PayPal fees cost us 20p per transaction +1.4% (the £1 donations were costly), you can’t just run a raffle through PayPal though so had to find a platform that would allow a raffle and there weren’t many of those, we came across ‘total giving’ eventually and setting it up as a charity was free, (we had to include everything that should be on a ticket in the blurb) you then had to choose a payment option from 3 (I hadn’t heard of a couple so stuck with PayPal).
FFC - It does seem unfair that some counties are still dead against making a consumables charge when they’re clearly not giving us enough, my county tell parents to expect it now on the parent funding agreement terms, we say it covers snack, seasonal activity supplies, visitors, we supply waterproofs, at the moment it’s all the extra cleaning products we are getting through. Our charge doesn’t cover the difference lost between hourly funding rate and fee rate but it will be an extra 1.5k on the Spring 2021 term, some are just charging the difference end of.
what will your county do if you introduce it?
I keep reading the living wage is going up by 19p an hour but funding only 8p an hour, I wonder how some manage their budgets when they can’t work out 1x 19p an hour against 8 x 8p an hour is still a profit 🤔