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Everything posted by Mouseketeer

  1. Crumbs Panda I’d forgotten all about Peter, the manager previous to me used to sing this quite a lot ...may try it tomorrow. Row, Row, Row your boat 🚣‍♀️ (Working together, animals, speeds, actions, rhyming, making up their own) Gently/stream/crocodile/scream Quickly/river/polar bear/shiver slowly on the lake/long snake/quake Bobbing on the sea/bumble bee/freeze
  2. I was already convinced I’d been given a placebo anyway when practically everyone I knew was some kind of unwell and I didn’t even have an arm ache 🤔
  3. Is anyone any closer to making a decision on whether they’ll follow DM or B25 (or something else altogether) from Sept? I just keep swinging between the two, I like the JG short videos and think these will be great for sharing with staff and discussing the reasoning behinds a more informal way of assessing (not statements > concerns/no concerns) but prefer the assessment side/ranges of B25 and that aspects are included in all ranges, so thinking about mixing them up. Is there any news on when/If B25 will be available on Tapestry? And will it have aspect flags and ranges as well as area flags please? I think I’m asking will it be possible to show a child for example is: Literacy/Reading/Expected range 4 🤔
  4. Me too louby 🥺 is the kissing/hugging thing really necessary yet? I wonder if there will be any changes to Monday’s plans with the rise in the Indian variant? Has anyone been invited to take part in the antibody test? I did it last night and being 8 weeks post 1st vaccine it showed no antibodies present ......I know it says it’s not 100% accurate but now wishing I hasn’t done it 🙁
  5. Please can it be the end of term soon forget Friday 🤦‍♀️ hope the week gets better Froglet 🙏
  6. Thanks Ben, I do appreciate that but it must just be me seeing it as un-logical if it hasn’t been raised by any of the other thousands of users ...put it down to age 🙈
  7. Even later but Happy Birthday 🥳
  8. Ummmmm I’m not convinced 🤣 to my mind if I’ve set a reflection to available to all staff and ready for discussion it has been actioned/submitted/added (well by me anyway 😛)
  9. Sainsbury’s (other supermarkets are available) do a nice chn bath foam, £2 a tin but you get a lot from it, smells lovely and can mould with it :-) I’ve never found a slime recipe that is any good tbh, though chia seeds make a nice kind of slime texture.
  10. I really like the reflection tool and use it for sharing things with staff like group meeting notes, CPD, adding links I want them to see But why was it developed visually to show if it’s been made available to staff in the opposite format to whether an observation has been added e.g when an ob has the solid line on left of thumbnail (orange) it hasn’t been made available (added) but the reflection with the solid (blue) line, left of thumbnail has been made available (added)....my brain doesn’t cope with this at all well 🤯
  11. Brilliant FM!
  12. You could always eliminate that bit if you come up with your own curriculum 👍
  13. I’ve watched a number of JG short videos on the matter and really like them and as they are in short bites they will be easy to share with staff for discussion at a meeting, I am leaning toward DM, I think B25 may well become a ticking exercise again for staff who see everything as needing to be in black & white. I also like the idea in theory of coming up with my own because I still think SSM is important and don’t want it forgotten, but then wonder how it might fit with Tapestry if we personalise things, I’m confused as to why they both have aspects yet they seem to be being ignored in any assessments going forward e.g I may have a ‘concern’ in UTW but it won’t necessarily be the whole area just one of the aspects...oh I don’t know 🤷‍♀️
  14. It is useful for comparing both, I’ve read too many FB posts on the subject now, it’s nice to discuss what we all have planned (or don’t yet) here 🙂
  15. This author is very pro B25.
  16. Could you both have a look and tell us which/how to use either/both...I think I’m in a fog with it all and the new framework + inspection handbook to take on board ...it seems bloody unfair that this has all been dumped on us now after the year we’ve had, I’d really have liked to have the time & the inclination to pull the best from both and create my own curriculum but I really don’t have either these days 🥺
  17. Nor me Louby...I personally think DM is far too loose and yes I’ve read all the arguments put forward about not thinking of it as age bands but it’s exactly that! 0-3/3-4 are age bands, it’s too big to just say a child is ‘expected’ in it when they could be a 3 year old who is only just walking and I know my professional judgement tells me there is obviously a concern there but then you question what’s the point in the DM document at all? just use your judgement (but not sure how NQ staff will manage with nothing to reference) and I don’t like that the aspects are not given more prominence (I really liked that gross & fine were being split, that never worked as one). But I don’t really like B25 either as that has too many age bands/ranges making it too restrictive, they both needed putting in a bag and shaking up ....though we’d probably just get back to what we already have ......there’s clearly no pleasing some people 🙈🤪
  18. Half of my staff don’t seem to think children under 4 are capable of showing any of the creating/thinking critically learning processes, I seem to be forever flagging this with them, I’ll see if I have anything worthwhile saved on the work pc that you might be able to share. educare have something in their free training package if you are an EYA member.
  19. Hi and welcome I think there was going to be something like this but not sure when or if it was shelved, I use reflections to add anything I want staff to see or they add feedback from training, by adding one of their key children to the reflection they see the notification on the app (parents don’t see it). I’m not sure if you could use memo’s for this too?
  20. It sure does...who remembers when pleasing Ofsted was all we worried about ? I think it’s just dawning on us all now the news is they are back on for Sept (do any of you meet the criteria to warrant a from May inspection?) and with all the changes to think about too for Sept. I’m sure you’ll all be amazing when it happens....safeguarding as sunnyday says, I think well-being will be on the agenda and I’m beginning to drip things like the 3’Is, FBVs, cultural capital back into staff thinking.
  21. And mine zigzag, it panics me that one day I’ll have to walk away or be dragged kicking and screaming, I will have been manager for 30 yrs at the end of this term and didn’t even want the job but nor did anyone else and it was going to close. I’d like to see it go in another direction if I’m honest ...maybe move under the school umbrella (we are on a school site but still separate).
  22. If you miss it anytime soon sunnyday I haven’t done mine yet 🙈 Panders you’ve summed it up so well, I can’t imagine it not being ‘my’ pre-school
  23. Just ignore the above sunnyday it was in my reply and couldn’t figure how to delete 🤷‍♀️ hope you and your dad have lovely birthdays zigzag 🙂
  24. Not a fan here either I’m afraid Sue, not liking the banner much either if I’m honest 🙈 welcome back zigzag 👏 my county didn’t stay long, but I’m sure many people use the FB groups now for discussions, which is a real shame 😕
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