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Everything posted by Froglet

  1. Always welcome. Is it ok if I leave you prepping for the SEN reviews while I do the cake and crochet? 😉
  2. It’s just gone 7pm, I am going to do the dishes, make one resource for next week, prep for 3 SEN reviews and then call it done on my school TDL for this weekend. Candlelight, crochet and freshly made chocolate cake are calling!
  3. Tired in Derbyshire too! I think it's just all the extra thinking that needs to go on at the moment. I have also had tons of governors work to do this week. I am hoping to be able to stay awake enough to get loads of school work done today then have a cosy evening with my crochet hook and maybe a film if I can decide what to watch. Then tomorrow I'm intending to do the cleaning and have a think about how to manage the season which must not be named. I know my niblings won't be able to do many of their usual seasonal activities for visits to different people and places and wanted to try and think of some surprise treats for them instead.
  4. I’m stopped - going to do some work on my crocheted St Nicholas.
  5. Sunnyday I am now feeling guilty at how much you have got done today! I’m struggling with planning. Nothing is straightforward at the moment plus now we have to do remote learning plans. I have a couple of governor meetings to prep for too, Children in Need and SEN reviews. I usually try to keep Sunday work free but I think I I’m going to give up on that plan tonight - am just tired right now!
  6. No I haven’t, thanks for recommending.
  7. Completely with you on both of those!
  8. I did it (it is the right way up in real life).
  9. Last weekend of the holidays - it seems to have gone so quickly! I made iced buns yesterday which were easier than I thought and very tasty. I also started a new crochet project - working on a figure of St Nicholas which I got as a kit for my birthday last year. Today has been about getting those last bits of planning done for next week and doing serious cleaning (as opposed to the frivolous kind I usually do) as it's probably the last time this house will be thoroughly cleaned before the end of December! I've even done the fridge and the oven (and have needed to sit down as a result!) I don't really do hallowe'en but I am having stuffed peppers for tea tonight and am planning to cut a jack-o-lantern face into it just to make the niblings smile!
  10. Oh Sunnyday, I really feel for you. It is rubbish isn’t it. You’re doing the right thing. I do hope you can find a way to meet your grandson. Sending you a huge hug.
  11. Yep. I love this one too. So we have (with a few extra hints...) 5. On The WH 6. All In OP
  12. Your granddaughter is absolutely right!
  13. I think I would like to live in your village...
  14. Thank you! I’d never heard of it but am now going to go and look it up - I love book recommendations. Plus don’t apologise - I hadn’t realised how hard it was from the other side when I started it! How about a set with a theme: These are all Jill Murphy books 1. TLN 2. FMP 3. PAL 4. TWWSA 5. OTWH 6. AIOP 7. WN
  15. I have actually googled ‘doughnut stories’ - it didn’t help!
  16. Where the Wild Things Are?
  17. We’ve just had one by this author.
  18. Thank you everyone! I met my sister and the children in the park as they were on the way home from my brother’s (He’s in North Yorkshire, They’re in Warwickshire and I’m in Derbyshire). I made a picnic (tomato soup, bread , sausage rolls and birthday cake) so spent the morning cooking which is one of my favourite things to do. It was different but lovely and so much better to see the in that context than not at all!
  19. A T—— T—- Little G——? It’s really hard when it’s someone else’s!
  20. Congratulations! As your prize treat yourself to a delicious drink of whatever you fancy. How about HPATPS
  21. Also AOGG Both Children’s books
  22. Amazingly close! Who would think that two titles could have exactly the same sequence of letters?! Two words are correct...
  23. I was thinking about zigzag’s quote about finding happy that was posted in the Friday thread and thought I’d post a little something that didn’t involve thinking about rules, guidance, TDLs or jobs of any kind. The following is the title of a book...just the initial letters. What is it? TLTWATW
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