yep, I agree louby, it’s mainly already about what we do, it’s just everyone understanding what we do and why, especially inexperienced staff.
Some say we don’t need a curriculum but I’m not sure how all staff will be singing from the same sheet if it isn’t recorded in some way, what use is just having it in our heads 🤷♀️ I have created a sheet for each key person to just record if they have ‘concerns’ and what they can do to support those concerns (based on 3 I’s), I know they can add it to Tapestry and then include a reflection but they rarely venture further than the app and I wonder how much Tapestry will be used now other than for sharing pics with parents, I intend printing a group ‘concerns’ sheet at the end of term to check there aren’t certain cohorts showing more concerns in an area that we need to focus on.
I bought 8 copies of DM then they went and updated it 😡 apparently the reason was given as feedback wanting it to be more like B25 as in more colour (as you say a nightmare for printing), the toileting section has been moved from PD/0 to 3 yrs ob checkpoint back to PSED and the reception bonds now includes ‘number bonds to 5 and some to 10’ rather than just to 10 (if that helps anyone), seems like the rest was just typos or slight changes to wording (think they must have forgot to send it to the proof reader and maybe could have asked for feedback before putting out there, at least still called it a draft version)