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Everything posted by Mouseketeer

  1. The devils in the detail 😀 We are currently £5.60 for 2’s, it would usually have been the same for Aut’23.
  2. I’m with you on this FM……. If the funding for 5 x 2yrs doesn’t equate to the same as 8 x 3yrs it will be my get out of jail card to go back to the ‘term before’ 3rd birthday, our business model of no more than 4 per day/1 staff worked well but already there are sooooo many funded 2’s wanting places before all this kicks in 😔 Thanks for the updated info Helen, I wonder how long it will take our counties to tell us? Does anyone think we’ll really see a substantial increase to the 2yr funded rate for September?
  3. Wonder what kept louby & zigzag from roll call 🧐
  4. Technology is briefly mentioned in the UW ‘educational program’ of DM as ‘understanding a technologically diverse world’ but don’t think it’s then mentioned anywhere else or in the the ELG. It so would have been quicker to write most myself than edit, have used custom reports on Tapestry this year but thinking next year will be ‘my strengths are’, ‘I’m supported with’ and for anything read as ‘as expected’, these and the 2 yr check are the biggest waste of time (IMO).
  5. Not me! about to start reading 30 end of year transition reports, deleting the woolly and correcting the grammar and sp’s and just not feeling it 😑
  6. Empathy welcome (along with a slice of Cait’s cake please) 🤗 I am finding it harder and harder to stop what’s in the thought bubble coming out of my mouth these days 🫢
  7. Nope it isn’t just you FM, it’s bloody ridiculous! Why do we have to tell parents that their child needs suncream on when it’s 27 degrees or constantly chasing them for things to be returned to name a couple ….it actually beggars belief how much hand holding so many of them need now 🤷‍♀️
  8. I was going to answer last night with ‘finally achieving outstanding’ but deleted what I typed because I’d gone past caring if we got the outstanding and you definitely go past caring by the time you can actually tell anyone, what is that all about 🤷‍♀️ But I guess achieving it with very little planning, paperwork or unnecessary staff meetings reinforced that we don’t need it all and work/life balance for all is more important that pointless paperwork no one will ever look at again 😁
  9. I’m hoping flexibility is the answer, I try to accommodate when staff want to change hours, and am trying to recruit at the moment and have been flexible with the advert, rather than this is the hours I want to cover it’s more of a ‘tell me what you want’ 🤞 I try to let them have special times out for their own children or whatever when I can cover them, though that is trickier as I’m often in ratio now compared to a few years ago when I was supernumerary, though still try my best.
  10. Have you read ‘The Thursday Murder Club’ books? (Richard Osman), enjoyed them more than I expected to and they keep getting better, just read the 3rd, 4th due Sept. Linda Castillo, the Kate Burkholder (chief of police)series of books are very good, detective series based around the Amish community, really need to read from the start to follow the thread of her life through them.
  11. Hi Piglet48 They can be counted in ratio providing you have enough % qualified to carry them as unqualified in your qualified:unqualified staff ratio as the framework. One of the questions on the proposed changes consultation was around whether someone training for a level could be counted at one level below e.g. an L3 trainee could be counted as L2 for ratio purposes, whilst I could see how it would help (including us) I’m not sure I agree with it, maybe after a certain % of the course has been done or so many hours in setting under their belts but not from day 1 🤷‍♀️
  12. No, parents wanted to send them as they were fine, 2 of them saw the dr, told one it was CP and that the spots don’t always blister but told the other def not CP as the spots haven’t blistered …so that didn’t help 🤔
  13. Hi cath and welcome to the forum. I understand that paragraph to mean you can count them in your ratio as unqualified, providing you have the qualified element in place, so they can’t be part of the 50% must have. for the first time in my 30+ years I am struggling to recruit, as a small team with an unqualified already we have no wriggle room for anyone else unqualified, not that I’d want another unqualified, I think one at a time for us is doable.
  14. That’s odd, a few months ago we had a CP like ‘thing’ doing the rounds, dr’s were saying CP but within a couple of days they’d be completely clear of any rash or the rash was not as obviously CP but still be diagnosed as 🤷‍♀️
  15. Probably not wrong sunnyday, you can just see a final version released in time for us to get our heads around ready for September 😳
  16. It’s the draft for the consultation, apparently it’s supposed to be less complicated and incorporates the proposed changes such as maths qualifications to count as L3 and a change to % of qualified:unqualified staff needed, amongst other things
  17. Thank You sunnyday 🙏 I’ve been getting into work mode by reading the new draft framework with proposed (under consultation) changes 🙄
  18. Hi and welcome to new members 👋 we are one room 2-5’s so never had to consider this but would go with something the chn would be familiar with, maybe a Safari animal for each, you could have a soft toy mascot for each room, and maybe a couple of smaller soft toys that get to spend time at home with the chn or go on holiday and send back photos to create an album 🤷‍♀️
  19. Thank you both 😊 Maybe emergency biscuits is what’s needed Froglet 😁
  20. We’ve always worked on the higher summer term income covers the autumn deficit, but we only ever had a handful of 2 yr olds to worry about ratio with …..we’ve had hundreds of new homes built in a short time which is making it so difficult to accommodate the high number of funded 2’s and the deficit in income that brings as well as considering the pressure on staff 😞
  21. “Ok, what do you want to sing”? ….Jingle Bells arghhhh! So do I louby, children are either more than ready to ship out or becoming anxious because everyone (family) has been talking ‘big school’ at them since place allocations in April and until they start transition visits it’s far to early. Then all the work involved with school transitions and new intakes, I’m struggling to recruit staff so not sure what I can offer come September and it seems endless funded 2 yr olds wanting places which isn’t helping and this is before more are funded, losing 28 to school but only have/know of 11 for the next school year …odd I am quite exasperated with other professionals at the minute who send families/chn our way that will need higher levels of support without actually finding out what are current staffing situation is like or how many higher needs returners we are already supporting, and when you can’t immediately agree to a September start you are the bad guy 😡 Roll on the Summer hols 🙏
  22. Hi, has there been any development with pdf font size? I’ve been playing with custom reports (which is a great addition) but again when exported seems to be in an unnecessarily big font, a word doc option to edit yourself would be great 😊
  23. Thanks Sunnyday 😊
  24. Happy Birthday for yesterday Cait …sorry it’s a bit late, sounds like you had a nice day 😊
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