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Everything posted by Froglet

  1. Hello all, Just wanted to send you all lots of love - at the moment I feel a bit guilty for not being in an EY setting with all you have to deal with, trust me you are very definitely valued and appreciated by me! I am just exhausted - I'm in school full time, teaching all day to the 21 children in my class in school and delivering remote learning to the children at home. Plus this week my governor school had Ofsted so I've done the governor interviews for that. Today I am focusing on fun stuff (reading, knitting my latest pair of socks) and the necessary (sleeping as needed and restoring order to the kitchen - it's been a while since I did any dishes...) I'm also trying to think of some fun virtual stuff I could do with my niblings over half-term; the lockdown side of things is affecting them more than me (in some respects my day to day life isn't that different) and they need some things to look forward to. Take care everyone.
  2. Well, I’ve done laundry, 2 weeks of menu planning, a supermarket trip, lunch and dishes. I was going to work the rest of the day (the TDL is beyond epic) but am very tempted to cut my losses for today and resign myself to a busy day tomorrow. I’ll have to log on anyway to upload my remote learning so it wouldn’t exactly be a school free day.
  3. No grandchildren but one of the children in my class asked to go to the toilet for the first time ever in school this week!
  4. Happy birthday!
  5. Not on the basis of anything else that has happened!
  6. I switched my alarm off this morning and slept till I woke - I so needed that! I have decided to swap my working days this weekend as I’m not sure my brain will function in any useful way today! I have lots of home jobs to do as well but to be honest apart from catching up on the washing up and taking the festive tree to be recycled I’m going to focus on crafting - I need a proper break today.
  7. Perfect Zigzag. Yesterday Iq received a surprise present of a box of ‘Kind cards for unkind days’. A collection of things to make you smile written and decorated by children. One of my favourites so far is “Imagine you’re driving the bat mobile” Take care all.
  8. I will try to find the guidance. My memory is that in the summer it changed to say only one parent had to be a key worker.
  9. I just made miniature apple pies with Christmas leftovers. They even have surprise marzipan in them.
  10. Great news zigzag!
  11. Happy New Year from me too. I wish all of you peace at heart with all that you do this next year and hope that you find many things that make you "smile up to your eyes" as my niece used to say. With my love.
  12. Only Tesco’s, it was ridiculously busy today.
  13. Sunnyday and Panders I would just like to reassure that there are no adverse effects so far - I am rationing myself!
  14. I was given a liquorice selection box for Christmas and I have discovered that chewing a tough piece of liquorice is really helping to relax the tension in my jaws - that's my excuse anyway!
  15. I was given a liquorice selection box for Christmas and I have discovered that chewing a tough piece of liquorice is really helping to relax the tension in my jaws - that's my excuse anyway!
  16. Probably not to all of those. I think it’s just tension headaches - have become very conscious of how much I’m clenching my teeth and hunching my shoulders at the moment!
  17. Goulash soup? I might need a recipe. My sister gave me an insulated food pot for Christmas - I'd been saying I missed taking soup to work for lunch but the state of our microwave at school (even after I've cleaned it!) meant I wouldn't reheat it. I love soup and am looking for new things to try!
  18. I'm afraid I didn't - have been having some really bad headaches which are waking me up in the early hours and I just crashed and dozed on the sofa for the rest of Sunday. I did pick myself up again on Monday though and worked really hard all day and the medium term plan and other planning is finished. The TDL isn't but it never will be so I've declared an end to it. I've switched my laptop off, put an 'out of office' autoreply on my school email and am currently contemplating what to do next. Plans did involve dynamic cleaning out of kitchen cupboards but have evolved into ones involving the fire, some books, knitting and chocolate...
  19. Please Mrs Sunnyday, I’ve written my maths plan - may I eat my lunch now?
  20. I promise, I will update you in the Eve or on. I day to let you know how much I got done. I’m avoiding starting any new books or craft projects until school is done!
  21. Good to hear that Sunnyday. Peaceful day with mum and dad yesterday and present unwrapping via zoom with the rest of the family. Mum is force feeding me because ‘I look like I could eat some more and she doesn’t want me to go hungry’. I am resisting strongly - fairly typical for Christmas (or any visit home come to that!) 😉
  22. Tree’s up and my brother has snow at his place!
  23. Thinking of you Sunnyday and sending lots of love.
  24. Bother, I missed it! I have been re-watching the animations though to give myself half an hour of knitting each day. Was it good?
  25. With the taking of Sunnyday's advice or the putting my nose to the grindstone part - I must do at least one of them!!
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