
  20. What is it that he dislikes about going outside? Is it the clothing required, or weather conditions, or something else? You have my sympathy I know how difficult this must be for you and your team. Have you managed to secure any 'outside' help - I have no idea if that is still difficult - certainly was in my day...
  21. ...I'm back - but not with the good news that I was hoping to share about Mr S - still nothing 'set in stone' - more tests needed next week - he has to go up again on Wednesday... My current mantra 'it is what it is' Hope that everyone has had a good week and that the weekend is kind to all x
  22. Just popped in to say... Good morning - 'tis Friday! In the words of Arnie Whatsisname - I'll be back!
  23. That is very special x
  24. Just back from service at our village war memorial - nice to see a few more people attending this year - as ever, I find the act of remembrance so moving and even more so this year with such unrest in the world...
  25. Oooh - I would love to know how you get on with the air fryer
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