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Everything posted by Mouseketeer

  1. Wishing you all a good run up week to end of term, personally cannot wait, so fed up with the excuses about why it’s ok their child has come in coughing, and now whooping cough has reared it’s head 😖 first ‘Xmas do’ last night and reinforced why I bloody hate don’t like secret Sana ….bah humbug!
  2. Sounds fantastic fm, buses are rare in our area and if you can get one there you can’t get back again for hours and hours, we then have to sort parents collecting from wherever we get to and make sure they can then do the sibling school run …it turns into a big headache and how you managed 50 minutes with no one wanting the toilet is a miracle, we aren’t great at getting out and about at the best of times and have used Covid as an excuse not to so hat’s off to you 👍 staff (well one in particular) will find every reason it can’t be done)
  3. My thoughts too zigzag…..…great cultural capital FM, ours need the opposite, they need to stay home on the weekends, learn to fill their own time and just play rather than expecting to be entertained every waking moment.
  4. A bit late, but as sunnyday and panders, do what you need to zigzag, we have stood our ground and said if in the house we want a neg PCR test, I know it’s only a snapshot result at that time but it has bought time for the child to show own symptoms or parents have opted for isolation period (their choice so no funding implications). I am utterly fed up with how many children are coming in coughing and getting the ‘but it’s because they have a bit of a cold’, you’d think this far in they’d know our rules and they are not getting that whilst it might not be a Covid cough if staff get it we’re all off testing and the setting closed so just test the child and instead of them loosing one day they could lose more because we can’t open ….the selfishness of some is beyond belief (especially the non-workers) 😞
  5. We have low numbers too but sooooo many 2 yr olds that practically need 1:1, added to that most are still in nappies (or pull ups -even worse) and also a few of next years school cohort showing no signs of toileting (or much else) independence it really doesn’t feel like we’re over staffed, so dreading what January will be like. Every year we loose one school group I am always amazed at how quickly the next cohort step up but this next year group really haven’t and I don’t see it happening any time soon and so many behaviour issues to manage on a daily basis, stubbornness, defiance, it’s clear who calls the tune at home 💤
  6. I agree zigzag, and if funded it’s not even their money to worry about loosing it 🙄
  7. Congratulations Panders, she is gorgeous 👶🎀
  8. I can remember in the olden days when inspections first started that they came 2 mornings in a row, our first one ever didn’t take her coat off and sat in the corner of the huge hall we used to run from and just watched, told us we didn’t cover enough multi-culture and left, a couple of years later (they seemed much quicker then) we had just cover Chinese New Year and the inspector asked if we had a Chinese family, said no we didn’t and she asked why we’d covered it then as it wasn’t relevant to our children ….I soon realised we couldn’t really win this game 🤷‍♀️
  9. I”m also reading these ‘progression’ posts and worrying that whilst as a team we created our own ‘curriculum goals’ I haven’t created a progressive document, or sequenced as the inspection handbook constantly refers to it, I’m hoping it’s enough to explain that we have progressive resources and expectations? If I’m honest I read some of the Reception ones and think they aren’t nearly ambitious enough and some children were doing what they are expecting long before leaving us and others that are set out as ‘by the end of Autumn term’ and wonder how that works when children entering Reception could be practically a year apart in age. The no safeguarding questions to staff is interesting, as others seem to say there was a lot of focus/questions on SG with staff, maybe that will be more drilled into if they stay for the full day and have time to fill, how much were you asked about safeguarding Louby? oh and oral health…I am standing firm and not introducing teeth cleaning, hand washing takes up enough of the day without that! well done again 👍
  10. Many Thanks Louby, really helpful, pleased you had a good experience though have to say under the new EYFS I’m surprised written next steps was raised (we had this exact statement 5 yrs ago… all staff knew children very well but couldn’t see written next steps) but I would argue the point this time around 🤔 zigzag don’t hug them this time round, under the circumstance it might be frowned upon 🤪
  11. We use Amazon fires mainly (though only being able to add one pic at a time is annoying …has anyone found a way around this?) so I’ll check them, what do you you? I also haven’t tried the copy/paste thing, will have a go.
  12. Hi FM, I can include any number of area flags at the same time to an ob (on iPad app)……sorry replied last night but I think I fell asleep before submitting 💤 not sure about the 2 yr check as never used it, I always find Tapestry reports export as too many pages to print out 😉
  13. The email thing has become ridiculous, I’m sure everyone at county are still WFH and wondering what can I send them next to prove I’m actually doing something for the chunk of money we slice of their funding …..hey! I know let’s send another survey or something they can spend time either printing or sharing with parents, that’ll keep them busy …..as if we exist to be their PA! Now the C word is out of the box 🎄, what are you all planning Xmas performance wise? Committee are pushing for a parent invited performance (it is one of the biggest fundraisers where they don’t have to do a lot other than sell a few raffle tickets).
