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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Well that made me laugh - I had been thinking 'why have I never tried making foccacia' - that is probably why! 🤣
  2. Oh young froglet that all sounds lovely especially the foccacia - yum! I am going great guns here - dogs have been walked, I have 'tidied' the garden (lots of deadheading and have cut back some shrubs that were taking over), I have two small joints in the oven 1 x beef and 1 x gammon these will be served cold over the next few days, next 'job' now is to make some potato salad and to go up to the polytunnel and see what salad stuff I can harvest...
  3. Good morning - 'tis Friday Another busy week for me. Have the two big granddogs here - choc lab and golden retriever, they will go home on Sunday only to return for just over two weeks next Friday (must research kennel fees 🐶😂) Looks like we are in for some very warm/hot weather over the next few days. My only plans today are dog walking and some garden tidying. Hope that everyone is okay and that the weekend is kind to all x
  4. Strictly 'decaf' for me - but hey since when did 3 coffees come to £10.80 🙃
  5. Our 'coffee' lasted 3 hours - all good though always lovely to catch up!
  6. Hiya louby No TDL for you - enjoy the break x I have had youngest two grandchildren for last two days...today I am having some 'me time' and meeting two friends for coffee...best I get showered and dressed then!
  7. Sending lots of love xxx
  8. Good morning - 'tis Friday Hope everyone is okay? Another busy week here. Granddog will go home sometime today and then to be honest I am looking forward to a quiet weekend (hope that is not famous last words!) Next week will be grandchildren at the start of week and then the other two granddogs will arrive on Thursday. Hope that the weekend is kind and filled with things that each of you enjoy x
  9. Oooh beautiful boy - enjoy x
  10. If I ever, ever say I am helping with an OAP tea party please shoot me!🤣 Shattered doesn't even come into it...
  11. Big fan of a granny square here too!
  12. 🤣 Something tells me Louby thought that the opening ceremony was a little different 🤣
  13. Oh my goodness - what a truly amazing lady she is. I will take her as my inspiration!
  14. That's sleep that you need - so enjoy! It's all very quiet here at the moment which is lovely - Mr S has gone off to cut his mum's grass - ride on mower so not too much effort for him, granddog is sleeping and for once, my neighbours are not making any noise (they're nice people, but my word they can be very noisy). I have cooked potatoes to make a potato salad and there is a very small joint of beef in the oven. I have to go out later to help set up village hall for an OAP afternoon tea tomorrow - I keep saying "but I'm an OAP how come I am helping and not a guest" 🤣
  15. Yay! Well done young Froglet! Your day, so far, sounds wonderful... When is your four legged friend arriving?
  16. Good morning - 'tis Friday Hope everyone is okay? Another busy week for me - all good though! Granddog is being a real sweetie. Sun is shining - what more could I ask for?! Have a lovely weekend all x
  17. You can do it! x
  18. Thank you young Froglet - I will not be talking to Mr S in a sing-song voice! 😲🤣 What are you having with your jacket spud? We have just finished a chicken/bacon pasta effort with salad - very nice. We are watching re-runs of 'Cornwall: A fishing Life' - don't think Mr S has yet realised that we have seen them before 🤷‍♀️ speaking of Cornwall we haven't heard from our lovely zigzag - I hope she is okay...
  19. My random thought for the day... Never, ever, ever in all the years that I worked with small children did I feel the need to adopt any sort of special 'silly' voice when speaking to them. So why do I do it with my granddogs? All sorts of "you are such a good girl", "who is my best girl", "what shall we do now then sweetie" - all in a pretty high pitched sing-songy voice 🤷‍♀️ Also why does Mr S keep asking "sorry, what" - he must know that I am not talking to him! 🤣
  20. Honestly, louby I can understand that! You really couldn't call this a 'choir' - I think that at some point on the first time I went along I found myself thinking 'oh there was/is a key change there' - but no one else seemed to notice 🤣 but it's such fun! When I first retired I was was very wary about joining too many things - I absolutely didn't want to fill every waking moment and I still don't - but so pleased that I got over myself enough to join this group!
  21. Oh Mousie - I'm so sorry - I so wish that I could come and help you xxx
  22. Good morning - 'tis Friday Is everyone (apart from young Froglet) finishing today? Oh and apologies to all year settings - I still hope that the summer is kind to you x Wow - it is proper scorchio here this morning - not complaining ☀️ I begin two weeks of granddog sitting today - our dear little Sprocker - expecting her to be 'delivered' to me anytime now ❤️ I seem to have had another busy week - again, I'm not complaining! I forgot to tell you that I have joined a 'ladies singing group' - it wouldn't be accurate to call it a 'choir' 😂 wish that I had done this ages ago - I come out of there with a smile on my face and a spring in my step - it's just fabulous! Have a lovely weekend all x
  23. Oh the absolute joy of new stationery - ahhh - memories...
  24. Oh lovely - well done louby - you made it through another school year! Do you want me to write a 'TDL' for you? 🤣
  25. Excellent idea! 🤣 Trouble is, before that I am going to watch youngest granddaughters drama club production - I'm sure there must be some sort of balaclava that I could use 😉 it doesn't look quite so bad now - it is sort of 'draining down' under my eye now - feels horrible though ☹️
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