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Everything posted by Mouseketeer

  1. You and me both lynned 🙈 so am interested to see how others are planning on handling this if/when it arises. I haven’t seen £500 thing, could that mean the staff who don’t want to work enough hours to be eligible for SSP would get more than the ones who are? I really need to pin my committee officers down to put a plan in place for this.
  2. We usually find our returners after the summer surprise us all and just step into the shoes of the school leavers on the whole...this is really not the case this year, 6 months off has done many of them no favours at all, independence has taken a dive and not listening to anything being asked of them, they’ve gone free range, I’m actually more concerned about how ‘school ready’ they’ll be next year than the ones who missed the last term with us this year.
  3. We are definitely finding the 2 bubbles more problematic with more children, not sure how long we’ll keep this going.
  4. I think you could be right about that, the ones who returned in June are really appreciative and supportive of the things we have in place having experienced it first hand where as a few of those that didn’t seem to think they will return and everything will be as it was when they finished, oblivious to the amount of planning and work that is being put in to make it possible for their children to come back and be as safe as we can possibly make it 😞
  5. And me, it’s driving me nuts, like we don’t have enough to do 😠 I now reply with ‘as newsletter please bring whatever’ or ‘i’ve re-attached the information sent last week’ , I even know they’ve seen it as they are asked to add ‘read’ 🤷‍♀️
  6. I didn’t do home visits before covid 🤣
  7. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/what-parents-and-carers-need-to-know-about-early-years-providers-schools-and-colleges-during-the-coronavirus-covid-19-outbreak/what-parents-and-carers-need-to-know-about-early-years-providers-schools-and-colleges-in-the-autumn-term this was also updated yesterday
  8. I just had it from EYA in an email, it tells you what steps to take if more than one confirmed case....it doesn’t mention one case though, presume it’s any one in bubble or whole setting if no bubbles isolate for 14 days 🤷‍♀️
  9. Ours is also the air conditioning unit type ...which will make my bubbles pointless so hoping for a few weeks at least of not needing it, to half term would be good🤞
  10. Best Wishes to any of you starting back tomorrow ⭐️
  11. Do you turn it on and leave and it will turn itself off on a timer or when it’s run out of fog? I’m concerned how the cleaning will work, it was fine before as we weren’t opening everyday so no one minded staying a bit later and no one had to rush off to collect their own chn from school.
  12. Do you think we will get any further guidance? We have no hope when these 2 statements are in the same guidance...
  13. I think the guidance contradicts itself in the first few lines, starting off saying we don’t need to keep to small groups then consider how you’ll minimise groups mixing ...well which is it 🤷‍♀️ we are returning as 2 bubbles (split by key groups with key staff) but mainly because we left set up as 2 indoor/outdoor spaces and we can do it, though I’m not expecting it to last past a couple of weeks....just long enough to see how the no bubbles settings do 😜
  14. Oh my you have experienced covid first hand🙁 and understandable why you feel anxious, I hope it all goes well.
  15. Hi, we have reminded parents that our normal policy is to not bring children who are unwell and if children attend who appear unwell we will take their temperature and call them to collect immediately if it’s raised and they’ll have to arrange a test for their child before they can return’ , so am hoping that that might make them think twice 🤔 we’ve also reminded of the importance of not giving medication that can mask a fever before coming. Sorry to see you’ve been through it yourself, glad you’ve recovered now, interesting to read about sinus problems first (I have shares in Sudafed 😕other sinus pain relief medication is available) and stomach related problems, what type of stomach symptoms did covid present as?
  16. Definitely, I stayed because my child hated it, was offered an assistant job when they went to school, in a very short time the manager wanted to step back to deputy, they took on a manager (supervisor) which was a disaster and after 6 months it was going to close, not really wanting the job I signed up for training and that was about 30 yrs ago and I still don’t want the job 🤦‍♀️
  17. I am pleased we made it back for the 2nd half term but I’m sure you’ll be fine once there (even after 6 months, it’ll be like you never left).......I know what you mean about needing your deputy to just bolster you occasionally ...I do feel like it’s been an un-holiday of so many decisions to make alone 😞
  18. I’m impressed sunnyday, mine seems to be cross off one thing add two 🤦‍♀️
  19. Hi and welcome, I use the staff observation tracker to see this, go to tracking, general, and it’s there, you can check periods or customize the dates you want to check, it shows how many each child has had and who did them 🙂
  20. I only had one today, if I hadn’t seen it on here about reregistering to log in I would have ignored it....I also feel we get nothing for our membership but when I’ve looked into other insurance theirs still comes out less with the added membership fee.
  21. It’s ridiculous that we have so much to sort out and all we get is a teeth cleaning publication 😠
  22. Don’t feel guilty ...it isn’t fair that people can make us feel like they do and think it’s ok 🥺
  23. We have always discouraged parents from stopping with their child (since our smaller entrance isn’t suitable for hoards), feeling it only delays the inevitable, if the child is truly showing no signs of settling after a short time we ask them to come back and then spend a little bit of time in the setting before taking the child home (though I’m not planning on this September)sometimes we set a plan to come back in one hour and build it up to a full session over a few sessions) if it’s just white noise between being distracted we usually plough on, if we know a child will be upset on arrival we ask the parent to be a few minutes late rather than early so hand over doesn’t tie up a member of staff at a busy time being a 1:1 and it’s calmer in the cloak room. I also remember the days when parents would stay whole sessions and would even still be there ‘muddling in’ when their child was fine, I guess that was before the days of stringent safeguarding and Dbs checks and no one had mobile phones to worry about 😝
  24. Thanks Anju, we will be 42 + 6 staff across the week and it just feels like to many, I just don’t know what to do, one staff down and bubbles would have to go because of ratios (I usually cover staff absence but would be in ratio a lot more already) I’ve asked staff for their thoughts but get nothing back.
  25. Is anyone else beginning to feel overwhelmed with all the decisions we’re having to make regards September with little to go on and even less in the way of committee support or other staff interest? if you’re going back as a normal group in one room how many children and adults will mix across the week in your setting?
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