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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Thanks louby - I do have some which I have not been using - I am today - I have even sprayed in in my hair - I figure I can wash it out before going out tomorrow!
  2. So pleased that you survived the night young Froglet! 😂 I am feeling very sorry for myself this morning - our village is currently plagued with mosquitos - no idea why, same thing happened this time last year...the horrible little beasties just love me...already had a bite on each arm and yesterday morning whilst I was out and about I gained another one on my forehead (most attractive!) overnight I have been bitten on my left eyelid - for goodness sake - thanking all that is holy that I don't have to leave the house today - I look like I have done 10 rounds with Mike Tyson. Mr S is completely unscathed - obviously he is not at all tasty!
  3. Oh wow young Froglet - lots of fun - what a great thing to do ❤️ But 10 days - not so good 😧
  4. Oh yes, louby I can provide a darkened room and a nice cup of tea when you are ready to come out 😂 Oh and what sort of dog?
  5. Good morning - 'tis Friday Hope everyone is okay - end of term is in sight now! I seem to have had a very busy week, nothing wildly exciting but lots on. Looking forward to Sunday - we are going to watch youngest granddaughter's drama school production, then two sporting finals - tennis and football - yay! Have a lovely weekend all x
  6. I do have Sewing Bee recorded and will catch up with it at some point! Not sure why I like it as I can't sew for toffee 🤣
  7. Honestly if you can make socks you can make anything! Just back from youngest son's house where we have been watching the football - what a great night and what a great result!
  8. Me please - 'tis a thing of beauty!
  9. Lovely to see you on the thread x
  10. The world's gone mad 🙃🤣🤣
  11. Goodness me Sue - I can't believe that you have given that permission! Who told you anyway? 😇
  12. Oh louby - you are going to be in sooooo much trouble with Sue - you used that C word twice - stop it is July! Anyway, I won't tell her......... 'Sue, Sue, hey are you there? Guess what louby has done' 🤣
  13. Good morning - 'tis Friday! Hope everyone is okay - not too long now if you are 'term-time' only I'm so sorry for my lovely friends facing staffing issues 😧 Politics - I really try not to say too much about my political leanings on here - suffice to say - I am smiling today! Tennis - has been great - missed all the Andy Murray stuff yesterday so would like to catch up on that. Football - hmmm well we are still in - not much more to say about that really... Weather - oh my actual goodness - looking out on my garden (which was looking so pretty) getting absolutely battered by rain ☹️ Have a good weekend all x
  14. Oh crikey fm - if only I was closer, I could 'put in a couple of shifts' for you!
  15. I have been out of the loop for three years now (almost) but I cannot conceive of not preparing 'Transition reports' for primary schools and for parents - it just felt like finishing the 'job' properly!
  16. Our primary uses Tapestry for reception and then See-saw...
  17. Wow, wow and wow!
  18. Ouch Mousie, that sounds really difficult
  19. Good morning - 'tis Friday Louby so pleased to hear that your holiday went well. Cutting down to just two days from September sounds like a good compromise. Hope that everyone is okay? What a turnaround with the weather this week ☀️ very nice! Football - oh my word - we really don't deserve to be going through - I do hope that things improve 🤞 Have been enjoying the Tennis and looking forward to Wimbledon! Throw in Politics and Glastonbury and I'm a happy bunny! Hoping that the weekend is kind to all x
  20. After quietly muttering 'I could do with some relatives going missing' 😉 no, no idea fm
  21. Good morning - 'tis Friday Hope everyone is okay? I have had a fairly busy week, today is the first day with nothing 'extra' to do. The birthday celebrations were lovely - four generations present with ages ranging from 3 - 95 - that's pretty special in my books ❤️ The least said about the football the better 😧 Enjoying the tennis, although haven't had much time to watch so far. Sun is shining here - yay! Wishing the best of weekends to all x
  22. Oh louby - I am green with envy - I'm not much of a traveller really but goodness we could all do with some sun! Hope you 'girlies' have the best time x
  23. Meet you at Gatwick - I have a passport and Credit Card - what else do we need! 😂
  24. I have two youngest grandchildren here... They were looking through some old school books that they have brought home with them... Granddaughter (9) said "I missed so much of Year R) - I said "eh, did you, why" and she said "lockdown" - she went on to say that it makes her feel sad when she thinks about it adding "we couldn't even see you and granddad". Isn't that just too sad 😥
  25. Just had conversation with youngest son - he asked are you watching football on Sunday - I said well yes, of course - he said so are you coming here - lovely - I wondered why he hadn't mentioned it before - think he just took it for granted that big matches are watched at his place - so big whoop we will enjoy that! ⚽ (is that a football - who knows😂)
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