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Everything posted by Mouseketeer

  1. No logic! Ours is the same and little brown food bin, we get warning notes stuck to our bin if we put food waste in them but on occasion the bin men have been seen to tip the food waste into the general bin before tipping in the lorry 🤷‍♀️ how did the conversation get to comparing bins 😆
  2. Why? Just why would they not have put the green lid on the recycle bin ♻️ 🤔
  3. That’s good Froglet, they will just need to adjust to all being back together to start with 🙂
  4. Me too, there’d be no way we could accommodate them unless I cancelled the new starters and the increased sessions for returners, as much as my heart says “ahhh that would be lovely” my head doesn’t agree, I’m not about to risk losing chn who will likely be with us for 2 or more years (many of who will be paying the going rate rather than funded for some time) to keep our leavers for a very short time, I think it will be down to the schools to step it back for maybe half a term for them to find their feet again, I really think the best option would have been to make the May half term the first week of the summer holiday and started back at the beginning of August, all could have returned to their existing classes for a catch up half term (or few weeks) and then kicked off September as normal in new classes/years or just moved up and spent a few weeks re-adjusting before hitting the ground. I wonder what the criteria will be for the furlough bonus, there will need to be something or what is to stop businesses putting staff who have been furloughed previously but now back at work back on furlough to then claim the bonus when they bring them back off furlough 🤷‍♀️
  5. It just seems so flat, no leavers trip or sports day, no open mornings for new starters, only a handful of school leavers came back but still hoping we can do some sort of get together before they go to school but not sure how that can be done as it would mean more than 30 even with only one parent each 😢
  6. Crumbs zigzag I saw the hideous tailback of traffic heading down the A303 towards you yesterday, by the time they get there it will be time to turnaround and go home 🤷‍♀️ If it helps sunnyday as much as it’s been nice to see some of the children back I can’t wait to get to the Summer Hols with no covid related problems, the children have been amazing, parents supportive, some staff have shown a more ‘up for it attitude’ than others but that’s ok and the enhanced cleaning isn’t so bad but what is energy draining is the ‘I saw so and so chatting and they weren’t social distancing’, or there are photos on FB that clearly show that guidance isn’t being adhered to and then worrying about what you’re going to do about that as once seen you have to consider other chn and staff safety, in some ways the relaxing of who can mix with who with will lessen that but now we have 2 weeks to worry about what happens if a family in one bubble are meeting a family in another bubble and someone has symptoms, couldn’t the meeting up with another family have just coincided with the relaxing of bubbles 🤦‍♀️
  7. We are ok for September, not the biggest intake but not the lowest either, too many this Sept will cause problems later with a big school cohort who will want to increase hours, I’d rather have the older ones fill up the sessions than bring in too many tinies at once 🤭 A spot of retail therapy today at local’ish nursery just started up by one of our families which was lovely 🥀
  8. I just can’t comprehend what someone is thinking when they turn up (having been stuck in a queue for miles so know what it’s going to be like) and think it’s a good idea to join the masses on an already overcrowded beach and they don’t all seem that young and what’s more unfathomable is they subject their children to the risk of it...probably the same children that haven’t gone back to school yet because it isn’t safe 🤷‍♀️😡
  9. Def agree FM, ‘a picture paints a thousand words’, I really have no interest in reading a 2000 word essay to get to the facts and that’s if there’s any useful learning recorded, they’re going to ‘tick’ the statements in their Tap obs to assess it anyway so why write it all and then wonder why they don’t have enough time, I do note the language used by the child to assess their knowledge and understanding but only really see a use for long obs if you’re evidence gathering for a specific reason e.g. a sen concern.
  10. I use Tapestry and have a child called ‘policies’ attached to all parents, as they are updated I remove old and add new, I started doing this before the ‘documents’ feature was added so may have used that instead but the ‘policy child’ can be accessed from the app.
