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Everything posted by Froglet

  1. So glad it's not just me - thanks for the reassurance! I've been pondering ways to manage it once school starts back again. I think I'm going to try to be more ruthless about leaving at 5pm regularly rather than 6. I'm also going to try decided on one job to take home each day (rather than my entire teacher bag of unfinished projects) and making myself do that one. I hope that gives me a sense of achievement and I feel more motivated to do other things. As for the parents... Ditto, love them dearly and would do anything for them but...
  2. Hope all goes well! Keep nagging him - I'm glad he's doing a bit better. Well, I've had a lazy week - knitting and reading. I have done nothing on my school TDL and am away with family from tomorrow for the last week of the holiday so it won't get done then. I'm beating myself up about it, I admit that I have been lazy this summer but it has been so lovely to enjoy weeks of no pressure at all. I haven't even challenged myself to try out any new baking recipes. I seem to find it harder and harder to maintain any kind of balance with work. I don't mean that I do too much work (although that is probably the case sometimes) but that it seems to be all or nothing - I'm either at school working hard or at home when my brain and body rebel and it's really hard to motivate myself to do anything when I'm at home - whether that be jobs around the house, or necessary school jobs. I guess that had better be my new school year resolution. Apologies for the moan - despite being 'off school' everything feels a bit much at the moment. Wish me luck for tomorrow - I am driving mum and dad to our holiday venue in dad's car. Once we get there it will be fine but I might need a large dose of patience to get me through it. Can't wait to see my small people though!
  3. I looked! Oh my goodness it’s amazing - not sure my painting skills are up to it but I want most of the site!
  4. Zigzag that is just beautiful! Hungry caterpillar has always been one of my favourites.
  5. Happy Friday! I am having a day of crochet - am about halfway through a cardigan which seems to be working so far! I was at a lovely wedding last night although it was someone from school which meant that my school TDL has leapt to the forefront of my mind and I am experiencing a little of that panic feeling too. Especially as I have registered that I am away for the final week of the holidays so actually only have one week at home left. That's a lot of jobs to do and people to catch up with in a short space of time! I think I need to get a notepad out and start some planning...
  6. Socks are a very, very good distraction. My class have loved them too, spotting mine has sparked all sorts of conversations and they now know the difference between crochet and knitting - I think that’s a very important piece of learning!
  7. Of course! Here you go - https://www.winwickmum.co.uk/sockalong I was absolutely not a knitter before I did my first pair - I’d dabbled in the basics when I was little but this was great to follow and it’s so satisfying!
  8. I think it looks fantastic Panders. Lemon ones are my favourites too!
  9. Just finished another pair of socks. These are for my dad. By the way how did the final fondant fancy cake turn out?
  10. I can vividly remember my then 3 year old nephew standing in a stool and proclaiming Bear Hunt to us which he’d clearly learned at nursery. Has anyone come across the Pie Corbett reading spine - suggests core texts for different year groups (including nursery). https://shop.scholastic.co.uk/reading-spine Another person to follow for more recent book suggestions (thinking about issues around diversity etc). Is Loll Kirby - on Facebook/Instagram as Gather and grow. She’s more school based but might well have some good ideas for younger children or at least know places to look.
  11. Hope he’s ok Sunnyday and that you thoroughly enjoy your dog holiday. I always think that the soggy walks have a reward at the end - feeling virtuous and justifying a cosy pair of dry socks and some hot chocolate!
  12. Just wanted you all to know that I have been carrying out extensive research whilst reading this thread. The following diagram summarises my findings. (The mathematicians among you may need to close your eyes - this is in jest!)
