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SEF How Often do you update?


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Am ploughing through mine now - usually try to do it once a term with the major update over the summer hols ('cos obviously the summer hols aren't really for having a holiday in contrary to what everyone thinks xD )

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When I can find the log in details.....which isn't often :D


Inspector hadn't bothered reading it before our last inspection anyway...so it kind of slid down the scale of importance :/


Just tend to scribble changes, why we made them, how we think it will improve practice and a bit later on review/evaluate change on a development plan...obviously 'we' is the correct term used for 'I' :)

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I update mine regularly, once a half term. I also add an extra line at the end informing them of the dates when I am on holiday, I would question why an inspector would arrive at my setting when I am not there to conduct the observations with them.

If they arrive I would ask my deputies to question whether they had read our SEF and why they had come when I was not there.

Adding holiday dates was suggested at an Ofsted training session, I would like to think that when leadership and management are judged the leader/manager was actually on the premises!

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I update mine regularly, once a half term. I also add an extra line at the end informing them of the dates when I am on holiday, I would question why an inspector would arrive at my setting when I am not there to conduct the observations with them.

If they arrive I would ask my deputies to question whether they had read our SEF and why they had come when I was not there.

Adding holiday dates was suggested at an Ofsted training session, I would like to think that when leadership and management are judged the leader/manager was actually on the premises!

I like this idea. It's always something that worries me when I go away, even though I have two great deputies.

Have you had an inspection since you started doing this?

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I would think you come up as a date for inspection on the system before the assigned inspector ever pulls up your SEF, would be good to know though, would also be good if you had a Calendar attached where you could add trip days etc...read a recent report that was done on last day of term, that's tough

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I would think that the inspector might actually like to come when the manager is on holiday.... surely that way they could really see leadership and management working effectively ?

I was told by an inspector if the manager was not due in that day- for any reason, she would be very miffed if the manager then suddenly turned up! She said she would view this that the manager does not have faith in their team.

Difficult to know what to do for the best :(

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Just completed on line sef. We had a Requires Improvement judgement in May which I felt was harsh as it overshadowed all the good things we do. Really stuck on the bit where you make a judgement on your practice. I think we are Good but with some areas for improvement rather than "requires Improvement my practice is not good enough and I know it needs to improve". Its the 'not good enough' bit I object to.

What do people think? I could leave it out, after all this sef is not compulsory or I could change the wording myself.

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Updating my SEF was my last thing to do before we return on Thursday

Completed 2 sections today, aim for 2 tom and last bit on Wed (so much for not doing anything this week work related!) also my least favourite thing to do.


Our last inspector came with SEF in hand having read it before coming in. It certainly was a bonus having so much info before she read it, def. worth completing .

We are 4 yrs in jan from our last inspection so am expecting knock at the door.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't send an online version. I update every January...making 2 copies. I post one to Ofsted and the other is kept in the setting and scribbled over all year!

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I don't send an online version. I update every January...making 2 copies. I post one to Ofsted and the other is kept in the setting and scribbled over all year!

Hello and a very warm welcome to the forum! :1b

Do Ofsted put the one that you post to them online?

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Hello and thank you for your warm welcome! Yes Ofsted do post them online. I had so much trouble doing that a few years ago and I gave up and sent it the old fashioned way! It took me ages to obtain an access code from them and then I had lots of trouble logging on...I did start updating online eventually but it all disappeared so that was that!

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Hello and thank you for your warm welcome! Yes Ofsted do post them online. I had so much trouble doing that a few years ago and I gave up and sent it the old fashioned way! It took me ages to obtain an access code from them and then I had lots of trouble logging on...I did start updating online eventually but it all disappeared so that was that!

Thank you - when :blink: if :ph34r: I get round to do updating mine - I am very tempted to go for a major re-write and use this option - I can't stand their silly little boxes - I seem to be constantly scrolling up and down........but that's probably just me being a bit 'hopeless' xD

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  • 11 months later...

Do you share it with parents? It is quite lengthy document for them to digest. Is it a good practice to make it available for everyone to read, for example, to add it to the website? I was browsing other settings' websites and couldn't see any SEFs there.

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Just seen this, but not looked as don't have a clue what my log-in is :/


The OFSTED online SEF has now been updated as follows:


Section 1: Your setting
Section 2: Views of those who use your setting and who work with you.


Section 3: Effectiveness of leadership and management
Section 4: Quality of teaching, learning and assessment.
Section 5: Personal development, behaviour and welfare.
Section 6: Outcomes for children
Section 7: Overall effectiveness.

There is also some info about grading yourself too.

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Need to update our SEF but really struggling with it as we have moved premises, so classed as new, therefore old SEF no good as things have changed quite a bit. The main changes are we are now in a village hall so resources have to be packed away into outside sheds and more importantly due to location our numbers have dropped dramatically, therefore sustainability is very much an issue. This term we have 7 children on our books going up to 10 in January.We had only 11 from Sept/ 14 -July/15. We have done everything going to get more children in, don't quite know what else we can do. So as you can imagine feeling a little despondent and not quite in the right frame of mind to write the SEF. Just hoping we get some phone calls when we start back this coming Wednesday.


:( Sorry moan over getting to old for this me thinks.

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I would think that the inspector might actually like to come when the manager is on holiday.... surely that way they could really see leadership and management working effectively ?

I was told by an inspector if the manager was not due in that day- for any reason, she would be very miffed if the manager then suddenly turned up! She said she would view this that the manager does not have faith in their team.

Difficult to know what to do for the best :(


Not sure what to make of this. I would definitely come back, not because I don't trust the team, but leaving them to face the music unsupported seems like abandonment to me. At least we get half a day's nice now so that situation should be avoided.

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