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Everything posted by Mouseketeer

  1. Lovely news zigzag 💍 a Covid kind of weekend here 🙄 probably expected as we’ve had a couple of chn in this week who’s parents have it, feels like it’s giving up the fight today though 🤞 hope no one is affected by storm Isha 💨 🌧
  2. Hi Sloppy and welcome to the forum. I have been committee managed for 30+ years, I would start with a conversation with the manager and ask how they see your role in relation to theirs, my committees have been more about fundraising and making fee/wage decisions, but I know some committees are much more pro-active and deal with finances (or have an admin), do staff supervisions and appraisals (I expect the chair to sit in with annual appraisals), personally I’d like to be asked now and again if everything is ok. I make sure my chair knows the safer recruitment procedures as they are the employer, who is responsible for what roles in the staff team, make sure they have a copy (or link) to the statutory framework, maybe ask the manager to take you on the learning walk as they would for an inspection, it will give you an insight into how and why things are done as they are, spending some time in the setting will give you an idea of the challenges staff are facing. As Cait says EYA (if members) have lots of info and you’re LA will likely officer training. Good Luck and we’ll done for taking on the role.
  3. Hi All that’s week one down….roll on half term or at least a snow day (though not looking likely here) 😜 good to read about the positives of the week and sorry for the lows, hope your daughter at least got her things back louby 🤞
  4. Good to hear everyone is having a good Xmas period 😊 Loved the magnet chess too, bought for a 7 yr old but the 2 yr old, obviously totally missing the point thought it was hilarious when the stones jumped together ….I was a little sorry they took it home 🤣 I wish you all a happy and healthy 2024 🥂
  5. Have a a good festive period everyone and Best Wishes for 2024 🎄 🔔 🎅🏻 good news Gezabel!
  6. Hang on in there, you’re almost done ….one more sleep 💤
  7. Crumbs Froglet, that isn’t long 😔
  8. Is that for Easter hols? We are up to the Thurs before good Friday ….expect I’ll regret that later 🙄
  9. yeah a week (or 4 days) to go it’s been a toughy, not that I expect it to be any easier next term. When are you back Louby? We’re not till the 8th pleased to read things are looking positive sunnyday. Have a good weekend all 😊
  10. Hi all 👋 Hope things look up soon sunnyday, make time for you to. How is there only 2 weeks to go but so much to fit in 🤯 hope those of you still working have a good run up to end of term 🤞 a bit of a snow flurry here yesterday but nothing to write home about, just flippin 🥶 Have a good weekend all 😊
  11. Wonderful news, Best Wishes to you all and look forward to more of your positive updates 💙
  12. Crumbs I seem to have lost a whole week, how has that happened 🤷‍♀️and now all this Christmouse talk, I’ll have to dust my outfit down soon🎄 All the end of term stuff seems to be hurtling at me like a high speed train 😳 Have a good weekend all, hope the air fryer experience is a good one, and if not you can put it in the ‘why did I think I wanted that’ cupboard along with the bread maker, sandwich toaster, Forman grill, coffee machine and that thing from pampered chef for chopping stuff up……or is that just me 🤣
  13. That’s good zigzag, a loose fence panel is a result I’d say, I have just been watching the south west coast clips on the news 😔 our area was more the flooding issues and all the roads being impassable, schools opened but closed at lunch time again so a number of our children left early.
  14. Hope you all stay safe tonight/tomorrow, especially those of you further down in the south west 💨 🤞
  15. I hadn’t seen that Gezabel, we also have a Using devices policy/staff agreement so hopefully that would suffice, I would think they’d have to publish a new framework if/when all the proposed changes are signed off 🤷‍♀️ I’m thinking that not enough thought has been given to this managers/maths thing, there will need to be a lot more detail, especially around deputies, I actually think they should have L3 but as they don’t if they were covering the manager would they need the maths or if they were to step up to the managers position in the same setting would they/wouldn’t they need maths? So pleased to hear thing's are going well, look forward to more of your positive updates 😊
  16. I did Midsummer’s Night Dream 😴 I don’t think they’ve dropping the requirement for English, though I have staff with A level English that can’t spell or use grammar 🙄
  17. Thanks louby, hope you have a good 2nd half term 🤞 More changes to get our heads around for January, I’ve come to the conclusion that the only reason the need for maths is being dropped (unless new or changing job managers) is so that people won’t be able to work out how underpaid they are 🤪 But I can see it creating an even bigger loss for experienced managers who don’t already have maths, they’ll either be stuck in a job they’re not happy in or leave full stop as they won’t want to do a maths qualification to move jobs 😔
  18. I wasn’t sure about the first (took a while to get going), already had the 2nd, pleased I read it as was way better than the 1st and thought the 3rd was better again, waiting for the 4th now 📚
  19. Isn’t it ever! Some days I only achieve the things that weren’t on the list to start with so if I didn’t do that it would look like I haven’t done anything 🙄
  20. How I envy you zigzag
  21. Hi JJ and welcome 😊 I add things to the list after I’ve done them just so I can tick them off ✔️
  22. Don’t know what planet some these parents are on now, I tell myself nothing else they say or do or don’t say or do can shock me …..and then it does 🤦‍♀️ I do that to with the constantly late arrivers 🫢
  23. It’s such hard work, I hate doing things it bits and pieces instead of just getting the job done, if they all got the same thing wrong I’d think it was my guide sheet but they just don’t read what’s been given 😞 I had that happen too zigzag, it took a whole week of Ofsted speaking to HMRC (Ofsted tell HMRC, they update who is on the childcare voucher registration 🤦‍♀️) Ofsted wouldn’t speak to me as I was no longer the NP, Ofsted require notifications for this that and everything else yet can let that happen at the click of a wrong answer without even checking 🤷‍♀️
  24. Well it’s been two weeks of hand holding new committee members here to get the forms/checks done, Thankful to have new members but OMG 🤯 topped off when one of them said ‘I can’t think of anyone to sign the ID check form’, I said “please bring me the ID with the forms and I can do the ID check as the Ofsted registered nominated person” (they had simple guidance telling them this), their reply “oh, I thought it had to be a professional” …..says it all really doesn’t it 🥺
  25. Hi, welcome to the forum, I tend to use Reflections if I want to share something with all staff, they can add comments/thoughts too, because staff really only use the app I do add a key child each so they see the notification for it (parents don’t see reflections), I think documents set to staff only would work but I haven’t tried it so not sure how staff know anything has been added.
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