We’ve used Tapestry since 2014 (I think, a good few years anyway), parent partnership was the main reason for moving to online and this has worked out very well, on the whole our parents are pretty good at using it, even those who don’t comment or add so much I can see they are viewing obs/newsletters etc and if they’re not they get a gentle nudge, I say a gentle nudge it’s more ‘have you forgot your password’ 😆
We use it for cohort tracking (I find the group Summative in school years and the Age Band tracker most useful for this), it shows where individual chn need next steps but also if we need to improve provision e.g. if our oldest boys didn’t show much progress from the previous term in writing what can we add to promote this? (That is the only planning we do)
Time: Many people say it saves time compared to the paper learning journal, we haven’t really found this, staff still need time out of ratio to add and assess for their key children (but I think a lot of that is because they do too much that isn’t necessary).
Top tip: Ensure staff are consistent in the band a child is working at, going back to pick up missed statements or selecting one in a higher band when they aren’t really secure in the previous will throw the progress tracking.
Reflections: Great for sharing info, policy updates etc with staff, staff can add CPD feedback, add handouts and suggest for discussion anything we should/could implement, we can add any changes we want to make so it’s kind of our SEF too. (Love this feature).
Negative for us personally: I would like to be able to just pick up things you know chn can do from the DM screen (I know, I know, don’t shoot me), as some analysis screens work on selected statements and if you don’t ‘tick’ statements a couple screens don’t give you any information.
Care diary /accident reports: I can’t comment on as we don’t use, I just haven’t taken the time to work out how really.
Reports: These are great for shared setting info, 2 yr checks, transition reports..
On the whole I can’t imagine working without it now, good luck 🙂