Hi FM, I feel quite overwhelmed with it all, I’m usually a grab the bull type person who’s ahead of the game but not this time, I think we have had so much to manage and deal with this year that to throw this massive change (and 2 if we choose to go with one of them - I know not statutory) at us seems too much right now (but maybe I’m feeling this as I’ve had staffing problems which has meant I’ve been back in ratio pretty much full time so there’s been no time until now to even consider what it will all look like come September and feel a bit on the back foot, I also think reading to much on Fb groups hasn’t helped 🤦♀️
You might have seen my post with a few questions around how I can still make Tapestry work for my setting and especially how to formulate a plan of attack to share with staff (I have a couple who are going to find moving away from statement ticking difficult, it’s taken years to fine tune it and now that seems to be going out the window ...though from J & B replies I’m beginning to feel less anxious about how it will work.
As manager I still want to be able to look at different cohorts and know where the problems are or where more challenge is needed (I’m still not quite convinced concerns/no concerns is enough for high achievers), I think having the same 30 chn everyday and within a year age range has to be more doable to remember where they’re all at than having 50 or 60 a week, doing between 6 hours and 30 hours and covering 3 different year group cohorts (or more if you manage a nursery provision).
Oral hygiene - I’m not planning on introducing teeth brushing, more info to parents I guess and give it more prominence as planned activities, more resources.
Health visitors - I don’t often feel they support our concerns when we raise them or they pass the buck back to us to speak to parents if we have health concerns like weight/hygiene etc and if we manage to get them to arrange an appointment they feed back to parents that it’s ‘age appropriate’ (even when a child hasn’t started toilet training at 4 and no developmental reasons), once a parent has heard that they don’t want to listen to our concerns 🤷♀️