It’s all very sad, early intervention is getting them nowhere, we have one Salt left for the whole of our side of the county, I actually feel guilty for making referrals now but because of the time scales (20 weeks Min)there isn’t any ‘wait and see’ time, we are bordering another county and they have no HV’s left now in the area we need access to, one of our families has been so badly let down because we have to try and access services through their home county, in ours we get portage support to 5 yrs, in theirs it’s only to 3 yrs, the child is past 3 so no support for the family there, paediatrician appointments are a minimum 12 months, they aren’t being seen, hence no professional reports which we need to support EHCP requests, so many more children are going to be going to school with no support in place 😔