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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Good morning - 'tis Friday Another week has just gone 'whoosh' Flippin' raining again - although we have had a couple of better days this week. Hope that everyone is okay? Have a lovely weekend x
  2. 😂 That made me smile young Froglet - you should know that 'the Friday gang' are always going to have a lot to say for ourselves! I know that I have already blotted my copybook on the rescue front - but thinking about - it I don't think that any 'decent' rescue outfit would consider you a suitable adopter simply because of your working hours 🤷‍♀️ that said, my brother has a retired rescue greyhound who really couldn't care less if he has to be 'home alone'...when he took him on I said "crikey, won't he need endless long walks" but apparently not 🤷‍♀️ he is incredibly laid back (the greyhound, not my brother) and sleeps a good 20 hours per day, he seems to be okay with children but I know my brother would never leave him alone with any visiting grandchildren. Woe betide you if when walking him he sees anything 'small and fluffy', including cats, obviously he has been trained to chase such beings! Anyway, good luck with your decision making, please let us know how it goes x
  3. Hmmm - I feel a bit bad now about my comment on 'rescues' - based I think, on my late sister-in-laws rescue dogs - they were such difficult dogs - one of them caused her daughter-in-law to never leave her children at the house as he really couldn't be trusted...much as I love dogs they would never come before my grandchildren.
  4. I am back with my pros and cons of dog ownership! Pros - oh my actual goodness dogs are wonderful, there is nothing like the love and devotion that they give to you, they make you smile when you least feel like it. They also make you get out of the house whether you want to or not, does that sound like a good thing - I think it is! Cons - they are quite expensive to run 😂 especially if you have to factor in any sort of day care. They poo - one of the worst jobs in my thinking is picking it up but of course you have to! You have to consider them when making any plans. Hair - the beautiful Goldie that we have with us now sheds so much! Training - you need to get on top of that and it can be challenging! Worst of all - they die - I am still not fully recovered from the loss of my last dog, I really mean that, she died some twenty years ago - she was really young, just nine, poor darling had cancer and vet had to 'let her go' on the operating table so we didn't even get to be with her as she passed... What size are you thinking about - something quite small? Are you thinking puppy - how are you going to identify a good breeder? Are you thinking rescue - good luck - Cait has a super little rescue and there must be many more lovely little dogs out there looking for a good home - but not something I would consider - I need to train and make them as 'bombproof' as possible especially around children. Does that help at all?
  5. Good morning - 'tis Friday! How is everyone - I remember the summer terms with such fondness - although acknowledge that they were so very busy from an admin viewpoint... Did someone mention granddogs 🐶 we have two here with us just now - our two 'big boys' - one choc lab and one golden retriever - they are looking at me now and I know what they are thinking something along the lines of 'c'mon you are dressed now so when are you going to take us out' - so that's what I am off to do now! Young froglet I will be back later with some pros and cons of dog ownership...most obvious question is 'what will happen when you are at school, have you investigated doggy daycare'? Anyway, as I said, I can't keep 'the boys' waiting any longer! 😂 Happy weekend all x
  6. Good morning - 'tis Friday (again!) Have just been stalking zigzag via her profile to try and find out which day is her birthday - no luck with that so I will just say: Happy birthday dear zigzag for the coming week - hope that you have a very special day xxx Also a belated happy birthday to Gezabel! xxx Hope that everyone is okay and that the summer term has got off to a good start for those still working. Can I get through a Friday post without moaning about the weather - no - fed up with rain and wind now - enough already! Have a lovely weekend x
  7. You are getting some lovely blue skies oop north!
  8. That sounds like the makings of a very nice weekend Sue - (what is it with these random goodies that find their way into our baskets 🤷‍♀️🤣)
  9. Good morning - 'tis Friday! Busy day ahead for me as youngest grandson will be with us soon - dear little boy ❤️ Hope everyone is okay? All good wishes for the weekend x
  10. Not! 😲 Damn are you sure - she came out so well - guess I shouldn't do that again then 🤣
  11. Good morning - 'tis Friday Hope everyone is okay? Good news for Mr S this morning in a call from one of the surgical team at The Royal Brompton - he had a CT on Tuesday and they are really pleased with that - all looking as would be expected - they have discharged him from the surgical side but are transferring him back to the other part of the hospital and back to the Professor who will keep him under review - if needed in the future (hopefully not) they could operate on the other lung...it's been a long and arduous journey for him to get to this point we are so thankful to the very skilled team at that hospital. In other news - granddog has gone home (for now!) - she has been such a good girl - wish that the weather had been better whilst she was here - soggy spaniel sums it up really! Eldest granddaughter starts the 'on the beat' part of her training tomorrow this lasts for sixteen weeks and then hopefully she will transfer across to CID, that's where she wants to be 🤞 Have a lovely weekend all x
  12. Wow! I love it - you clever old thing!
  13. I don't know if I dare mention this - I will whisper - the sun is shining here this morning - two loads of washing out and third load in machine now - granddog has had a fabulous run in our little field, I have said before I'm sure she must have some greyhound in her, she runs like the wind!
  14. Seconded!
  15. Oh my, he is a proper gorgeous George ❤️
  16. What a lovely view - could you please send some of that blue sky my way!
  17. Good morning - 'tis Friday What lovely news from Gezabel! I am granddog sitting - she arrived yesterday and we will have her for nine days ❤️ her family are off caravanning hope that the weather improves for them... Actually I hope the weather improves for all of us, this rain is just depressing. Have a lovely weekend and Easter break x
  18. Oh my word - I also appear to have something in my eye... Hugest congratulations to all and welcome to the world baby George!
  19. Youngest granddaughter's show was just brilliant, one very proud nana here! ❤️ It was a 'mash up' - Under the Sea and Beauty and the Beast - sounds bizarre but was actually really clever. Have a great week/part week all in the lead up to Easter!
  20. Such wonderful news ❤️
  21. It is, what makes it so much harder for her is that she has the most awful Rheumatoid Arthritis on top of her fused leg, so she can only walk with the use of a huge frame, I can't see how she can make any progress really...
  22. Thanks for asking about my sister louby - all terribly sad really - she is back living at home which is good, but is so disabled now that she needs carers which she finds very difficult to accept...who would ever have thought that a knee replacement op could go so horribly wrong.
  23. Good morning - 'tis Friday Shhhhh - we might have had a couple of days without rain 🌨️ Hope everyone is okay? We are going to see youngest granddaughter in her theatre school production on Sunday - not quite sure what it is - sounds like a bit of a 'mash up' (think that's the right expression 🤷‍♀️) anyway, really looking forward to it. Hope the weekend is kind to all x
  24. Right back at you x
  25. Everything crossed louby x
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