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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Oh that's just brilliant! ❤️
  2. Oh my - let's hope not!🤦‍♀️🤣
  3. I have several photos of her dressed as a policewoman aged 3 - so guess it was written in the stars! Thanks for your kind thoughts and congratulations x
  4. I thought long and hard about posting some happy news - my decision was reached in the sure and certain knowledge that Panders would not mind at all... So here goes: My beautiful eldest granddaughter graduates today with a First class degree! We are so proud of her, especially as she was in the cohort who were unable to take A levels (Covid restrictions) and in her first uni year she never got onto campus - all studying was virtual. She has secured a job with the Police - 10 weeks on the beat (arrgh) and then into CID - this has been a long held ambition. As I said - we are all very proud of her!
  5. And a hug for you too dear Mousie x
  6. That's very kind of you, thank you x
  7. Not all - it hadn't gone unnoticed (by me) that she hadn't posted for the last two weeks - but I never want my lovely forum friends to think that I am 'keeping tabs on them' I am so utterly shocked and so very, very sad for her and for her lovely family...
  8. Dear Friday friends This is not my place really but please look out for a thread started by Pander's son -I know that you will all want to comment...
  9. Oh my goodness, I am so, so sorry, I considered her such a good forum friend. Thank you so very much for letting us know Sending much love to you all xxx
  10. Phew! Thought it was just me! I do a fair bit of shouting too - but mainly at Andrew Castle - his commentary drives me nuts ☹️
  11. Whoop! Whoop! What an amazing final! (I'm not the only tennis fan am I?)
  12. One of my friends has a granddaughter who is not only coeliac but type 1 diabetic too - I am in complete awe of the family and the little girl - such a lot to cope with... Did you enjoy your evening out young Froglet and did you manage to stay awake?!
  13. Oh my life - that sounds complicated! 🤦‍♀️ Just give me a knit the back, knit the front, knit two sleeves pattern and I would know what I was doing 🤣 I can't believe that she was sold this as an easy beginners pattern - 'tis not!
  14. I didn't realise that it would take so little either ☹️
  15. I'm sure you are right - I can't visualise it at all - isn't it funny how differently brains work!
  16. Interesting discussion - I wouldn't have known how to make an icord either! One of Knit and Natter ladies has decided to make a jumper for her youngest granddaughter - she went to a wool shop asked for advice (she has not knitted anything more than squares before) they sold her wool and a pattern that was to be knitted in one piece and assured her it would be really easy 😲 it starts with knitting a sleeve - all good - but then she was a bit stuck - two of us looked at the pattern and I cast on the extra stitches that she needed for the next bit... It kept me awake that night - a case of - 'well I know two of us looked at it and agreed the next step, but I'm not sure about this, that sleeve (which was already looking too long) is just going to grow and grow' - quick text 'don't do anymore until we have looked at that again'! Think we are now on the right track - took it to where it needs to be and the 'sleeve' has been moved to a spare needle - flippin' heck - this was sold as being an 'easy pattern' - if it was me I would have taken it apart and chosen an easier pattern... I don't think will be the last time we have to try and sort it out!
  17. Think I know where you are going with this 😉 but no I don't, have been meaning to sort that out for ages...
  18. Oi missus - you didn't tell me that when we were 'chatting' last night - do hope you feel better soon - how did you come to get 'glutened'?
  19. Good morning - 'tis Friday! Hope everyone is okay? I understand that we are in for a 'wet and wild' weekend - please can I get my washing dry today first 🤞 I have had an unusually busy week - all good, made a nice change to have to rush about a bit! Loving the tennis - sad that it will soon be over... Next week will bring more granddog sitting - expecting two to arrive on Wednesday - they will stay until Friday morning and will then be replaced by eldest son's sprocker on Friday afternoon she will be with us for a fortnight - whoop! Hope that the weekend is kind to all x
  20. We have rain (!) lots and lots of glorious rain - whoop!
  21. Nothing here at all Eldest son is in London for the weekend - he reported earlier that it was 'tipping down' up there - which I already knew as it was a case of 'rain stops play' at Wimbledon...
  22. I did the same - looks absolutely wonderful - enjoy young Froglet! The humidity here today is ridiculous - we need a storm - don't think we are under the warning for storms it just misses us...
  23. Noooooo - I am shocked and horrified - how did you deal with that - I would have been extremely cross
  24. Good morning - tis Friday! End of term/school year is just around the corner! Granddogs went home yesterday - felt very odd getting up this morning without them here but they will soon be back again - yay! I am thoroughly enjoying Wimbledon. Hope the weekend is kind to all x
  25. Well I hope that your 'plan for tomorrow' includes some downtime? 'scuse me I put a list of reading suggestions on your thread...
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