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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Good morning - 'tis Friday (again!) Start of half-term for some - lovely enjoy! I am always stunned to think that this half-term marks the middle point in the school year. I wonder if I will ever stop thinking/working in terms - probably not... We had a blessed two hour power cut yesterday evening and I spent some of it looking back on my diary (kept on lap-top) from the start of my retirement - that made me realise just how 'lazy' I have become - have vowed to get back into my daily walks - would help if it would stop raining. We are granddog sitting again this weekend - our lovely Sprocker this time - she is an absolute sweetie but full of energy and will keep me on my toes - hmmm soggy spaniel anyone 🤣🐶❤️ Hope that everyone is okay and that the weekend/half-term break is kind to all x
  2. Hold up Mousie - why have you got to 'give a week' back? I came across some old TDLs whilst having a sort out this week - I can't believe what I used to do...
  3. Hope your husband gets home safe and sound x I had a little chuckle to myself about the promise of £1000.00 to lure EY staff back - pity they couldn't value us and fund properly in the first place!
  4. Good morning - 'tis Friday Hope everyone is okay and for those still working half-term is nearly here! We are granddog sitting this weekend - two lovely boys - looking forward to it 🐶🐶 In fact my daughters-in-law have both furnished me with dates for dog-sitting duties through the year 🤣 Hope that the weekend is kind to all x
  5. Oh no Mousie that is not good
  6. Oooh - what are you going to see?
  7. Mr S is coming along nicely, thanks for asking louby Pleased to hear that you have been able to cut down your working week!
  8. Good morning - 'tis Friday (again!) Hope everyone is okay and that the weekend is kind to all x
  9. Oh my actual goodness!
  10. It's blowing a flippin' hoolie here already - think it is going to be a very noisy night!
  11. Pleased to hear you are feeling much better Mousie The situation at the moment is 'proper tricky' if you live with someone who is vulnerable - having said that, I do accept that life has to carry on for others...
  12. I hardly like to say it <touch wood> we have escaped so far. It's bloomin' rife again around these parts
  13. Oh no! Get well soon Mousie x
  14. Good morning - 'tis Friday Lovely news all round there zigzag - safe journey home for your son and many congrats on his engagement! Hope that the weekend is kind to all x
  15. No, not me, I seem to have lost my reading mojo
  16. Hello sloppy and welcome to the forum. I can't really help with your query as I have no experience of committee run settings, however I do know that lots of our lovely forum members do have lots of knowledge, so hopefully someone more helpful will come along soon. Did the 'outgoing' chair leave any info/paperwork for you? Is there an experienced Committee Secretary still in place? Have you spoken to the pre-school/manager and staff to see what their expectations are? Do you have a link to your LA settings advisor? I wish you well going forward.
  17. Hi Sue, louby and young Froglet Sue - coffee and cake sounds very sensible to me - enjoy! louby - what did your lovely granddaughter have planned for your craft afternoon? Hope you really did have fun! Young Froglet - I googled 'Murdle book' - looks good - I really should attempt to 'wake up' my sleepy retirement brain with something like that!
  18. Goodness - can't say Good morning - the morning has been and gone! So...hello - 'tis Friday Bit quiet around here - is everyone okay? All good here - Mr S is making great progress - he is so lucky to have been given this opportunity/second chance thanks to the great skill and care from the surgical team at RBH (I will take credit for my outstanding home nursing skills too 🤣) We have Sunday lunch at eldest son's house to look forward to this weekend. Bit on the chilly side isn't it - wondering if we will get snow this coming week - forecasters don't seem to be able to say for sure yet so we will wait and see - much as I don't 'do' cold I do prefer it to that relentless rain! Hope that the weekend is kind to all x
  19. Oh louby I am so sorry, what an awful thing to happen
  20. Good morning - 'tis Friday! How is everyone? Hope the new term has got off to a good start? I want to moan about the rain - but I shall contain myself - I do hope that no-one is affected by the terrible floods. Nothing much to report on Mr S - he is expecting a video call with surgeon midday today - he has written a list of questions (knew that I would one day get him round to list making!) We have a 'bit of a do' to look forward to on Sunday - eldest granddaughter's birthday! Hope the weekend is kind to all x
  21. Happy New Year! Wishing the best of everything for all x
  22. Oh and I'm chuffed that I gained all my apples today! If you know you know! 🤣
  23. Sounds like a lovely Christmas young Froglet! We did a bit of game playing too - I really enjoyed 'magnet chess' - a misnomer as it has absolutely nothing to do with chess - lots of fun and can be played by all ages. I'm wondering what your 'mystery dinner' turned out to be 🤣
  24. Thanks Louby - I was impressed with my days of the week knowledge - I even remembered to put the bin out for (revised) collection 🤣 Goodness - how can your lovely granddaughter be 4 - she was only born 5 minutes ago! Mr S quite a bit better this afternoon - it was pain in his operation wound - he is not taking any of his 'strong' painkillers now...
  25. Good morning - 'tis Friday! Do I get some points for even knowing that it is Friday?! 🤣 How is everyone - did Christmas go well? We had a lovely time with sons and families - I particularly enjoyed Boxing Day at youngest son's house with 4 generations age range 3 - 95 ❤️ Mr S had been doing really well - but not so great this morning - hopefully just a 'blip'... Have a lovely weekend all x
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