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Everything posted by Mouseketeer

  1. That’s just crazy!
  2. He really is a right drip, painful to listen too ! we have gone to tier 3, how about anyone else?
  3. I prefer to wear the face shields and even forget I’ve got one on, as Lynned said I think masks are more about protecting others (though they must give some protection to your mouth and nose but if you don’t wear glasses you’re eyes are still exposed). If you do wear glasses but don’t have shields you can laminate a clear sheet, cut a curved bottom to face shape and use those tiny hair gripper things to attach to the arms of your glasses (I guess those tiny clothes pegs would work too). Whatever you decide for next week stay safe...I best make an effort and do some work as I can’t see them keeping us closed 🤔
  4. It is annoying that we just have to figure out what means us, it wouldn’t take another 2 seconds to add ‘early years’ and make us at least feel like we count for something 😞 I feel more concerned about returning this time around than I did when we went back in June, I’m thinking I will give staff the option of masks or shields, the children are so used to seeing people in them and we wear them at drop off/home time that it will seem common place to them now.
  5. Not that I’ve seen, but weirdly enough after posting that I had an across the road chat with a neighbor who said her son didn’t make Christmas Day because her elderly mother was coming too and he’d had a runny nose and sneezing for a couple of days so thought he’d best get tested in case and he was positive, only lasted that couple of days and no other symptoms before or after 😧
  6. Pleased to read you all had a pleasant Christmas. Back to reality and working on updating the covid action plan and saw this, looked up the nhs website and wondered why anyone is going to ‘continue’ isolating with symptoms we haven’t been told to isolate for in the first place, all along a runny nose and sneezing is just a cold and ok to attend...now how do we manage this 🤷‍♀️
  7. Not sure, was thinking we might go back to KW chn only for a bit but we are staying in tier 2 (for the time being) how has everyone else fared in the tier lottery?
  8. It didn’t seem fair that she went out against someone who had been in the dance off pair how many times?
  9. Sounds like a good plan, I hope it works out ok for you 🙂
  10. Thank you Lynned, I’m so sorry to hear how your term has ended after getting so close to the end, hoping you (and everyone else), don’t carry any blame (easier said I know) but no amount of planning, risk assessing or cleaning is going to stop it once someone carrying the virus brings it through the door, I hope you stay well and can enjoy Christmas with your family ....sending a virtually distanced hug 🤗
  11. Thank you Sunnyday, just a week to hang in there....everything is crossed 🤞
  12. It might not seem much per hour or session but it’s surprising how it adds up isn’t it? welcome to the forum 🙂
  13. I will be so pleased to get everyone out now, our local primary school so far have had no confirmed cases but a not so far away high school was closed completely on Wednesday through to Jan opening following advice from PHE so they must have taken a hit 😕
  14. I’d be livid too Louby, it’s so thoughtless/selfish 😡
  15. Well done on being brave enough to take the decision to close this Friday 🎩 of to you, was waiting on a result to know if even opening tomorrow but thankfully that has come back negative.
  16. PayPal fees cost us 20p per transaction +1.4% (the £1 donations were costly), you can’t just run a raffle through PayPal though so had to find a platform that would allow a raffle and there weren’t many of those, we came across ‘total giving’ eventually and setting it up as a charity was free, (we had to include everything that should be on a ticket in the blurb) you then had to choose a payment option from 3 (I hadn’t heard of a couple so stuck with PayPal). FFC - It does seem unfair that some counties are still dead against making a consumables charge when they’re clearly not giving us enough, my county tell parents to expect it now on the parent funding agreement terms, we say it covers snack, seasonal activity supplies, visitors, we supply waterproofs, at the moment it’s all the extra cleaning products we are getting through. Our charge doesn’t cover the difference lost between hourly funding rate and fee rate but it will be an extra 1.5k on the Spring 2021 term, some are just charging the difference end of. what will your county do if you introduce it? I keep reading the living wage is going up by 19p an hour but funding only 8p an hour, I wonder how some manage their budgets when they can’t work out 1x 19p an hour against 8 x 8p an hour is still a profit 🤔
  17. Our FFC is now 30p an hour and there isn’t anything optional about it 🤭 great planning on the getting out earlier...enjoy 🙂
  18. If you mean as a volunteer we have on occasion asked one to cover staff absence (if DBS/suitable person check in place), we don’t leave them unsupervised or expect them to carry out toileting duties, you’d need to make sure your qualified to non-qualified staff ratios work. Employed staff can be on the committee if you are running with the correct constitution (ours 2011 PSLA/ EYA) or your constitution if that’s included. If committee members have a volunteer DBS they can’t be paid to work, if that is going to happen they need a fully paid one. This is only my understanding of a confusing situation 🤔
  19. Brilliant! We took about £950 on ours less some gift aid people added that we can’t include, PayPal fees and a bit of outlay like the lotteries licence we expect to clear £850 which is 4x what we would have made on normal Xmas raffle. indoor play as a whole group for the first time this week ...oh boy the noise and mess, they have so forgotten how to adjust from outdoor to indoor play, has anyone else noticed this? So wishing we’d started back a week early and was finishing on the 11th now, a few challenging children have staff moral quite low as it is and now a couple of staff are getting anxious about having a positive case in the last week, I’m trying not to even think about that and the feeling of guilt that will ensue if it happens and it messes up their Xmas plans hang in there everyone 🤞
  20. This is now included in our LA parent funding agreements which has really helped.
  21. Hi Rufus, what is your reason for not offering 30hrs being open that many hours a day/year? Will you lose a fair amount between your fee and funded rate? We introduced a ‘fairer funding charge’ for all funded hours a while ago (it doesn’t cover the loss but it helps) and all pay it, you could make it the full different and be precise in what it covers. I would also look at some similar/close settings websites and see what their daily pattern of funding to fee paying hours are, many charge the hourly rate for early start/lunch time/later hours and only allow funded hours between certain times e.g 8am to 9am hourly rate, 9am to 12pm funded hours, 12pm to 1pm hourly rate, 1pm to 4pm funded, 4pm to collection time hourly rate and charge for meals provided. maybe survey your parents, tell them you’re considering offering 30hrs but there will be a small hourly charge to offset the financial loss between the funding rate and your fee rate, explain what the charge will cover and ask if they will be willing to pay this. We only charge 30p an hour but it’s an extra £1500 next term on my estimated hours. good luck
  22. I don’t understand what the difference between childminders and childcare on domestic premises is in these reports?
  23. Thanks zigzig though I’m not unwell .....it just sounds like I might be if I ever get the flu jab 😜
  24. Ours is the same, thought about returfing but worried it will be back to the same in no time, but not sure what the alternative is 🤷‍♀️
  25. You’re really not selling this ladies ....swollen arm, headache, fluey 🤕 🤒 😷
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