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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Good morning - 'tis Friday Hope everyone is okay? Have a lovely weekend x
  2. Missing our Panders 💔 we would have been busy discussing Strictly now...
  3. Wow! We made £533.00 - how lovely - people are so generous
  4. Good morning - 'tis Friday! Early start for me today as I am helping at our village Macmillan Coffee Morning - hope that we are busy and make lots of money 🤞 Hope everyone is okay? Have a lovely weekend x
  5. Oh Gezabel - I am so happy for them (and you) - keeping everything crossed here xxx
  6. Oh how lovely young Froglet - nothing like new baby cuddles ❤️ I thought of you earlier - I was watching 'Celebrity Antique Roadshow' and they featured 'well dressing' - I thought oh yes, I know all about that courtesy of young Froglet!
  7. Please no snow! 🤣 I need good drying weather please - slowly working my way through washing all of the items that we used to soak up water - old duvets, towels - you name it I used it 🤦‍♀️🤣 I could chuck some really but it's all useful when we have granddogs come to stay!
  8. Louby - you poor thing! What on earth is happening to us? All good wishes from my disaster area to yours xxx
  9. Good morning - 'tis Friday I have come to the conclusion that we have offended 'the Gods' - first the drain problems, then a boiler breakdown and this week our hot water tank developed a leak which came through our sitting room ceiling 😧 never mind, I remind myself that all of these problems are fixable and that people would pay to have my problems! Mr S is receiving appointments for tests pre op thick and fast now - such a shame that these tests can't be coordinated and held on one day - but really just thankful that things seem to be moving for him now 🤞 My sister is still in hospital, not much more to say about that... Hope that everyone is okay - soon be half-term! 🤣 Wishing a lovely weekend to all x
  10. Good luck from me too (and no way Jose would I have the meeting recorded) - do let us know how you get on
  11. Yay! A new tadpole - welcome to the world little man and huge congratulations to all x I will have to Google 'Bishop's badge' - it sounds impressive to me - congratulations to your dad Jabs were okay - the surgery were aiming to vaccinate 800 people yesterday - it is a well oiled machine and I love that all involved are so chirpy - from car park stewards (volunteers) to the indoor stewards to the vaccinators - great teamwork! Not too bad side-effects - I slept like the dead while poor Mr S had a very disturbed night - sore arms today but that's all - so glad to hopefully have some renewed protection on board
  12. Every time you post about your granddaughter - I think 'oh I like that little girl' - she sounds right up my street - I am with her on the scissors and glue - where are they!
  13. Hi Poppy Some great advice above What is the mum doing while she is in the setting? I wouldn't be happy if she is interacting with other children, also have you had a conversation with her about confidentiality? I wouldn't be happy if she is observing and then discussing other children with goodness knows who... I like the idea of asking if she trusts you - if not she really needs to 'move on' - kind of crazy that the child is not a 'new starter' and she still wants to be there with you Good luck with it all
  14. Oh my weekend plans have changed! We now have flu and Covid jabs tomorrow at 12 noon - bring it on! Our surgery had made an error - we both received a text to say...use this link to book and then seconds later a further text to say don't use the link it is broken DO NOT ring the surgery we will send another link next week...the promised new link didn't materialise - anyway, long story short we are now booked in for tomorrow
  15. Good morning - 'tis Friday! Hope everyone is okay? Touching wood as I say this but I have had a slightly better week - Mr S is feeling much better since the drop in temperature (+ steroids and anti-biotics), my sister remains in hospital, she is being very well cared for (I am enjoying not having to worry so much about her for a while), the 'borehole' work is finally finished and we seem to have fully functioning drains and have been able to get the front lawn back into some sort of order...(wish the blessed pigeons would stop eating the grass seed!) My little Knit and Natter (Stitch and Bitch) group have planned an outing (!) we are going to 'Spirit of Christmas' (oops I said the C word) at Olympia early November (please not too much Covid or I will not be able to go, need to protect Mr S) - anyway should be fun - watch out London - here we come! Weekend plans include lots of gardening, I have lots of knitted squares waiting for me to edge with a crochet border, hope to catch up with eldest son and youngest grandchildren and that will do for me - just need some 'drama' free time...(please. pretty please) Hope that everyone has a lovely weekend full of things that you enjoy x
  16. I can't see why not
  17. Oh Mousie I feel your pain - some of my parents were also great at losing paperwork...
  18. That's so kind louby thank you x Actually had two bits of 'positive news' since my earlier post... Mr S has heard from the Royal Brompton - he is to go up on 13th November this to repeat all of the pre-op tests as the delay has been so long that the original tests are now out of date - I am just taking from that - things are actually moving and hopefully his op can and will happen 🤞 My sister is, as we speak, on her way back to hospital - that doesn't sound like good news - but it really is - such a panic with her yesterday evening which I won't bore you with - but hospital really is best place for her right now. Onwards and upwards! Oh louby what will your new hours be?
  19. Good morning 'tis Friday! Hope everyone is okay and for those still working that the first week of the new term has gone well. I'm struggling to find anything positive to share about my week - so I'm working on 'things can only get better'! Hope that everyone has a lovely weekend x
  20. Oh dear, this all sounds less than satisfactory to me, I'm so sorry that you find yourself in this position The 'grapes' thing beggars belief what on earth are they thinking - tell them to 'Google' Oliver Steeper - that might wake up their ideas...
  21. That is brilliant louby and absolutely right - I ran myself into the ground with the idea that everything had to be done and even worse done by me - it's just not worth it - I put myself under such unnecessary pressure...
  22. oh zigzag how exciting! Have you ever tried Bach's Rescue Remedy?
  23. I can't understand who decided that using a material with a 30 year life span was a good idea in the first place 🤦‍♀️ My sympathies to any forum member having to deal with this
  24. Neighbours sound awful Holiday sounds wonderful Bank balance - not so good Onwards and upwards!
  25. Oooh - a new baby how lovely young Froglet x
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