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Everything posted by Mouseketeer

  1. Thank you sunnyday, so pleased we stood our ground on the neg PCR test (parent was not happy, kept wanting to know where it said that in the guidance), I am actually thinking of just changing it to they aren’t coming, there is no way a parent is isolating from a small child if they’ve stayed in the same house.
  2. Crumbs panders, sometimes there is just to much to think about at once 😵‍💫 Hope everyone’s first week is going better than mine, it feels like we’re about to hit Friday number 4 not the first of the term 🙈 one staff positive as we were due to start back, 2 positive households, thankfully we had included negative PCR test score a child can return or a child would have been in for 2 days already and did then test positive too, small town so everyone knows and now getting ‘if that child is coming mine isn’t’ emails. it’s going to be a long term, does anyone know if we have to report positive cases to anyone if the child hasn’t actually been in yet since the summer holidays?
  3. Good luck if you’re back tomorrow (not that the work ever stopped), let’s hope we all have an ‘uneventful’ term and make it through to the end with no disruptions on the Covid front, Best Wishes 🙏 If you started back last week I hope you had a good first day or two 😊
  4. We do FM, I didn’t want anything on paper really but I also don’t want staff worrying that they won’t remember everything. I have a different sheet for the key person to use for their group but that’s more if they have key chn needing support in an area/s, which I hope won’t be many.
  5. I just went on that if we used the Tapestry concern screen it would have the areas.
  6. I think I’ve figured out how to use the ‘concerns’ screen, I’m more at a ‘do I want to?’ place, staff aren’t great at using the browser for anything, I’m thinking a sheet with the 7 areas down the left, 3 terms across the top (or maybe 6 half terms) and 2 columns under each term headed concern/no concern (or whatever we decide to call them) will do, staff can just record whether they feel the child needs support against any of the areas, it will be quicker and I won’t need to keep printing them off. Staff were worrying about how they’ll remember everything so I’ve created a sheet for each key group that they can add a key child, what their concern is, what they’re going to do to support them etc it’s pretty basic but will do, I know I wouldn't be able to remember it all for 10 or 12 key chn so can understand why they are a little worried. I’ve decided the changes from statutory framework that require policies updating can wait until I’m back at work.
  7. I don’t know FM, I’ll have a look….but what would I be printing if I took the concerns/no concerns part off 🤔 edit: I had a play and you can just either export to pdf showing how many obs in each area and/or reflections added. I just feel we’ve gone from having soooooo many screens to work with to one screen fits all, I’m not sure why when I export an individual guided screen it says ‘All children’ on the top, is there something I should be changing there too FM?
  8. Hat off to you louby, I opened the ‘shove stuff in and slam it shut quick’ cupboard and shut the door again 🙈 I go in with an intention, then start phaffing with something else 🤷‍♀️ the dreaded coolmilk email arrived 😢
  9. If we print them they are, we usually print and put in their LJ.
  10. We purchased ours through our county who also ran training, we use the section record sheets but didn’t bother with the online part, how did you purchase yours?
  11. We do, but I still think seeing it in black & white makes it more real for them. If I’m honest I actually think the 2 yr check is the biggest waste of paperwork time we do, they’ve usually already had it with HV before starting with us but we still have to do one and if we have concerns we flag it with parents & HV anyway, the HV says the parent isn’t concerned and then what ever we think has no merit with the parent, we often get the same with Salt, we advice that a salt referral could support their child, parent agrees to us submitting one, they have a phone call from the salt and salt tells us the parent isn’t concerned 🤷‍♀️
  12. Well it’s a Tapestry group, though there was an FSF group that Inge (I think it was) started eons ago 🤔
  13. I feel the same about ‘concerns’ but not sure what says it in a more parent friendly way…supported/no support? Action/no action? But if we change it then it won’t tie up with Tapestry print outs anyway.
  14. I’ve never seen an EYA version, is that a buy into? We find when we raise a ‘health’ concern with the HV it’s always passed back to us to deal with, very little partnership working there 😞
  15. It is tricky because if there is a ‘concern’ you don’t want to sugar coat it as the point of the 2 year check is to raise potential send issues 🤔
  16. Hi Stargrower, it does doesn’t it? I think all the questions go in the fb group now. I’ve changed ours by dropping aspects and the age bands/EDS (just the 3 prime areas) and adding concerns/no concerns to each area, we had already told our parents we would changing assessments to concerns/no concerns as Tapestry but we had a couple of not too happy parents because we’d recorded as ‘concern’ in an area so may need to look at the term we use again but I’m not sure what, I expect some will take offence what ever we use (additional support/not on track/intervention 🤷‍♀️,) I don’t think they quite understood the difference between E,D,S so didn’t seem as stark.
  17. Thankfully the nearest IKEA is over an hour away!
  18. If anyone is looking for child friendly graphics to go with curriculum goals Mycutegraphics.com has hundreds of lovely free ones 🙂
  19. I did look 🙈 they must be affiliated to Ikea, great stickers for tubs and tops 👍
  20. Nooooooo I’ve just signed up to the Perry's creation 🙈
  21. I painted the home corner cooker rings black….I can take a photo tomorrow 🤣 🤣
  22. Fantastic Louby on the grant front 👏 my LA have been less than helpful through it all tbh and then send emails patting themselves on the back for the great job they’re doing from the safety of home 😠 Have EYA included anything to do with witchcraft in their updated safeguarding policy? I haven’t done that yet either. Thanks for the updated flow chart zig-zag 😊
  23. You’ve achieved lots 👏 I’ve never bought into the EYA policies, it irks me that we get nothing for their membership as it is and then have to pay extra for the policies, a bit like my refusal to pay extra for a garden bin! Thank you for the reminder about the no vaping in sign. RIP Jill Murphy …..Peace at last is on my half done core book list 😔
  24. Pretty depressing feeling when the coolmilk email came today knowing that when it comes next week I won’t just be able to ignore it and will have to tell them how much milk I need for the following week 😢 The TDL is going ok, the curriculum/pedagogy overview ✔️ new starting point sheets for parents done ✔️(given up waiting to see if WTEW is being updated) registers ✔️ (not printed), sorting/tidying in hand but a way to go (I won’t need to worry about other opinions as no one will offer to help anyway). This link might be of use if still needing an outbreak management plan, no idea why if Slough PHE can manage one the rest of them can’t 🤷‍♀️ I haven’t done one yet, or updated my Covid risk assessment (mainly because I can’t get my head around children coming when a family member could be knowingly at home with Covid) and I haven’t updated any policies ….maybe the TDL isn’t going as ok as I thought 🤨 https://thelink.slough.gov.uk/sites/default/files/2021-01/2020.12.18_A4ActionCard_Earlyyearssettings_0.pdf Good luck with the chauffeuring froglet, sending any patience I can muster your way, though it isn’t much these days 🙄
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