I think I’ve figured out how to use the ‘concerns’ screen, I’m more at a ‘do I want to?’ place, staff aren’t great at using the browser for anything, I’m thinking a sheet with the 7 areas down the left, 3 terms across the top (or maybe 6 half terms) and 2 columns under each term headed concern/no concern (or whatever we decide to call them) will do, staff can just record whether they feel the child needs support against any of the areas, it will be quicker and I won’t need to keep printing them off. Staff were worrying about how they’ll remember everything so I’ve created a sheet for each key group that they can add a key child, what their concern is, what they’re going to do to support them etc it’s pretty basic but will do, I know I wouldn't be able to remember it all for 10 or 12 key chn so can understand why they are a little worried.
I’ve decided the changes from statutory framework that require policies updating can wait until I’m back at work.