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Everything posted by Froglet

  1. I will take your advice and am relying on you to make me put my nose to the grindstone on Sunday!
  2. It's been lovely to read all of these messages today. I just wanted to send all of you a huge virtual hug. Today I have totally failed to do any of the school work I meant to. It means that my plan to get it all sorted before Christmas is out the window. I am debating either getting up really early tomorrow morning so that I can do it then or forgetting about it until Sunday and then working really hard all day so that I can have a proper Christmas Eve (which is my absolute favourite day) and a clear school free week. I have had 3 doorstep present exchanges today which were freezing cold but lovely although poignant - my nephew had to stay in the car as his mum had just had a text from his school saying he needed to self-isolate and I wished I could hug my sister and the rest of the family. My niece did give me a 'nearly hug' - she wraps her arms around herself and squeezes hard! She also put her face mask on at one point but hastened to reassure me "It's not because I have coronavirus Aunty Froglet, it's just because my nose is cold!" . My presents are all wrapped - one contains an IOU for a pair of socks - only one is finished! Tomorrow I have the best plans - lovely breakfast and house cleaning and baking in the morning - I always make mince pies but my mum has requested a chocolate log and I've never made one before, I just hope I have enough ingredients as there is no way I'm going to Tesco tomorrow! After that will be general decorating then at 3pm the tree will go up, I will listen to the Festival of 9 lessons and carols, light my new Christmas candle (treat to myself) and decorate it. To be followed in the evening by crumpets and honey, lebkuchen, hot chocolate, The Muppets Christmas Carol, a lovely bubble bath and new pyjamas! Right now, school work or no (and I know which direction I'm heading in...) I need to go and fetch the tree in from the garden so it can dry overnight as it has chucked it down all day. I also need to contemplate rearranging the living room (and hiding some more mess) so it has a place to fit inside! I can also heartily recommend a shared advent calendar and accompanying 'cloud photo album' to anyone who has family with children living in different parts of the UK - it has been an absolute joy this month and I am so glad I did it!
  3. Thank you for thinking of me. I don’t think it has changed things. I am currently planning to go to mum and dad’s on Christmas Day and stay overnight coming home later on Boxing Day (they’re my bubble hence the overnight unless things have changed?) I won’t be able to see my sister or her family but we will zoom lots. My advent present to them yesterday ( a snowball fight - lots of cotton wool balls) has resulted in lots of hilarious videos being shared so I’m making the most of them
  4. That's exactly it, sometimes we need a short while to be sad and angry (I know I do) and then we can move on with the sadness still there but knowing that we can manage it. Take care of yourself, I hope you are able to find out about your mum.
  5. I would be but in the brief moments when I’ve been awake today I’ve eaten rather a lot of chocolate!
  6. I’m afraid it is just a little too late to order this year but they come from The Kitsch Hen website here: https://www.the-kitsch-hen.co.uk I have ordered from her before one but this time I asked her to do a custom order - I gave her the children’s names some qualities of theirs and asked to send them from Father Christmas rather than me. They are designed to go in the post and fit through a letterbox so are a total surprise. These are photos of them:
  7. I have spent the day snuggled under my Christmas blanket drifting in and out of my book and sleep. It’s amazing how much more clearly you can think after a nap (or two...) I need to double check but I’m pretty sure that the date of my last contact (which was pretty limited anyway) with him will mean that I can do Christmas with mum and dad will just keep myself pretty isolated until then which I do anyway. On a brighter note my shared family advent calendar has been a joy and today the stamped biscuits that I’d ordered to come from Santa for nieces and nephew arrived - they were very happy.
  8. No, I’m fine. Child in my class.
  9. No, because it was the last day of term - I meant school finished really. Words haven’t been making much sense the last week or so!
  10. I am done. School closed today. I am exhausted, I think I am not going to do the dishes tonight! Bittersweet though as my sister and her family have made the decision not to travel to join mum and dad and me for Christmas. I am currently hoping that the child who has been off since Tuesday does not test positive or I won't be able to join them either.
