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Everything posted by Mouseketeer

  1. Hi all, my week has mostly consisted of new year prep and watching Olympics, which is ok as it’s been a bit to hot for much else 🥵 Pleased to say we’ve recruited a new a deputy for Sept, which is a relief 😅 though it’s going to be strange going back with no long standing staff left in the team and trying to build a relatively newly qualified or recently recruited team all over and the first time our deputy hasn’t been promoted internally. Have good week all 😊
  2. Boring is what it was 🥱 💤
  3. I envy you being in that place Louby, my staffing situation means I’ll likely be back in ratio full time when we start back so everythingggggg will need doing during the holiday , and we start back on as many a session as we’re ending on so no quieter time to kick off 😞 enjoy the break 😊
  4. I think our local school only use for yr R now and not the rest of the school.
  5. Hi, we use custom reports to write end of year reports for our leavers, thankfully we don’t have to print many as most transition to a local school using tapestry so we can just transfer, they’re quite basic, a little in what they can do in each area, any support given and how they like to learn, our parents complete a form from county (well most do) that is passed on to school also.
  6. Hi Everyone, a nice dry week here to, not at all envious Louby, 2 days a week sounds ideal, in fact 0 days a week sounds better, one staffing hurdle after another to get over these days, now need to try and recruit a deputy over the summer, no mean feat I’m thinking 😔 Have a good weekend all ☀️
  7. Hi all, hoping every one is ok and enjoying a bit of nice weather. Not the best first week with one thing and another but hey oh only 6 to go
  8. Hi all, a lot of catching up here but hope everyone is doing well, great news zigzag ….and breath 👍 Can’t believe it will soon be half term, so much to do and so little time to do it, does anyone have a cloning machine? read a quote this week that said “I’m not cash poor but I am time poor” and that’s exactly it! Maybe it’s time to give up and get a dog too 🐶 though I can’t say all the people walking past my house swinging their poo bags does much for me 🤪 Enjoy the long weekend, looks like the mist is clearing to a sunny day here ☀️
  9. That seemed like a quick 2 weeks, lots of TDL done, broken up with a couple of friend catch ups which obviously involved food. Nice to see the ☀️ Work garden tidied and a bit of own garden pottering. Feeling thankful that I’ve managed to recruit a new staff member to join the team shortly, hopefully I can get out from under this cloud of feeling like I’ve been having to do 2 peoples jobs for 1 persons pay since September 🤞 Enjoy the weekend all and Best Wishes to all who start back next week ….roll on the Summer hols 😁
  10. I think you hit the nail there louby, hardly anyone seems to be able to show any initiative anymore, it very much seems a ‘someone else will do it’ work ethic these days (pick that up, change that, clean that spill, refill that….) and that someone else is usually me, this blinkered attitude drives me nuts, I sometimes just feel like the hired help now 🤯
  11. I didn’t either Froglet and it’s seemed like a bloody long term even though it wasn’t and not at all ready to face the Summer term 😔 enjoy the break
  12. Just gorgeous, hope you get to have that first cuddle soon 💙
  13. What wonderful news Gezabel, soooooo happy for you all 💙💙💙
  14. That is fantastic news, so happy for you all Gezabel, we look forward to hearing the little fella has arrived 💙
  15. Yep, totally unexpected as it wasn’t forecast to come down and across as far as us.
  16. woke up to unexpected snow this morning with a pic of my little grandson out playing in it at silly o’clock, the first he’s really known anything about ❄️ soon started to rain and washed away (thankfully). Hope you’re all having a good weekend
  17. How fast do these weekends go, is it ever going to stop raining sad hope your 2nd half term goes well louby 🤞
  18. 🎈 🎂 🥂 Happy 21st Year FSF ….cake sounds good 👍
  19. Or the ones who had the extra HP being asked for it back 🤦‍♀️
  20. It’s been confusing all along, I was going on the sentence that said it will be a reduction in holiday pay 🤷‍♀️
  21. I’m surprised more hasn’t been made of this, we also had the same email from EYA, it’s reads to me that as we use them for payroll our holiday pay will automatically revert to what it was before we went to 5.6 weeks from Sept, I’m going to speak to our committee about letting staff keep a week of pro-rata hours to use as time off provided it can be covered (not easy as things are with staffing).
  22. The whole debacle of term time staff having the same 5.6 wks has been overturned and we are back to what equates to that 12.7%/4.3 weeks, EYA payroll sent an email about the change a couple of weeks ago , to be fair it didn’t seem right to have the same paid holiday as an all year round worker (though as all managers of a term time setting know it isn’t really paid holiday, it’s pay for working the holidays). We have a really early have term in our county -12th to 16th, maybe you have the 5 wk next half term when we’ll have a 6?
  23. I get that more people need to train and believe dropping the need for all to have maths (rightly or wrongly) should entice school leavers back into training, but what about keeping the experienced staff in Early Years, they are leaving on mass, mainly to become assessors if Fb is anything to go on ….who the hell will be left to assess 🤣 only a week to half term ….. I love that holidays were created to get the work done you can’t do in your employed weeks …and now we have to to give one of them back 😞 have a good weekend all
  24. Good news Louby, my recruiting isn’t going so well and now looking like the deputy wants out 😭
  25. Thanks all, much better today, it’s ramping up here too and chn are coming when parents have it as no reason not to anymore and with no vaccine boosters now I guess there’s no avoiding it.
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