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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Good morning - 'tis Friday How is everyone? I have had a fairly busy week - nothing exciting just routine stuff - we are both off for eye tests this afternoon - might prove expensive we will see! Beautiful blue sky this morning which is lovely after a rather wet and chilly week... Hope that the weekend is kind to all x
  2. Pleased that you had a good evening young Froglet
  3. Great idea - yes please! I looked back in my diary and we were having a heatwave this time last year - with 9th September being the hottest day of the year! Needing lights on indoors - ridiculous...
  4. Good morning - 'tis Friday How is everyone? For those still working how was your first week back? Nothing exciting happening here - that's not a complaint - I am all for a quiet life! Weather has gone really pear shaped in my corner of the country - we have rain, rain and then a bit more rain... Hope that the weekend is kind to all x
  5. Lovely - thank you so much for sharing x
  6. 🤣🤣🤣 and one from Mr S too 🤣 he really liked that!
  7. Good morning - 'tis Friday! How is everyone? Another busy week here but all good. Granddogs will go home tomorrow - I will miss them - they really are such beautiful boys ❤️ Can't believe that we are at the end of August 😧 my sister said to me this week "don't you just love seeing all the farm machinery on the roads, knowing that the harvest is underway" - hmmm now let me think "no I flippin' don't it just signals to me that summer is coming to an end" ... I know that autumn is/can be lovely but I just want more summer 😂 Have a lovely weekend and for those heading back to work next week I hope the new school year gets off to a good start x
  8. Yes please x
  9. Thank you young Froglet - as far as I know she only has email addresses for me and her mum's mum - I do hope so 🤣
  10. I have a little story for you... I told you previously that my youngest granddaughter (9) now has her own email - it has been lovely - we have little chats and she sends lots of photos and memes to me. Today began with an email from her saying "I fell down the stairs, my wrist is swollen, do you think I broke it or not, it really hurts" quickly followed by two photos of said wrist... I immediately rang my son (her daddy) they had no idea that she had emailed me looking for a second opinion! What a little monkey she is! He assures me that she is 'fine' and that yes she did fall down the stairs but it was yesterday evening and that she slept well and is using it normally. He said "she'll be emailing you next to complain that we are not feeding her" 🤣🤣🤣
  11. Oooh zigzag - a new kitchen - I am green with envy - how lovely and it will be worth all the upheaval and mess but I so understand what you mean I wouldn't cope well with that either!
  12. Oh Cait - they look absolutely scrumptious
  13. Good morning - 'tis Friday! Hope everyone is okay? Wet and windy here but I don't think that we are in line for the worst of 'Storm Lilian' - grateful for that... We are off to watch our youngest granddaughter's performance this afternoon - she has been at her drama school for the whole week - think we are in for some 'Wizard of Oz' and some 'Wicked' really looking forward to that. Hope that the long weekend is kind to all x
  14. I did wonder if that was the case. If it is then I'm so sorry that this has happened to you. A discussion with your manager is needed.
  15. I can't help you with that simply because as a manager I would not have gone along with the parents request...
  16. I can understand that - I know that I had many '**d it' moments!
  17. Hello Lucka92 and a very warm welcome to the FSF from me. I am retired now and this is not something that I ever had to consider - but for what it's worth - that suggestion is discriminatory with or without the Equality Act... I hope that someone far more helpful comes along soon.
  18. I thought i would share a little story with you - I was reminded of this as we were in a Garden Centre this morning... Anyway - some years back Mr S were in another garden centre, I wanted to buy some cyclamen, Mr S (who is usually very quietly spoken) called out from another aisle "was it Clamidia you wanted love" 🤦‍♀️ hmm no "cyclamen, it's cyclamen" 🤣
  19. D'you think we could still gain access to our PLA stuff - actually no scrub that - we had enough trouble when we were still working 🙃
  20. I only had one of those too - still makes me very cross now
  21. Ooh louby - that sounds like a lot of fun! I used to be able to 'recite' that story without needing to read the words 😂
  22. Ooh - enjoy your weekend away x You must have taken your GCSEs years ago🙃🤣 Dogs have arrived - fresh from the groomers - they look and smell absolutely gorgeous ❤️
  23. Good morning - 'tis Friday Is it really Friday - the week has flashed by - I hope that hasn't been the case for those on summer hols...keep seeing 'back to school' ads - I still feel the need to shout 'oh stop it now' 😲🤣 The 'big' granddogs will be back this afternoon - this time for a longer stay whilst their family are off on holiday ❤️ Middle granddaughter has received her A level results (all good) and has a place secured at Buckinghamshire University (not yet sure if she is going to take that up) Hope that everyone is okay? Have a lovely weekend x
  24. Oh my word Youngest granddaughter (9) has her own email address - don't know how/when that was set up... I have just received my first email from her - a picture of a unicorn and the subject title is 'Love you Nana' ❤️ How special is that
  25. Phew! Scorchio here - apologies to those not enjoying good weather... Guess which completely numpty has just done a dark wash with a tissue included - terrible when your mind starts to go😧 Nothing much happening here today - dogs went home yesterday - they will return on Friday - off to get my hair trimmed at 1pm but that's about it. have a lovely day all x
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