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Everything posted by Mouseketeer

  1. I’ve also seen some amazing ‘here’s my plan’ posts where all meet on zoom at this time and we’ll be doing that etc...forget that! We did things like a member of staff reading a story, yoga pose of the week, a few ideas to try at home e.g can you find these things when out for a walk, find some tin cans from the cupboard can you find the biggest/smallest/heaviest/put them in size order type thing but if we aren’t keeping their funding not much of that will be happening either, these councils can’t have it always, if they want us to ‘teach’ those staying home then pay us 🤬
  2. It really is a mess and not of our making 😡 we have to wait for a decision next week now, We’ve had 50% from our estimate back in December ....where did that come from if government hadn’t already paid them, I guess potentially if it’s a ‘no’ we could owe them some back and where will that go 🤷‍♀️ The attached is a section from our funding agreement, to me it reads like as long as we make them aware of any regular absence they’ll decide what to do about it the following term. My plan is to tell parent to take the first 2 weeks as holiday, then keep 4 weeks notice, that gets us to half term, then parents ask for a new place which will be there from half term and either they will have to attend (and include in the adjustment) or cover the 2nd half term loss of funding.
  3. That’s good news for you and welcome to the forum 🙂
  4. Oh gosh, sending best wishes Gezabel 15 chn and 2 staff down (all by choice) so no idea what will happen when they start changing their minds and wanting to send them back 🤦‍♀️
  5. I tried but it says it’s being checked, try again in a few days.
  6. Me too, I just gave my setting address as that was the email address it went from (though I am in the same constituency)
  7. Follow the science...oh no wait don’t follow the science 🤔 I emailed my MP but the generic response was ‘unless this is a COVID emergency you will not receive a response’...that sounds about right 🤬
  8. just popping this here, updated 7th Jan https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-early-years-and-childcare-closures/coronavirus-covid-19-early-years-and-childcare-closures
  9. This is crazy that some will and some won’t 😡 Dorset as always are late to the party so still no idea, we are now run by 2 councils, I council covers Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole who have said they will and the rest of Dorset are still waiting on decision...I haven’t a clue if we will have loss of earnings to furlough anyone or if I’m really going to have to ask those parents keeping children home to cover the loss or force them to send a child when they don’t want to ....it’s going to be worse financially when we just say we’re closed and furlough everyone ...such idiots!
  10. We are on a school site that asked parents to wear them so we followed suit, staff also wear them at drop off/collection mainly because some children can need close contact handover. Face shields are worn for nappy changing and they have been given the choice to wear them generally in the setting if they want to.
  11. last time round it ‘keep them at home if you can’, this time it’s ‘send them in or we’re withholding your funding’ ....I feel like the bad guy telling parent’s we can’t claim their funding if they don’t send ....it’s little short of blackmail 🤬
  12. Hi, which county are you? I’ve seen a number already saying theirs will cover it (Cornwall, Southampton, northumberland)
  13. I remember those times 🙈
  14. Hi Cait, nice to see you you, I’m thinking that if half our chn are off and we don’t get to claim their funding we will suffer a big loss, just yesterday we would be down close on £300 in lost funded hours 🤦‍♀️
  15. I’m with you there! 2 staff have said today for different reasons that they don’t want to work, we’ve had nearly half our chn pulled out and I will go into ratio when needed so doable until parents change their minds and more want to come back, no idea at this point if we will get a U-turn on funding and no idea if they are entitled to furlough or have to take it as unpaid leave, I’m guessing furlough is out as one won’t be available to work if required anyway and not even sure we’d have anything much to claim furlough from unless funding doesn’t come through, I guess I should be reading up about it rather than being on here .....is it half term yet? :’(
  16. Sums it up...good luck to you all 🌟
  17. This made me lol ...good plan! I am shocked and truly believe this is a finance decision and nothing else, my county have emailed this morning to say no funding if chn don’t attend (did they already know what was coming?) and telling parents this feels like I’m blackmailing them to keep their chn in when really the more that pull out at the moment the better but it would be a massive financial hit if the funding decision isn’t changed ....and what’s one more U-turn going to matter 🤔
  18. Best Wishes to you too zigzag and to everyone else starting back this week 🤞 I haven’t heard that any of my chn aren’t coming back even though a few were kept off in the lead up to Xmas.
  19. My staff each have their own log in, a made up email and pin.
  20. I’ve not heard from anyone on my committee either and my staff team make it clear they are on holiday yet no one cares that we are supposed to be too and an employee too, it’s a lonely place 😞
  21. Thank you sunnyday 😊
  22. They really do believe that we get inside information don’t they?, if it wasn’t for groups like this how would we know anything? Has any one even received as much as a message of support from their EY teams as we prepare to open again? I bet the first we hear is when they want their endless surveys completed again 😠 We’ve asked parents to layer them up but we had to move some indoors the last week of term as it got so cold and some were crying because their hands and feet hurt, we have a number of windows cracked open but also ended up putting the heating on, it was hard to type or even concentrate on work as it was so cold indoors too 🥶
  23. Other than being told the new strain is affecting children more they are keeping very quiet about how many, age %, what their symptoms are and how many are becoming seriously ill.....either because they don’t want to scare parents into keeping their chn home or we’d all be refusing point blank to open, I’d be with you on staying closed if it wasn’t deemed safe enough for the primary schools to go back next week...that makes no sense ☹️
  24. Go sunnyday I’m proud of you and just a little bit envious! How has it gone down? You should have pushed your luck and tried for half term 🤣
  25. Wishing my forum friends and everyone at Team Tapestry a happy and healthy new year, thank you all for the virtual advice, thoughts and comradeship that helped me through this crappy year of furlough, bubbles and endless cleaning! 🥂
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