  11. I don’t think there’s anything pro-rata about it since April, it’s just however many hours a week are worked x 5.6 wks, EYA do our payroll, wages are paid monthly including pro-rata holiday pay, rather than changing it from Apr’20 to take the extra week into the calculation they are including the extra weeks hol pay in August wages (though our staff have now taken it as a weeks holiday during covid closure)
  12. Just 😡
  13. Mouseketeer


    Hi that is my understanding of it, up to 16 in one bubble across the week but ideally no more than 8 of them in together at one time 🙂
  14. Ours only said we couldn’t apply if we’d already received government support other than CJRS, it did say it was mainly for premises costs, but we don’t have any so all I could show was loss of private income and didn’t expect to get anything.
  15. My payroll have confirmed we can furlough staff through the summer holiday (if they have been before 10th June), I’m going to use the same % that I’ve been using, we have our holiday pay added to each month so our Aug pay is earn’t already and not all holiday pay as some pay in August. Did anyone else apply for the LA discretionary grant? I had an email yesterday to say we’d been awarded an amount (a little more than the figure I put that we’d lost in private income) so very happy with that 😄 I hope anyone else who applied has also been successful 🤞
  16. Hi we’ve been open since 1st June (so not all through) but we aren’t wearing any PPE unless it’s needed, we have said we’ll use if nappy changing or we have it if managing someone who shows symptoms, all staff were happy with that, we talked more about not putting yourself in the line of coughs and sneezes unless it couldn’t be helped, sit beside rather than directly in front of to close, if needing to help with zips or shoes do it from behind the child type thing. There is a very good ‘coronacast’ video on YouTube May 8th with a Dr Matt Butler (I think his name was) if you can get your staff to watch that it might help them feel a bit easier about it all, it did us 🙂
  17. True we have a couple who spend their whole time with us chopping and changing days I had that a few years ago, only wanted one day to get to know same chn going to school, I explained I would try and help her put our policy was 2 days minimum, she wrote to my committee saying they needed to take disciplinary action against me as I was rude and unhelpful 🤦‍♀️
  18. They really don’t get how difficult this is to sort out, they miss deadlines, then practically beg for places, then change their minds again, the a couple of days later they are back asking if they can have the sessions back, when they don’t get what they were originally offered they don’t like that 😭
  19. My first tip would be tell parents not to request sessions if they aren’t committed to their child coming....this has wasted so much of my time since planning to open 3 weeks ago....it’s really tested my patience. As already said think about entrances/exits for each bubble, how will a bubble get to a space without going through the other bubble. Where possible have 2 of everything a bubble will need for cleaning their own spaces (indoors and outside).
  20. If you move a child from bubble 1 to bubble 2 and a child or staff in bubble 2 is tested positive would B1 also have to isolate because a child in B2 was in B1 a few days prior? .....but having said that I’d be very surprised if you had a confirmed case (child or staff) that parents wouldn’t pull their child out regardless of being in a different bubble to the confirmed case bubble 🤷‍♀️
  21. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/find-examples-to-help-you-work-out-80-of-your-employees-wages/examples-of-how-to-work-out-80-of-your-employees-wages-national-insurance-contributions-and-pension-contributions#min-pay-flexi Just thought I’d plant this here In case it’s of any use to anyway. Have any term time settings given any thought to August and furloughing staff? We won’t technically have any funding income but staff will still be paid August, could we put anyone who has already been on furlough back on for a few weeks?
  22. It is strange.....I had to get petrol for the first time since before we closed and even that seemed a major hurdle, I keep thinking I should push myself outside of the invisible safety net around my village....which is obviously rubbish and no safer inside it than out really but venturing to a different supermarket seems like a daunting task ....but being back at work was all good 🙂
  23. I think we’re not for profits too (though we do but say it’s for any redundancies or premises repairs), I phoned the help number on my letter which said they don’t have available advisors unless to do with repayments and to go to HMRC webchat, went there was told to phone number I’d just phoned, I told him they are directing to web chat, he said they shouldn’t be, I was about to tell him to try the number himself when the chat was ended .....it’s like Groundhog Day 🤬
  24. Hi Louby, did you get on to this yet? I applied for and got my activation code all geared up to do it then hit this screen very quickly, any ideas what number I’m looking for now? nothing on my letters has 2 letters/9 digits 🤦‍♀️
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