It's been lovely to read all of these messages today. I just wanted to send all of you a huge virtual hug. Today I have totally failed to do any of the school work I meant to. It means that my plan to get it all sorted before Christmas is out the window. I am debating either getting up really early tomorrow morning so that I can do it then or forgetting about it until Sunday and then working really hard all day so that I can have a proper Christmas Eve (which is my absolute favourite day) and a clear school free week.
I have had 3 doorstep present exchanges today which were freezing cold but lovely although poignant - my nephew had to stay in the car as his mum had just had a text from his school saying he needed to self-isolate and I wished I could hug my sister and the rest of the family. My niece did give me a 'nearly hug' - she wraps her arms around herself and squeezes hard! She also put her face mask on at one point but hastened to reassure me "It's not because I have coronavirus Aunty Froglet, it's just because my nose is cold!" .
My presents are all wrapped - one contains an IOU for a pair of socks - only one is finished! Tomorrow I have the best plans - lovely breakfast and house cleaning and baking in the morning - I always make mince pies but my mum has requested a chocolate log and I've never made one before, I just hope I have enough ingredients as there is no way I'm going to Tesco tomorrow!
After that will be general decorating then at 3pm the tree will go up, I will listen to the Festival of 9 lessons and carols, light my new Christmas candle (treat to myself) and decorate it. To be followed in the evening by crumpets and honey, lebkuchen, hot chocolate, The Muppets Christmas Carol, a lovely bubble bath and new pyjamas!
Right now, school work or no (and I know which direction I'm heading in...) I need to go and fetch the tree in from the garden so it can dry overnight as it has chucked it down all day. I also need to contemplate rearranging the living room (and hiding some more mess) so it has a place to fit inside!
I can also heartily recommend a shared advent calendar and accompanying 'cloud photo album' to anyone who has family with children living in different parts of the UK - it has been an absolute joy this month and I am so glad I did it!