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Everything posted by Mouseketeer

  1. Wow Cait, how lovely, she looks stunning in both 👍
  2. And just when you think you’re on top of it all ….photos done, online journal accounts set up, key groups sorted, name labels made, registers done someone will phone and ask if they can change their days or someone who wanted a Jan start would now like September instead and you have to start over again 🙈
  3. These Fridays are coming around too quickly 😢
  4. Who saw ‘the van man’ on undercover boss last night? 🙄 (the boss man did pull him up on his comments)
  5. That’s strange, I had an email a couple of days ago asking me to submit my July claim, I thought I’d already done it but did it again anyway 🤔 we also have very little wall/ board space, floor to ceiling windows seemed a good idea at the time 🤨
  6. It looks pretty good, I can see it’s a huge french fancy and lemon ones are my favs!
  7. I just decided if I was creating this bloody curriculum I had to get on with it rather than worrying about it and move on to the other things on my TDL that I wasn't able to focus on, I'm not sure if I should now create an age related pathway to the goals or just go with 'if that's my goal I'd expect them to be achieving that by then' 🤷‍♂️ good luck with it 🤞
  8. Wellllllll I think I’ve created our curriculum, a bit more wordy than I’d first intended, it ended up on 2 pages instead of one but does include our pedagogy too, I still don’t really know if it was needed or not, but if nothing else it will be a simple crib sheet of what goes on in our setting for staff. I haven’t read anything about WTEW yet, we used it for parents as a starting point, my intention is to create a starting points sheet using the DM checkpoints, one for the 2 yr olds as that’s when most start with us and then a 3/4 years one for late joiners and include some ‘specific’ questions on that one. I am not re-buying it, hardly anything changed that has any relevance to warrant it being so much longer, I’ve scribbled the main changes and stuck stick it notes on to make finding different areas easier ….it was driving me nuts trying to find the area I wanted 🤪
  9. …and when they wanted posters displayed for parents they’d send them….all that coloured ink 🙈 At least we have a grasp of ‘past & present’ when it comes to that part of our curriculums 🤣
  10. That was in the oldern days 🤣 It is a shame the chat rooms don’t exist anymore 😞
  11. Hi, I have seen adverts about this but hadn’t worked out how to find out the 3 words for wherever you are, I’ll look for the app 👍
  12. yep, I agree louby, it’s mainly already about what we do, it’s just everyone understanding what we do and why, especially inexperienced staff. Some say we don’t need a curriculum but I’m not sure how all staff will be singing from the same sheet if it isn’t recorded in some way, what use is just having it in our heads 🤷‍♀️ I have created a sheet for each key person to just record if they have ‘concerns’ and what they can do to support those concerns (based on 3 I’s), I know they can add it to Tapestry and then include a reflection but they rarely venture further than the app and I wonder how much Tapestry will be used now other than for sharing pics with parents, I intend printing a group ‘concerns’ sheet at the end of term to check there aren’t certain cohorts showing more concerns in an area that we need to focus on. I bought 8 copies of DM then they went and updated it 😡 apparently the reason was given as feedback wanting it to be more like B25 as in more colour (as you say a nightmare for printing), the toileting section has been moved from PD/0 to 3 yrs ob checkpoint back to PSED and the reception bonds now includes ‘number bonds to 5 and some to 10’ rather than just to 10 (if that helps anyone), seems like the rest was just typos or slight changes to wording (think they must have forgot to send it to the proof reader and maybe could have asked for feedback before putting out there, at least still called it a draft version)
  13. Thanks sunnyday 😊 I have to say we soon gave up on recording ITM interactions on sheets and never went down the focus child route, who was ever going to read it all again, if staff add an ob to tapestry that they’ve facilitated in response to a ‘spark’ they add #ITM so I can pick up and see they are recognising where those opportunities are and not letting things drift.
