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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Cait beat me to it 😂 Indeed 'tis Friday - whoosh another week gone... How is everyone? Louby - has that dear baby put in an appearance yet? My little Knit and Natter group was a year old yesterday - crikey - that's whoosh and a whole year gone - all good though, we have achieved so much in that year, lots of lovely projects completed for various charities...currently we are making baby blankets for the neo-natal unit at the John Radcliffe, Oxford Horrible knee continues to be horrible - I am waiting now for an appointment for a steroid injection...I questioned what the physio meant when he said "this is going to be a long job" - he grimaced and said "probably 4 months" - I said "oh, okay, well that's not so bad, it's been 3 months already" - to my utter dismay he said "oh no, 4 months from start of treatment" ☹️ in which case, I would be looking at May...anyway, it is what it is, nothing to be gained by worrying about it On a brighter note - Mr S has had his telephone consultation/assessment for his 'Pulmonary Rehabilitation' and is looking forward (well maybe) to the start of the course which will be next Friday and the Tuesdays and Fridays for the next six weeks - this is a pre-requisite for his surgery - so a needs must Onwards and upwards! Wishing you all a lovely weekend x
  2. Oh dear - that bad?
  3. Loft insulation?
  4. I think we should think of some 'alternative' uses for this bake 😂
  5. Yes we missed you loads - good to have you back x
  6. Yep, I have some Sketchers trainers and they are comfy Oh louby - hope that dear baby makes an appearance soon - excited for you!
  7. Here we are then - 'tis Friday again Not much to report from here How is everyone getting on? Young froglet - have you managed to keep your hands away from those necks 🤣 Really hope that the weekend is kind to all x
  8. My youngest granddaughter (7) lost her first tooth at school, she was very proud of this and eager for her first tooth fairy visit... Me: Oh brilliant, did you tell Mr ****** Her: Yes Me: What did he say Her: Congratulations, now get a tissue I loved this, I have never met him, but I thought, yep he is my kind of guy, kind but completely no nonsense!
  9. Goodness - is that Petunia or is it Shonagh 🤣
  10. Oh young Froglet - a confession - 'I want to strangle my class' made me laugh - not helpful I know... Have you tried the "oh well done Jonny you are behaving so nicely"..."Petunia you are such a good girl, how lovely that you don't (whatever Petunia usually does)" etc Otherwise I do like zigzag's suggestion of modelling their behaviour back to them Tale telling is so wearing and it quickly becomes ingrained I do feel for you x
  11. You are all so kind xxx It's honestly not so bad today I absolutely promise that if it was both ankles or the other ankle not connected to the horrible knee I would act
  12. It's only the one ankle - just the one on the same leg as the horrible knee which is also very swollen and has been since middle of December - but thanks for your concern that's very kind
  13. Nah - I will hang on until I see the physio on Monday Honestly what a state to get in! 🤦‍♀️😂
  14. My knee is.............rubbish! No improvement at all, it is so frustrating, I see the physio again next Monday, so will see what he has to say about it, to be fair he did say "this is going to be a long job", my ankle on that leg has decided to join in now - it is swollen (fluid?) and feels really peculiar. I have had a few 'sod it' moments and decided to do some gardening or whatever but that doesn't work I just end up in complete agony I'm sure that you are right - years of time on the floor and, of course, the 'little chairs' Oh well it is what it is and as i always say 'people would pay to have my problems'!
  15. That is good news (well sort of) I was worried that you would be told to rest and that's not so easy when you are working and have your beautiful dog to walk... Hope that you get your next appointment soon <perhaps we should set up a poorly knee page> 🙃
  16. zigzag - good luck with the doctor today x
  17. Oh louby how lovely, Suffolk is one of my favourite places What breed of doggo?
  18. Good morning all 'tis Friday Hope that everyone is okay? Absolutely nothing exciting to report from here - a very quiet week... Have a lovely weekend x
  19. Congratulation FSF - 20 years - wow! I joined in January 2009, I am now very happily retired but still enjoy catching up with my forum friends and I think it's a case of 'you can take the girl out of early years...' I don't imagine a time when I won't feel a passionate interest in all thing early years. Thank you so much for providing a space for support and information sharing (had plenty of laughs along the way too) So cheers, bottoms up and here's to the next 20 ❤️
  20. You will probably think that I have completely lost the plot - I have just spent an hour looking back through this thread - back to when Covid first hit - wow what an interesting read - what difficult times and what difficult decisions we had to make... fm - if you are reading - come back - we miss you x
  21. Oooh - just googled that - how have I missed a Richard Curtis film? That's my afternoon sorted - if I can find it that is...
  22. I think that's right - there are times when you just have to wear a 'business head' I had a nosey around the Kent site (shudder - so glad that I don't have to worry about all of that anymore) it would seem that they haven't announced new funding rates either
  23. Oh Mousie - nothing changes then - how the flippin' goodness can this be right - so you know how much your wage bill will be but no idea what the funding rate will be - I would be asking some questions of my LA (although I acknowledge you probably wouldn't get a straight answer) - I am so cross on your behalf
  24. Well done! How about 'City of Angels' - another favourite of mine The absolute best film that I have seen for ages is CODA - but only available on 'Apple TV' (we don't have that but enjoyed a film night at youngest son's house)
  25. Thanks for the good wishes on the knee front young Froglet x Great that you have your Ofsted published and I take it you are happy with the judgement Your crochet and knitting plans sound lovely Are you on a two week break? Have you seen 'Yesterday' - I love that film!
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