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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Oops - sorry to have caused confusion 🤣
  2. Happy New Year x
  3. Wishing full and speedy recoveries for the poorly ones x
  4. louby beat me to it 🤣 I have only just realised that it is Friday 🤦‍♀️ As louby said - I do hope that all went well... We have had a lovely couple of days and have been thoroughly spoiled by our sons and daughters-in law. Now have our gorgeous little Sprocker granddog for a week - I do love the way she sees this as her second home and just settles instantly ❤️
  5. See you all on the other side 🤣
  6. Good morning - 'tis Friday Hope everyone is okay? Take care x
  7. Wow! Cait that is just beautiful
  8. <whispers very quietly> the sun has come out of hiding - whoop!
  9. Good morning - 'tis Friday (Cait got in first 🤣 but I have to say it, would feel unlucky not to) Cait - your Church cleaning team/rota seems a lot more organised than ours - we were down to just three of us when we carried out our 'Christmas clean' - never mind, we did a super job, so good to look back as we leave and see what we had accomplished... How is everyone - when do our working friends break up? This is the only time of year that I do miss not being at pre-school. Been a funny old week here - two funerals for friends - both on the same day - that was all very sad. Other than that I have been fairly busy but nothing more than my usual routine. Have youngest granddaughters end of term performance with her drama club on Sunday, Monday will be 'carols on the green' with her primary school choir so really looking forward to both of those events. Poor Mr S - he waited in all day on Wednesday for an 'oxygen risk assessment' thing - one of those 'anytime between 8am and 5pm' type arrangements - guess what 'someone' (hangs my head in shame) had the wrong day 🤦‍♀️ so he had to repeat the process yesterday... Still need to buy for both of my lovely daughters-in-law - I feel a Next online order/delivery coming on 😉 Wish we could have a little sunshine to replace this horrible 'grey' but at least it's not forecast to be blowing a hoolie for this weekend so I will settle for that! Take care all x
  10. Give me strength! 🤦‍♀️ How did it go?
  11. Famous last words - he has only just reached Paddington 🤦‍♀️ In his defence he has a very good reason for coming down this is following a family bereavement 💔
  12. I was convinced that our friend from Wales would not make the journey - Mr S has just had a text saying "train delays but should be in town about 2:30 - 3pm" 🤦‍♀️ he is not staying with us, Mr S is just the 'taxi driver'. Hope that everyone is okay x
  13. Hi Louby Wales - yes, good decision - by complete coincidence we have a friend supposedly coming down from Wales tomorrow, travelling by train with Mr S picking up from the station in our nearest town...I can't see that he is going to be able to do that, but we haven't heard anything from him yet, so we will see. Good luck with the tree decorating - I am still trying to decide whether we will even bother - I want to, but we are not here for Christmas and to further complicate things we have a granddog staying from 28th and her bed goes in the same place as the tree 😂 I know I could put her bed elsewhere but don't want to 'confuse' her 🤣 could be that I am over-thinking this! Would absolutely love to see 'Trekker' and anyone else joining in here - let's hope that happens.
  14. Good morning - 'tis Friday How is everyone? Hope louby is having a great time in Wales! Gezabel - I love your granddaughter's phonetic spelling - that's a great effort for a tricky word! Wreath making went well yesterday - kept it very small this year - just the regular knitting crew. Must write my Christmas cards today! Still lots of pressie buying to do too - I really have no excuse for being so disorganised. Take care all x
  15. Good morning - 'tis Friday How is everyone? Today marks the first anniversary of the day that Mr S had his major surgery - can't believe that really...it has been 'life-changing' for him - he will never be 'well' but I don't for one minute think that he would still be with us now if it hadn't been for that op - so for that I will be eternally grateful. Yesterday, at knitting one of the ladies brought in a 'knitting pattern book' published in 1938 and costing 7d - I love these tangible links with the past and spent an age looking through it - women back then must have had amazing eye sight - print was so small and not a lot in the way of spacing - I imagine that all women then would have needed to be able to knit and sew... We gave our Church it's 'Christmas clean' on Wednesday - not sure what happened to the cleaning 'team' - it was just three of us - all good though Church looks and smells lovely now...perhaps that should be 'it looks and smells divine' 😉 We haven't talked 'Strictly' this year - who is watching? I am firmly team 'Chris and Dianne' - I find it astonishing that she can teach him and that he can execute the dances. Louby - do you want to pop down for a spot of 'wreath making' on Thursday? Have you managed to find anywhere close to you to do that? Enough of my rambling... Take care all x
  16. ❤️
  17. Lovely to have you back where you belong ❤️
  18. Good morning - 'tis Friday (again) Another week has just 'whooshed' by - have been quite busy but nothing interesting enough to share here... How is everyone? My life - it's so cold - I am sure that I have never, ever mentioned before that I don't do cold 😉 Has anyone got/had snow? ❄️ We have Storm Bert to look forward to now - 'Bert' seems like such a nice gentle name - but guess I won't be thinking that over the weekend 🤣 Take care all x
  19. Phew! You are here louby - don't care which day - just glad that you are okay!
  20. Good morning - 'tis Friday How is everyone? Nothing at all exciting to mention today. Hope that those needing to find venues for vaccines have had some luck now. Take care all x
  21. Good morning - 'tis Friday How is everyone? I am off for the first of my Shingles vaccinations this morning - I am eligible now as I have recently turned thirty! 🤣 Youngest grandson's birthday today - he will be seven - no idea how that could be possible ❤️ Take care all x
  22. Time to retire?
  23. Good morning - 'tis Friday Wow - the week has just whooshed by. How is it November already?! I had such a nice day yesterday - Knitting group in the morning which was so well attended, then met up with a small group of friends in the afternoon and then I had lots of little ghosties, ghoulies, witches, wizards and one dragon knocking at my door in the evening ❤️ Take care all x
  24. Oooh - that's a bit super-duper young Froglet!
  25. Chaps - I have started a 'birthday thread' for young Froglet - check it out and leave her some birthday love!
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