  14. Louby, pleased to read your inspection is out of the way and a positive experience, well done and like zigzag a little envious, though I’m currently stuck between ‘bring it on’ and ‘no, we aren’t ready, (still embedding new way of working, not sure staff are confident enough to explain how we are now doing things, I ask about their Intent etc and some look at me blankly) post 4 years but now could be another 2 Years I guess 🤷‍♀️ When you feel up to it and the haze has cleared a few thoughts would be fab please 🙂 Has anyone else read the Inspection Framework and wondered who these plural ‘leaderS’ they speak of are? How have leaders? what have leaders? …it seems to me that in many settings there has only been one leader carrying everyone else’s expectations, fears, demands and safety on their shoulders through this last 19 months…..”I am a robot” 🤖 (that looks like a cupcake with a cherry on top 🤔)
  15. Thank you 😊 I sure will sunnyday
  16. I know where you are coming from zigzag, I’m really not looking forward to this half term, also did a few hours on Monday but have taken the rest of week practically to chill and do what I wanted to do, which is mainly knit baby things since finding out recently that I’m going to be a nanny next spring …..so excited 😆 We could be due Ofsted any time in the next 2 years now I guess (post 4 yrs now), I’m not sure all my team are strong enough to talk the talk now that more expectation will be on staff than mainly speaking with managers, but can’t be worrying about that for the next 2 years. Hope you all have a stress free half term 🤞
  17. Not a lot going on here either really except being Halloween’d out this week, cases are worryingly high in the county (500+ per 100k) with lots of classes and a couple of school closures around us, we’ve been sent letters from county about increasing measures again to mitigate an expected increase in cases following half term mixing 🙈 Have a restful half term if you have one and try not to put in too many unpaid hours 🤞
  18. Our village was decorated a few years ago with knit/crochet poppies, looked amazing, the church looks stunning cait!
  19. Yep, we had a notice about Acute Respiratory Syndrome a few months ago but the haven’t called it that but it all seems to be the same symptoms, a couple have been overnight hospitalised 😔
  20. Hi everyone, pleased to read all doing ok, getting over things and finding fuel, it went pretty crazy here with it but the FB warriors posting when local garages had fuel deliveries didn’t help matters 🙄 We have so many chn off either unwell non-Covid or waiting for test results for themselves or family, we have some very poorly with viral wheeze? (Not something I’ve heard of as an actual thing before other than you’d say ‘sounds wheezy’) it’s going to be a tricky winter to manage and already frazzled with trying to keep the ‘Covid police’ it the place calm. Hang in there everyone, more than half way to half term 🎉
  21. That’s an interest questioning ….would it be an epic fail if we told the truth and said it hasn’t been? Thank you again for all the great feedback, it’s really helpful, I was going to ask if the joint observation was still carried out, I think this is something we’d need to plan (what & who) once we get the call as being ITM we rarely set pre-planned activities unless as an enhancement. look forward to hearing your outcome when you can let us know but we’ll done on what sounds like a good experience 🙂
  22. Thank you so much for taking the time to add all of that, very helpful and will def check out the privacy link. well done to you and your team ⭐️
  23. Congratulations 🎉 we are almost 5yrs post last inspection. any feedback on what to expect would be welcome Gezabel, mainly what was expected ‘curriculum’ wise 😊 I haven’t even looked at the new inspection hand book yet, hoping to make it to half term and then give full attention to it 🤦‍♀️
  24. It will, now to get shot of the VF one 😡 I’d replace her with Alistair Bryce Clegg or Julien Grenier …either would do and just to care about early years is an improvement on her 😛
  25. This is all to much without anyone supporting us, I hope those having a tough time are finding a way through it, today has been spent mostly reporting positive cases, a local school has been hit quite hard (student attending from a positive household), we have a handful of younger siblings and everyone of them has tested positive (slight temps if anything but all fine otherwise) thankfully not all have been in as we stuck to the ‘need a negative PCR test first’, after 18 months of not really being touched by it this has come hard and the stress level has ramped another notch but a parent emailed this evening, not a parent I would have expected, to ask if I was ok as this must be so stressful to manage…..not my committee or staff in 18 months have asked that ….the little things make a huge difference 😌 stay strong x
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