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Everything posted by Mouseketeer

  1. Happy long weekend all, have a good one ☀️
  2. I’ve had a number of children that I also had their parents in Pre-School, I’m a little worried if I stay much longer I’ll be getting the their children to 😳
  3. We also have about 20 children less on register over the week than we did before 30 hours, I’d like to get back to being a ‘Pre-School’ with a school cohort year and the rising group and not the nursery parents want us to be, removing 2 yr olds from the equation not increasing them (at least until term before 3 yrs).
  4. If you still haven’t seen it Panders 🤦‍♀️
  5. I feel your pain Looby, I really don’t know what has happened (Covid is the easy excuse for parents) many of our next cohort are defiant, not listening to a word that’s said to them, zilch independence (a couple will actually throw their coat or shoes at you and say “you do it” when asked to put them on) they are obviously used to saying “jump” at home and parents asking how high, they expect instant responses and when it doesn’t come they screech ….and some of these only just missed school last year, many take more 1:1 staff time than our Sen diagnosed chn 😔 Hope everyone is ok, feels like I’ve been awol lately …where did that week go 🤷‍♀️, I spent last weekend celebrating my little grandsons 1st birthday 🥳….where did that year go 🤷‍♀️
  6. That’s the long and the short of it, a neighbouring county (who we usually are on a par with) have had their’s, 29p on 3 / 4 yr olds but only 6p on funded 2’s 😡 that’s 24p an hour when the staff member employed will need 90p…why would anyone continue to take them? We currently limit our 30 hr chn to keep some spaces for the 2’s but am beginning to think I should just give them their 30 hours, 8x 29p v 4x 6p is a no brainer .
  7. Hi all, hope all ok , 🙌 to half term, it’s only been 5 weeks for us but has seemed a bloody long one of endless nose wiping and being coughed over continuously 😷 well done on Ofsted Froglet 👏 relax and enjoy the half term. Has anyone in EY had their funding rates yet? Have calculated our April wage increase will be somewhere between 4.5k & 7k depending on how the committee decide to proceed with staff already above the new rates currently and that doesn’t include the increased on costs of NI & pension contributions 🤷‍♀️
  8. For sure, it sounds likes the years (and years) of up and down on the floor constantly and tiny chairs have taken it’s toll us, back in ratio 2.5 days a week and my knees are not happy about it @too old for this malarky now 😔 looks like another wet and windy weekend for most of us, off to meet a friend in a cosy little cafe for breakfast, stay toasty all 🔥
  9. Popping in to wish you all a healthy and happy new year 🥳
  10. 🙌 🙌……and breath Froglet, I feel a bit bad that I finished last Friday and apart from paying wages I haven’t given work a thought let alone done anything on the TDL and it feels quite alien when I should be worried about getting everything done due to being back in ratio more and more 🤷‍♀️ Wishing you all a great Christmas 🎄
  11. Was thinking ‘crumbs, that’s dedication’ I’d like Molly to win
  12. 😳 but the sad thing is we’re not even that shocked by the expectations from some parents anymore
  13. We opted not to reinstate the Nativity play that had been shelved the last couple of years (committee not fully onboard with that 🙄) so way less stress and time taken up with practice and the logistics of not having all children in together for a full cast and then the negotiating over when we could use the school hall. Trying to keep everyone happy with extra hours and new starters for places I don’t have (mainly due to how many children need support beyond the ratio requirement) in January is creating a real headache, what is it with people waiting to a week before you close to ask or return the booking form they were given months ago 🤦‍♀️
  14. Because you commit, give it 100% and don’t take the responsibility you signed up to lightly ….well done for stepping down, I stupidly signed for a 5th term as a school governor this week it has turned cold, back to heating on and windows open, I can see the £ signs floating out of them 😔
  15. Thank you all 😊
  16. Just wanted to finally share this with you all 😁
  17. It’s all very sad, early intervention is getting them nowhere, we have one Salt left for the whole of our side of the county, I actually feel guilty for making referrals now but because of the time scales (20 weeks Min)there isn’t any ‘wait and see’ time, we are bordering another county and they have no HV’s left now in the area we need access to, one of our families has been so badly let down because we have to try and access services through their home county, in ours we get portage support to 5 yrs, in theirs it’s only to 3 yrs, the child is past 3 so no support for the family there, paediatrician appointments are a minimum 12 months, they aren’t being seen, hence no professional reports which we need to support EHCP requests, so many more children are going to be going to school with no support in place 😔
  18. I think we’re the only ones left here anyway and I wouldn’t take much persuading, it’s only loss of income keeping me there now and that makes me sad, too many years to pension yet and that’s providing it isn’t raised again before that, I’m back in ratio again more than not and have really hit that ‘too old for this’ wall 😔
  19. Pleased to hear how stress free life is zigzag, sounds great and a million miles away from trying to work out that furlough nonsense or whether we really had to do those stupid tax returns 🙄 though I have had an enforced holiday this week as ‘it’ finally got me …well I say holiday I’ve managed to get some things that keep getting put on the back burner done like policy updates. Still reading up on what you’re all up to, sounds like I def need to retire, I think you all got out in time, EY is on it’s knees with staffing problems and still the c**p funding to contend with and no money to support more and more sen children 😔 Take care everyone ~(((^>
  20. Hope you’re having a good Birthday 🥳
  21. Thanks sunnyday 😊
  22. Hi all hope everyone is well, and not washed away with all todays rain, ended the half term here with our Ofsted inspection under our belts, quite a relaxed affair to previous ones (will share the outcome when the report is in). have a good weekend all x
  23. Happy Birthday 🥳
  24. I haven’t even seen/heard this but I’m presuming it would be in voucher form (not just cash in the hand surely) the government removes itself as the middle man between parents and settings so they can’t be blamed by parents for ‘allowing’ us to charge a top up fee, knowing we will charge the real cost of delivering childcare and we’ll be the bad guys not them 🤔 edit - have now seen it, the idea of paying grandparents kind of appeals …I could retire 😁 Term time only, we have a few who seem to have been in post for years but the last couple of years seems like we’ve fit a turnstile…..next 🙄
  25. Wow! lots to catch up on, looks like everyone is keeping busy … Not even the end of the first half term and it feels like it should be the end of the year, seems to have been an endless round of recruitment processes, they come, they go like I’ve never known before, on top of new committee member paperwork (oh my days). Have a good weekend all 😊
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