  13. Thank goodness for that - I was twitching on your behalf!
  14. There is something particularly lovely about tidying up and discovering a box of chocolates that you’d forgotten about! Guess what I’m doing…
  15. Me too - I confess to a deep satisfaction at seeing smoothness come out of wrinkles! Well, I was feeling jealous so in a spirit of solidarity I set my freezer to defrost overnight so I must finish that job today. I have various undone jobs around the house and I have totally failed to do anything on my school TDL since Monday and I can’t decide whether to just write the week off for school stuff (I refuse to do schoolwork at the weekend during holidays) and spend the day being cosy and domestic. What do you think?! Sunnyday, enjoy your puppy time and tea making and I hope your accounts don’t take too long. I have grey skies and rain here too and while I don’t want to wish summer away it does make me dream of blackberry and apple crumble and I feel like I have an excuse for festive sock knitting!
  16. It’s looking pretty dodgy up here too. Welsh cakes sound lovely. I think I’m fancying something a bit sharp or fruity to clear the end of term chocolate. I have my knitting out and All Creatures Great and Small on TV.
  17. Answers. 1. Probably not although I might have to chain myself to a chair today to stop avoiding the TDL. 2. What about me? I'm not even early years technically and can't claim any experience or wealth but I don't want to miss a party. 3. Well Cait's suggestions are all perfect - if we're not invited I suggest we have an alternative party and make sure she's invited. I don't think so - I'm fairly sure it had footprints in. PS Cait - your rhubarb made me think of rhubarb and orange cake, I haven't made one yet this year and it's heavenly!
  18. As a student I was given my own copy of the national numeracy and literacy strategies and whatever the early years one was at the time (pink folder). Can you imagine giving all the students their own copy of that type of document. I know that the internet was less then but still. I have them in my spare room and really ought to throw them out but they feel like historic documents now!
  19. Louby, I have to defrost my freezer fairly regularly or the drawers in it won’t close smoothly but it’s worth it as I rely on it so much. As for the concentration difficulties - yep, me too! I can do it when I have a problem with a definite end point (give me a complicated spreadsheet any day) and I did ok with sorting papers the other day where what I was looking kept changing but other things… I am training myself to read again at the moment by making myself read with no interruptions for half an hour - it’s finally started working today and I’ve been lost in a book for the first time in months. For other stuff I am doing 15 minutes at a time and it’s possible to see progress even with that little. Hang in there - you can do it!
  20. Now you’re just showing off! 😉 I have read 60 pages of a book and knitted half of the cuff of a new sock.
  21. Well, I found my awake state by yesterday and had a really productive day - 6 hours on school stuff but with a walk and some ironing and cooking a proper meal too. It did rain briefly here - just after I’d finished 15 minutes in the garden! I have promised myself to do 15 minutes each day to try and restore some order out there - I am not a gardener. I had planned another school day today (I’d really like to clear the must do TDL this week) but to be honest I got up a little later than planned and really don’t feel like it. I’m just going to relax and maybe do some crafty stuff as I haven’t touched the knitting needles or crochet hook for weeks!
  22. Oh my goodness Louby - I'm glad you were there to help but what a Friday! I woke up at 4am today and got up just before 6, then fell asleep on the sofa again about 10am. Currently trying to find the motivation to go and tidy something - anything. I do not like the first few days of the holiday when my body is just too tired and I keep falling asleep. I know it's what it needs but I still always feel lazy and like I'm wasting my holiday! Off to go and find tidying motivation...
  23. I used to be really good at getting it all done. Now not so much!
  24. I know what you mean, I’m snuggled under a blanket on the sofa and am decidedly chilly - contemplating putting the fire on! Currently I’m pondering summer holiday/next year resolutions!
  25. I did! I have done two mornings in school just tidying - there is something just so lovely about having a proper amount of time to tidy when that is the only thing on your to do list! Now I'm home and contemplating my TDL for the summer - yes I know! I will switch off but I need to sort and get my head empty of school jobs and then I will be able to properly enjoy the time off. I have a family week away at the end of August. Other than that holiday plans include sorting the garden and spare room out (again!), reading, making socks, crocheting something new - maybe a blanket? Hope everyone else is having a good time.
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