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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Oi - when did you move to my village?! 🤣 It all happens as if by magic - surely you know that 🤦‍♀️🤣
  2. Hopefully your granddaughter wouldn't roll in fox poo! Two unscheduled baths so far - good job I love her 🤦‍♀️😂
  3. It's so disappointing - but I do take on board what the lovely zigzag said about the wildfires. I have a friend with a son living near Athens - he is safe, but they have to wear masks whenever they set foot outside because of the awful air quality. Anyway - not so bad here this morning - I have some washing out and have taken the sweet little 'snack thief' out for a good run in the field - she makes me laugh - she has her nose down sniffing out the bunnies, foxes and whatever wildlife inhabits the field at night - her tail is just whirring as she rushes round and round, she wears herself out beautifully!
  4. Ah louby dooby do - I had wondered about your retirement - but you hadn't mentioned it so thought it best that I didn't either... I often wonder you reads this - I know I 'outed' myself last year with all my witterings about the water situation - speaking of which - we are still on a bloomin' hosepipe ban - are they for real 🤦‍♀️ For those who read but don't join in - please do - everyone welcome on this lovely thread
  5. Good morning - 'tis Friday! Hope everyone is okay? Nothing exciting to share from here - we still have the little 'snack thief' with us and will do round to Saturday of next week - she is a sweetie really ❤️ I do wish the weather would brighten up - I was longing for rain last month but now it's a case of 'enough already' Mr S was told that he would have his long awaited op before the end of July - hmmm not much of July left - he needs to ring the hospital really but is reluctant to do that 🤷‍♀️ Hope that the weekend is kind to all x
  6. Oh nooooo - young Froglet is in charge of the old balaclava making!😂 I will be using that wool for the blanket squares - we are going great guns with our plans for them to be included in the 'seniors' seasonal hampers - one of my better ideas 😉
  7. Oh my - they sound wonderful - cheesy, cheesy and cheesy!
  8. Is that a serious question 🤣 course I did, I had taken what I wanted before it ever hit the group - I did tell my friend who donated it that I would be doing that! I took a very bright green, a very bright orange, a shocking pink and a subtle pink...leaving loads and loads for the others
  9. The wool donation caused excitement this morning - all shared out (nicely!) - there were some knitting patterns too and someone wanted those - excellent - I was determined that I wasn't bringing anything home!
  10. Oh I love a cheese scone!
  11. Yay! Freedom young Froglet - enjoy!❤️
  12. Whoop! Can't wait to see the finished socks
  13. 🤣🤣🤣 It's all nice and clean and smells good unlike that other large donation! - Whoop!
  14. A friend called and asked if I would like some wool for Knit and Natter group - she has just dropped off 2 black sacks full of lovely, lovely wool - we will be able to have a 'share out' on Thursday - whoop! (bit worried that I am getting so excited about wool) 🤦‍♀️😂
  15. I was worried what all those treats would do to her tummy - but thankfully she seems to be fine - she snaffled about a third of a box of small dog biscuit bones and at least one pigs ear she may have had more 🤦‍♀️ totally my fault for leaving them in reach...
  16. Ah yes GDPR - you very kindly shared your work with me - can't tell you what a massive help that was - never, ever, ever got any guidance from LA
  17. I have been 'outwitted' by a Sprocker Spaniel (stop saying "not surprised really") 😂 Fairly late yesterday evening I could hear her eating/crunching away - sound was coming from the hall where her food bowl is - thought 'oh she is finishing her dinner, didn't know there was that much left' - about 20 minutes later she ran through with a pigs ear in her mouth! 😲 One of us had left the downstairs loo door ajar - she had nosed her way in and was helping herself to her 'treats' - did I say somewhere that she is an absolute sweetie? 🤦‍♀️😂 Oh well, no harm done and her 'treats bag' is now well out of reach!
  18. I echo every word of this - the kindness shown here with willingness to share ideas and resources was invaluable to me - nothing offered locally came anywhere near!
  19. Oh well - I could always have another G & T so that you are not alone ❤️
  20. Phew! Glad to hear it - 2 days eh - brilliant news - don't be overdoing things today - I prescribe some crochet and reading x I have just taken sweet little granddog up to the field for a run - honestly I swear she must be part greyhound - she runs like the wind! I would have to walk about 25 miles to give her that much exercise... Right - I must tackle the ironing - but I will have one eye on the England game!
  21. Oh no, how are feeling today young Froglet?
  22. Here's to Panders - our very lovely forum friend - cheers x
  23. I have a gin and tonic poured - I can hear Panders saying "any excuse"
  24. Good - it might just be me and thee but think it would be a good thing to do - let's hope others come along to join us x
  25. Good morning - 'tis Friday I wondered if it would be a nice idea for us all to 'raise a glass' to Panders at the same time this evening - or a cup if you don't drink - perhaps 7pm - what do you think? I have 'Sprocker granddog' arriving soon - she will be with us for two weeks - the pleasure is all mine, she is a dear little thing ❤️ Hope that the weekend is kind to all x
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