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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Louby - I know! Your car story reminded me that on Monday I went to tax my car online - site said 'no MOT found' - my reaction was "of course it's got an MOT" - whoops it hadn't 😲 anyway all done now and legal again - I need to sign up for the MOT reminder thingy.
  2. Good morning - 'tis Friday How is everyone? I know that I am 'weather obsessed' but honestly - where the heck is summer? We have a busy time with birthdays in June - today my lovely MIL celebrates her 93rd birthday and next Wednesday middle granddaughter turns 18. Hope that the weekend is kind to all x
  3. Goodness young Froglet that's a real slog (slog not slug🤣) Birthday party was lovely!
  4. Good morning - 'tis Friday (I do realise that 12:50 is not actually morning but it would feel unlucky not to give my usual Friday greeting!) Hope everyone is okay and that for those still working the first week has gone well. Beautiful weather here at the moment - long may it last (it won't) We have our youngest granddaughters birthday to look forward to on Sunday - she will be 9 - hard to believe... Have a lovely weekend all x
  5. Just beautiful ❤️
  6. Everything crossed that the rain stops for you or that they can make the 'outdoor' activities into indoor ones or that they have a big marquee
  7. Good morning -'tis Friday! Waiting for my two littlest grandchildren to be delivered to me - wonder what we can find to do today - such a shame that the weather is so awful, tipping down here. Have a lovely weekend x
  8. I am so chuffed! Have said before that I think your granddaughter is my sort of girl!
  9. I think it's Thursday today louby! Have my two littlest grandchildren coming for the day today
  10. Sounds good to me young Froglet! 👍 Of course no one needs reports or planning 🤣 Oh and I do love a cardi
  11. Thank goodness for that x
  12. Oh bother! Have you got a plan to ensure some time for you?
  13. Yay! Is it a one or two week break for you?
  14. I enjoyed a very entertaining hour or so with one of my lovely daughters-in-law this morning - I had asked her to help me with an online passport renewal - the idea was that she would take a photo - honestly, about 25 photos in we finally got one that was accepted 🤦‍♀️🤣
  15. That is absolutely b***dy awful - I am cross and frustrated on your behalf - what don't they understand about 'urgent'
  16. Good morning - 'tis Friday! Hope everyone is okay? Happy half-term - wow just one more term to go - amazing... Still haven't got a confirmed figure for last weekend's fundraising - but it's going to be an impressive amount - go us! We are off to a big Garden Show on Monday - hope the weather is kind to us. Have a lovely weekend all x
  17. ...and I'm done - what a fabulous weekend - I am sure that we have made lots of money - yay! I have so enjoyed chatting with our customers, including a pretty bizarre conversation with an elderly lady who has moved away from the village but was back visiting her daughter and granddaughters - we did all the usual "lovely to see you, you look well" and then the following: Her: I was looking through some old photos and came across one of you Me: Oh good heavens, destroy it immediately! 🤣 Her: I will not, it is a lovely photo of you. Me: Hmmm, thank you, when was it taken? Her: When we all went to visit the war graves. Me: Oh, it can't be me, I didn't go on that trip. Her: It is you and it was definitely the war graves visit. Me: But... Then I thought I would just give in 🤦‍♀️🤣 although I am quite fascinated by this - can't be me on that trip, I really wasn't there! 🤣
  18. One day down and one to go - we were super busy so hopefully lots of monies raised - my feet are killing me but aside from that it was a fun day - Mr S has just volunteered to get fish and chips for tea - excellent idea!
  19. Good morning - 'tis Friday How is everyone? Send me some strength and good weather vibes for the weekend please - big two day fundraiser for Cancer research - I will be there in my pinny serving coffee and cakes! Hope the weekend is kind to all x
  20. Thinking of you both and sending much love your way xxx
  21. Good morning - 'tis Friday Not just any old Friday - today is Cait's birthday - happy birthday lovely lady xxx Hope that everyone is okay? Enjoying some lovely weather here! Have a lovely weekend x
  22. Oh my life 😲
  23. We have the most beautiful ancient woodland here in our little village - the bluebells are spectacular. In other news - we were treated by youngest son to a pub lunch today!
  24. How very rude
  25. Oh zigzag - what an enormous relief for you xxx
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