Hello all,
Just wanted to send you all lots of love - at the moment I feel a bit guilty for not being in an EY setting with all you have to deal with, trust me you are very definitely valued and appreciated by me!
I am just exhausted - I'm in school full time, teaching all day to the 21 children in my class in school and delivering remote learning to the children at home. Plus this week my governor school had Ofsted so I've done the governor interviews for that. Today I am focusing on fun stuff (reading, knitting my latest pair of socks) and the necessary (sleeping as needed and restoring order to the kitchen - it's been a while since I did any dishes...)
I'm also trying to think of some fun virtual stuff I could do with my niblings over half-term; the lockdown side of things is affecting them more than me (in some respects my day to day life isn't that different) and they need some things to look forward to.
Take care everyone.