Hope all goes well!
Keep nagging him - I'm glad he's doing a bit better.
Well, I've had a lazy week - knitting and reading. I have done nothing on my school TDL and am away with family from tomorrow for the last week of the holiday so it won't get done then. I'm beating myself up about it, I admit that I have been lazy this summer but it has been so lovely to enjoy weeks of no pressure at all. I haven't even challenged myself to try out any new baking recipes. I seem to find it harder and harder to maintain any kind of balance with work. I don't mean that I do too much work (although that is probably the case sometimes) but that it seems to be all or nothing - I'm either at school working hard or at home when my brain and body rebel and it's really hard to motivate myself to do anything when I'm at home - whether that be jobs around the house, or necessary school jobs. I guess that had better be my new school year resolution.
Apologies for the moan - despite being 'off school' everything feels a bit much at the moment.
Wish me luck for tomorrow - I am driving mum and dad to our holiday venue in dad's car. Once we get there it will be fine but I might need a large dose of patience to get me through it. Can't wait to see my small people though!