  11. Sunnyday, I am sending you so many virtual hugs. I hope you feel properly squished!
  12. Lesson today... Me: Why might people put stars on mince pies at Christmas time? J: Because the wise men made biscuits and put stars on the top to take to Baby Jesus! and... A boy brings me his picture and apologetically says “Miss Froglet, I got a little bit of snot on it!”
  13. I don’t know about that in my personal experience at this time of year Baby Jesus can regularly be found in a cupboard, on a shelf and occasionally in a bin bag! Why not on the roof?! 😉
  14. It may not be any help but I know that when we had to close bubbles (whether due to a positive case for a member of staff or a child) siblings in other bubbles did not need to isolate because they had not been in 'close contact' with the affected person. Close contact as in the definition about within 1m for 10 minutes or 2m for 15. If their sibling later developed symptoms then yes they had to isolate too. We were very strict about children who were in a closed bubble were isolating and were not allowed on site at all which meant there were some issues with siblings whose parents then couldn't bring them.
  15. It is horrible - we recently had 2 different year group bubbles close 120 children not in school - it was so quiet!
  16. I haven’t exactly crafted anything for this one - mostly chocolates, crackers jokes, candles etc. The most crafting I did was the DIY snowflake kit - I folded up some pieces of white paper!
  17. Just wanted to say ‘Happy Advent!’ My advent boxes for my family arrived yesterday, they got to watch the movie I made and open the first present today! It seems to be going down well! 😊
  18. Good to hear the news about Mr S. I have spent the morning wrapping advent boxes, just got to the post office in time with them. This afternoon I have had a sleep - not even a nap just full on out cold in the sofa. I have decided not to attemp the school TDL today! 😉
  19. It’s not Friday but I’m planning to do a Fridayish thing - I’m packing 3 advent boxes so that my family in different parts of the country can share an advent surprise. I may be coming back to you for cracker jokes to include...
  20. We are finding exactly the same things in school. In response to your ELG question, speaking from the other side of transition 😉 I would also say if they are doing it then give it to them but... I would also be strict with yourself about seeing the evidence in different contexts and completely independently. Especially with the writing. I am now in year 1 and have found that the 6 week gap between reception and year 1 and whole process of transition can somewhat throw children in unexpected ways and they aren’t able to transfer all their learning effectively for a while. I can imagine that being even more significant if moving between settings. Also, it might be worth taking a look at what the Year 2 expectations for greater depth writers are. I am not in any way doubting your judgement but there is a long way between the ELG and this and if children are expected to achieve this (which they will be if they are achieving ELG even before they start school) it can be a lot of pressure on them if they aren’t completely secure in the underlying skills. I hope that makes sense and doesn’t sound a ‘school wanting to take credit for your hard work’ - it isn’t meant that way.
  21. I have just had an unplanned but much needed and very enjoyable nap! 😉
  22. I have plans! Well sort of - I'm not much of a going out kind of person anyway but I am trying to make a plan each weekend to do something specific rather than just letting it drift past in a muddle of sleep and school work so... yesterday evening I spent with my bubble buddies (mum and dad) which was lovely - had been a bit concerned about mum as she has just been diagnosed with labyrinthitis but she was ok although a bit worn out looking. Today I have planned to make delicious spiced soda bread and lentil soup for my weekend lunch (simmering/baking right now). Tomorrow I have planned to have my dad help me put my front door curtain back up (hasn't been there for over a year) which will make the front room seem so much cosier. I have also just had what I think is a lovely advent idea for my family and my front room window so I am planning to work on those. There is also a cake baking plan for tomorrow - probably lemon as I seem to have loads and there is a definitely crafty plan too although whether it's crochet, socks or something else I don't know! I plan to write my Sunday note to a friend. That's about it (the usual food shop, school TDL, cleaning etc are in there too). Many of the things above are things I would probably have done anyway but it makes me feel more purposeful to say I have a plan for it! I hope you're all ok, please stay safe - rest and be kind to yourselves as you need to. Sending you much love.
  23. Congratulations everyone!
  24. And now it’s time for panic cleaning!
  25. Well the reviews are prepared but there is still plenty of cake come on over!
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