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Everything posted by Mouseketeer

  1. Hi JM, congratulations (I think) on headship, how big is your school? we opened again in June and the chn just breezed back in and adjusted as if they’d never been gone which was such a relief so I’m not overly concerned about how my returners will cope, though a few have been off the whole time it was many of our middle group who returned rather than the leavers (there will be the wobbles as there always are with a couple following holidays I’m sure), but I don’t have a clue how we are going to support our new very young ones, a few only turn 2 days before starting, I’ve asked parents to consider half days for a while until settled in but that went down like a lead balloon (2 yr funding has a lot to answer for). I’m planning staggered meet and greets with KPs before going back for new ones as some haven’t even been in yet. I haven’t thought about a covid settling policy, sounds like a plan, if you don’t mind me asking what do you have it? I am also still considering returning in 2 bubbles rather than 40+ chn and 7 staff all mixing freely to minimise the risk of a ‘one out all out’ scenario....but tomorrow it could be back to ‘ what’s the point’ 😞
  2. It really needs to be doesn’t it, the schools will have class bubbles but chn from each class could well go to the BS/AS clubs and be looked after by the same adult, I’m still undecided on the shared setting with all the other things open that chn can attend now and families mixing (from posts I see or get shown on Fb they are really mixing 😔), then staff are ‘what are you going to do about that’ and you feel like you’ve turned into ‘constable covid’ (other spellings are available) trying to manage everyone’s behaviour and the expectations on you to keep everyone safe whilst having a nervous breakdown yourself ☹️
  3. We so do, our guidance is still that staff shouldn’t be working in more than one place yet the very recent guidance for schools says that’s acceptable, one of our staff also works as a TA, how can you ask someone to give up a job? there are so many decisions to make with no real guidance and what do we get?..... ‘how to clean a toothbrush’ 😡
  4. I hadn’t even considered the toileting accidents, I’m sure there are some fantastic places and I think I read x amount of children to 10sq mts but I can’t see how they can keep chn in their own 10mts sq 🤷‍♀️
  5. I’ve only ever been to a couple but they never seem the most hygienic places at the best of time ...they have such enclosed spaces and do they have someone following each child around to clean dribbles and sneezes ....it’s crazy that one of our children can go to these places yet we’re supposed to still ask parents to choose one setting only 🧐
  6. Hi Kat not ‘starting’ the transfer as such but was thinking more something to give the setting you need to send it to you a nudge through Tapestry, maybe I just need to be more patient 😉
  7. Brilliant! And the stripes even match ...I don’t reckon you’ll need to wear them tonight though 🥵
  8. Hi, could it be made possible to allow receiving settings to request a transfer from an existing setting? I find I end up with the duplicates because sometimes you have to chase for the transfer to be started and then you feel like you’re keeping on for it and it still doesn’t happen before a child starts with you 🙁
  9. Fortunately we have a big school cohort returning (lost 10 less this year) with around 1/4 on register being 30hr chn.
  10. Ours estimate doesn’t have to be for another week yet so will be quite accurate 🙂
  11. I know it says we don’t need bubbles in the latest guidance but I just don’t see how that is a good idea (one out all out) and then in the same guidance goes on to say ‘we need to manage how we’ll minimise contact between groups’, so which is it 🤷‍♀️ but with that in mind I’m planning on splitting as a couple of key groups in each bubble (not quite worked out the logistics of which KG with which, I need to ensure a strong staff member with each bubble as well as who works what days), my other idea was to work out which chn only see certain chn over the week, far more complicated and would mean KC wouldn’t necessarily be with their KP. do you have a plan yet FM? (Or anyone else - am I missing a more obvious way to do it?)
  12. Ours have now said to submit the estimate for Autumn term as if normal and if this Autumn is less than last to contact them 🙂
  13. I’ve also been reading this 🤦‍♀️ I’m the only one the wrong side of 50 but would hate to have to leave my team to get on with it whilst I’m stuck at home, I could continue with a lot of my work at home but I tend to be in ratio a bit more in the Autumn term due to the number of 2yr olds starting ...something else to worry about 🥺
  14. I’m sure you’re right....we’re wired to think everything through to the nth degree, so when I’m then spraying the spray the queue is looking at me like ‘what is she doing’ 🤪
  15. You should all create a book on the ‘woes after lockdown’....but it is true about being left to it now, we have to spray our own trolley now which I have no problem with except everyone is handling the bottle of spray instead of the one person on door duty 🦠
  16. Not heard from my county but hoping they fund to best outcome for settings, normal for us would be better as we have a big school year and higher funding due than Spring 20
  17. The PO debacle made me chuckle SD 🤭 ours is the size of a shoebox and you have to navigate past the person taking forever to choose a card ...”just pick a b****y card will you, here have this one”! 🤬
  18. Have you got a step ladder? The risk assessment will make a great read 🤣
  19. I’ve planned one possible bubble set up since I planted the seed in my head but will do options of diff staff together. it will be strange for you but very quickly becomes the norm, even all the cleaning, it’s all worked so well in the bubbles with less resources, no visitors (bonus) I’m a bit reluctant to let go of that way of working (let me know if I can help out with any paperwork we may already have in place that you might just be able to adapt). I’ve emailed everything, all new registration forms have been sent back to me via email before closing, I haven’t done my declaration forms yet but last terms were emailed to each pre-completed and I ask them to reply that they agreed to the hours being claimed (I’ve printed their responses and attached to the printed form) so will do the same again for Autumn term) ....you were very generous giving them a stamped/addressed return envelope.
  20. I’m going to have plan A through to Z at this rate 😝
  21. We’ll probably receive updated guidance at 7pm on Friday 4th Sept as we start back on the 7th 🥺 I’m thinking about splitting the group in 2 bubbles in preparation, that will give less than 30 per bubble over the week in case that’s where we are come Sept, all well and good if we’re not, my only concern there is the way we had to split the room probably doesn’t give enough floor space in each area due to more 2 yr olds, though not all in everyday so will check the indoor floor space available to each bubble and see if the max number of chn we’d have per session will work and also allocate key children according to who’s bubble they will be in (regardless of the previous sibling connection).....does that make sense?
  22. My TDL is nothing like as long as it usually is for the summer Hols ...very little motivation here, not really sure what to do for the best, we walked out leaving it set up working for bubbles which was great with only half the usual number of chn, I don’t know whether to leave it that way or go back to normal, I’ve told returning and new parents we will work towards ‘normal’ but it’s subject to change. is anyone still planning for bubbles (albeit bigger than the ones you were working with?) that will have an impact on who new starters have as a key person (like working out days isn’t hard enough 😕) and not necessarily siblings as we usually do, my staff are very much ‘on holiday’ once we finish and I’ve forgotten who my committee are so no one to run thoughts/ideas by either 🤷‍♀️
  23. It all sounds very positive Fm, we haven’t done any planning as such for a couple of years now, it’s made us realise we don’t need anything like the amount of resources we previously had available (not sure what to do with what isn’t out though, it’s currently being stored in a space that will need to be included in floor space when we get back up to speed 🤔). Enjoy a well earned break for all you TTO settings and stay safe for those of you open through the summer ⭐️
  24. Do you get a garden one included or have to pay extra like me? We also get a little red bag for batteries 😄
  25. 😝 I was totally offended to have a big white label stuck to my bin but it turned out practically ever other house had one, I’d like a garden waste but won’t pay the extra on the principle that I already pay enough council tax for what we have/get in our village 😡
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