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Everything posted by Froglet

  1. I don't know what that is but congratulations!
  2. I fear that Mr Darcy may be more of a distraction - he’s never struck me as a knitter but maybe he has hidden depths! Sorry about your washing - did you startle any passing wildlife with your swearing?!
  3. I just looked that film up Panders - am tempted to join you after therapeutic kitchen cleaning!
  4. Why is it that when I’ve set myself the goal of doing work on the school TDL in the mornings and doing really well with it too a patch of blue sky and sunshine appears mid morning. I resist, telling myself that I will go outside and enjoy after lunch, only to look up at lunchtime to discover that not only has the sun gone in and the blue sky disappeared but that it’s actually raining! Ah well, at least it justifies the leek and potato soup and cheese scones I’m eating and my planned afternoon of cosy knitting with either Miss Marple or Mr Darcy!
  5. I would - it basically means more cake!
  6. Happy Birthday! Does this now mean you have 2 birthdays and are like the Queen?!
  7. I like those Cait! I could add one briefly to my autumn window display!
  8. Thanks Cait, those are lovely too Mousie. I've done a seasonal window display for a little while (although it was stuck on autumn for a year!) but was thinking of doing my own poppy display this year. We always do one as a school and some of them have been stunning (I can't claim any credit for them other than the actual making of the poppies with the children!).
  9. I do mostly - the autumn term is so long and full on that I think a two week break makes a huge difference to children and staff. This year though our summer break was down to 4 1/2 weeks - we finished so long after everyone else! I shouldn’t complain - I truly appreciate the holidays I do have!
  10. We’re two - we have one week less in the summer.
  11. So, I'm awake! There is nothing quite like the first weekend of a holiday when there is nothing that you MUST get done for Monday! I've spent the day relaxing, reading, knitting my candy cane socks and just being. This first week off I'm aiming to get the TDL done (need to write it first) and then the second week I'm aiming to be on holiday properly. I treated myself to am embroidery kit to try something new so might start that this afternoon. Cait - what poppy pattern have you used? Sunnyday - I'm looking forward to seeing your arrangements!
  12. Cait, that is just stunning! I will update properly soon but let’s just say that I start my half term holiday today and never have I been more ready!
  13. Poor you, I hope you feel better soon. I like that! Very true.
  14. Oh yes! I find girls being mean so hard to deal with! Well, I’ve survived parents evenings, and a sore throat this week. I feel both are a great excuse to eat fish and chips and ice cream! Planning a weekend of washing dishes, planning, marking etc. Really hoping to see my mum and dad on Sunday - have had so much work/been so wiped out that I haven’t been over for a month. Also working on my festive socks!
  15. I love the tidiness of things like the first of the month being on an appropriate day of the week. It’s been a very, very tough week at school and to be honest I’m worn out being positive and calm for people. On a positive note my youngest nibling was 5 on Wednesday and really liked the books I gave her. She’s having a party with a ‘Jurassic cake’ tomorrow. My eldest nibling is on stage in a school play for three evenings - such a change from the painfully shy little boy who wouldn’t play in front of anyone. My middle nibling hasn’t done anything in particular that I’m aware of this week but I’m certain she’s being lovely because she just is! I need to regroup this weekend and with a new month am planning to restart some of the resolutions I make to help me manage ‘stuff’. Happy weekend everyone!
  16. So true. I was with a friend the other day who has two children, the youngest is 9 and this friend was worrying about what she would do with herself when her youngest was old enough to neither need/want mum around to do 'stuff' with all the time. It reminded me just how important it is to have interests other than work!
  17. I get that - we have 3 positive staff members and various positive children at the moment. The stress is ensuring that we have adequate staffing and are within ratio in nursery. Our challenge being partly that whilst the non-nursery classes have no ratio other than 1:30 we all have children who really need 1:1 support in all of them! Sunnyday - I'm sorry you've had a wobble but perfectly understandable, especially if you've started clearing paperwork. I'm sure it will pass in time. I understand you not wanting to make a regular commitment to hearing readers weekly etc. but what about offering your support at those times of year when you know an extra pair of hands will be gladly appreciated e.g. when making Christmas/mothers/fathers day/Easter cards or on the school sports day. Or for crowd control during the nativity. All of that pending covid circumstances of course but I know I would love that kind of offer! My week has not exactly been peaceful but I do feel that there is a slight light at the end of the tunnel plus my headteacher has promised no more changes until after half-term! I had a couple of high points yesterday - I got one of my SEND children to sit through an assembly with minimal disruption to the others. Then one of the other SEND children did a great piece of work; I wanted to take a picture of him to show mummy and he let me - he normally never knowingly has his photo taken! I was so chuffed. Today I have had a much needed lie in and am having a slow paced day. I've made some 'fat rascals' to have with a cup of tea and am planning a short nap but following that really want to get school work sorted today. Wish me luck.
  18. Hello all, Glad to hear about the good inspection! Panders - hope all goes smoothly for your grandaughter - sending lots of positive thoughts! Friday was the end to a busy week (another one!) although I think my team might be beginning to see our way out of the very complicated planning situation we have at the moment. We have a lot of 'challenging' children in our classes this year which is wearing everyone out - being patient all the time is tiring! Yesterday was just a bit of cleaning, dealing with an epic mountain of washing up and actually eating proper food for the first time in a week. I have a bit of a cold and am a bit wheezy but am negative on the LFT front so fingers crossed it stays that way. Today is all about planning and school work.
  19. We have these at my school. They are really easy to store, carry, use and have enough space inside to keep a copy of a consent form and a mini record book. Only thing I’d say is see if they have one large enough to hold a spacer too! I wouldn’t use the wristbands though x we trialled them for a trip thinking it would help helpers be aware of who had additional medical needs but they were too big for our children - the zoo must have been littered with the ones we lost that day!
  20. 😊 My 9 year old niece told me the other day that when she grew up she wanted to be “A garden designer and Christmas” because she loves planning it so much. She cannot understand lights in November though… “Don’t they know it’s bad luck Aunty Frogelt?!”
  21. Hmmm, there goes your festive balaclava! 😂😉
  22. Sshh, don’t tell Sue - I just started knitting some candy cane socks! 😉
  23. Panders - what a nightmare with the holiday, I hope they get to take it next time! My first 4 days in school went well - really intense INSET days but then a lovely couple of days with my new class. All seem to have coped well so far! I was up and at it this morning but am now flagging - the weekend school work may not get done but the laundry and shopping and library trip are! I'm hoping to do some autumn decorating this weekend but that may depend on whether I am able to get my act together this afternoon!
  24. Well, I spent most of yesterday on the beach - paddling, dog walking and watching my two nieces have the best time playing ‘families’ in the sand. The younger one was organising her big cousin who took it in very good part and I thoroughly enjoyed the pots of leek and potato soup and ‘cherry delish’ which were brought to me for testing. As is usually the way I had to be the police, bad guys and random stranger as needed! It was a lovely week. I (just about) survived the driving. Difficult to see mum and dad in some ways as it kind of highlighted the bits of aging that I don’t notice because I see them fairly regularly. We came back today and after a load of laundry and some food shopping my introverted self has thoroughly enjoyed the peace of ‘me time’! I’m back to school on Tuesday and children return on Thursday. Plus new head and SENDCo and the return of some people who’ve been off sick for a long time. Sunnyday, I’m so pleased to hear you’re enjoying yourself. I’d recommend a specific something (coffee out or a garden centre trip) on what would have been your return date to stop you thinking ‘right now they will be…’
  25. Please post a photo when you’re done - I’m particularly tempted by the nativity set.
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