  14. So 2 weeks on louby does the thread make sense? How is everyone getting on? I think I’ve nailed my preparation for my staff meeting, lots of very short clips from JG on YouTube to discuss, thrash out the wording for our curriculum/Intent goals for each area (am trying to think about it in more of holistic way rather than an ‘achieve by’ way, more like skills for any stage of their life (not sure that’s doable yet). Pedagogy doesn’t need much thinking about, I think it’s more about staff realising that all the good practices we already use is our Pedagogy/Implementation and then the systems/assessments we have in place will show us what the ‘Impact’ of all this has been. If this seems way off the mark please tell me, would love to hear how anyone else is preparing 😶‍🌫️
  15. (not sure how that ended up in the quote box) Ofsted and Gov.uk seem to contradict each other and even themselves on somethings and then Ofsted are questioning how this ‘myth’ that they wanted to see all this paperwork came about…..how about their inspectors coming in to our settings asking to see planning, cohort tracking and written next steps (my last inspector said it was clear staff knew children very well but she couldn’t give an overall outstanding as I couldn’t show her where each child’s next steps were recorded 😠) Another task will be coming up with some kind of ‘starting points’ for parents once we have a curriculum I guess, we currently give the appropriate age band from WTEW 🤔 I don’t think anyone has given a thought to the person who has a lot more paperwork/preparation to do to ensure everyone else has less 🧐
  16. That makes 2 of us and I don’t think we’re the only ones 😜 on one hand Ofsted want to ‘bust the myth’ about needing a curriculum map, then Phil Minns HMI inspectors is saying you need a clear pathway on how chn will get to your Intent (curriculum), what’s the difference between a map and pathway 🤷‍♀️
  17. Basically (from what I can make of it all) we’re being told/advised/suggested (whatever the right word is) that we should plan our own curriculum goals based on what we want the children in our settings to be learning/achieving and not say the ELG’s are the curriculum. BUT you read or watch something that tells you how to create your curriculum, then something else says you’re not expected to have a curriculum and then you read something like this from a new Gov publication and it looks like we should 🤷‍♀️
  18. I’m trying, but it’s an up hill struggle, I’m finding staying on task tricky, am also trying to prep for new framework/ DM staff training but have read/watched and saved so many things I’ve confused myself 😵‍💫 how is anyone else getting on with their curriculums? Are you creating one or not bothering ……I’m not seeing how all staff will be on the same page if we don’t have something on paper 🤷‍♀️
  19. Best Wishes for a happy and healthy retirement sunnyday 💐
  20. How did it go FM, we are supposed to be finishing with a short sports day for our leavers but now it’s stupid hot I’m not sure that can go ahead…if Covid didn’t get us by the end of term the heat will 🤦‍♀️ Hope she continues to improve and very quickly 🤞
  21. What a fun Autumn term we’re all in for 🤦‍♀️
  22. Best Wishes from me too, hoping your granddaughter has a speedy recovery (whether she is positive or not), there are definitely more nasty bugs around again and have just been reading about the increase in Norovirus rearing it’s head early 🤦‍♀️
  23. Haha yeah! Just like we do for the love of the job…I’d willingly work 51 weeks a year if I could have one week of their pay and I wouldn’t even mind doing 40 hours a week instead of 90 minutes for it 🤣
  24. Crumbs Louby, how do you know it will happen in the next 2 days? when you make sense of this thread can you tell us? I’ve never really understood what ‘brain fog’ was until recently but now it feels like my head is just solid and also feeling like a whole term has been lost for one reason or another and haven’t even given any thought to Ofsted rocking up …..it’s going to be one full on summer holiday getting everything back on track and up to speed 😞 That’s also how I’m approaching this, writing their own name was on the list …that’s wishful thinking with this cohort 🙈 Oh stargrower I feel for you, we might get to do it for free in the holiday but at least we get down time to focus on it all, will you have less children that you might get time to work through everything?
  25. In a year? I don’t know what I’m talking about now ….I haven’t mastered making a bread roll or sewing in a straight line yet so I’d be forever ‘a concern’ or ‘not on target’ or whatever it is now I’m not 50 to 60 years emerging 🤪
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