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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Sounds perfect to me! I really want to know what you do at your crochet workshop. One of the very clever ladies at Knit and Natter is busy making little hanging pots/baskets and then making little flowers in Christmas colours (crochet) - we will add these to the Christmas hampers that our very lovely Parish Clerk puts together for our village 'oldies' - we are already contributing other knitted items (hmmm well we will be if 'someone' gets on with making hats for the men) - why can't I ever stick to just one project 🤷‍♀️ Anyway - have the best day! x
  2. Hope that you have a wonderful birthday young Froglet xxx
  3. Good morning - 'tis Friday! (I have to say it - would feel unlucky not to!) Young Froglet - all your crafting activities sound great to me - and the best crafters have lots of UFOs (unfinished objects - well that what I tell myself anyway!) - I love the idea of a 'crochet workshop' - enjoy Louby - wow - your machine embroidery card making course sounds brilliant - would be way beyond my capabilities I already have two loads of washing out on my line and another in the machine - forecast is great - however it is looking suspiciously like rain... Happy half-term to those breaking up today! Take care all x
  4. Oooh Young Froglet are you on half-term break? In answer to your question - you get on with some autumn crafting and you make cinnamon buns - obvs! 🤣
  5. What an amazing lady I hope that she has a lovely day!
  6. Oops - meant to say 'keep safe everyone' to those of you in the worst of Storm Ashley - it is very windy and wet here in Kent but I gather it's far worse in the West...
  7. Thank you all so much for the kind birthday wishes - I had a lovely day!
  8. Thank you so much Cait - I think that I will enjoy being '30' 🤣
  9. Hi and a very warm welcome to the forum!
  10. Ah - thank you so much young froglet ❤️ Birthday celebrations have changed somewhat as one of my daughters-in-law has bloomin' Covid - but we will now be going to youngest son's house for dinner which will be just lovely!
  11. You are getting soft in your old age 🤦‍♀️ 🤣🤣
  12. Good morning - 'tis Friday How is everyone? Beautiful weather here - my washing line will see some action today! Take care all x
  13. Much better and firing on all cylinders again - thank you all for asking x These vaccines are a necessary evil really - quite a bit of Covid in my little village just now - including my youngest son 🤦‍♀️ he is actually out the other side of it but still testing positive... Flippin' Covid we have been living under it's shadow for too long. I forgot to tell you that I am granddog sitting - our dear little Sprocker Spaniel - she is just the right size for my house (note to self: no, you don't need your own dog!) 🤣
  14. Oh, that's tough dear zigzag - I feel for you ❤️
  15. Good morning - 'tis Friday Feeling a little 'delicate' this morning (for delicate read rough!) following Flu and Covid vaccinations yesterday - nothing too awful and glad to get some renewed protection... Take care all x
  16. Congratulations ❤️
  17. Good morning - 'tis Friday So lovely to see blue skies and sun today - after all of the relentless wind and rain this week. Take care all x
  18. Hiya I am sorry that you haven't had any answers. I did change premises once, but that was 1995, so anything I tell you would almost certainly be out of date info...anyway, no I didn't have the new place set up as I was still working out of the old premises. Like you it had to be a whole new registration which I remember thinking was a bit odd... Hopefully you have contacted Ofsted and they have given you some information - also don't forget to involve your LA they might be helpful (or not!) Good luck with everything!
  19. Dearest Cait - as you already know, I send my love to you and your family xxx
  20. Oh my actual goodness - we made...drumroll...£1000.83 - people are so generous - I am delighted!
  21. Good morning - 'tis Friday Early start for me today as I am off to help with our village MacMillan Coffee morning...
  22. WHAAAT - that's awful 🤬
  23. Good morning - 'tis Friday How on earth can it be 20th September already - I have no idea where this year has gone! How is everyone? I have some lovely weekend plans - lunch tomorrow with friends and then lunch with eldest son and family on Sunday - yay no cooking for two whole days! Hope that the weekend is kind to all x
  24. A question from youngest grandson (6) today "what are those big chicken things called, the big black ones" Ostriches (of course) 🤣
  25. Mr S needs some specs - however he is SURE that he doesn't really 🤦‍♀️ 🤣
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