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Everything posted by Froglet

  1. She's a beautiful dog! Hot cross scones sound great - where's your recipe from? I love the flavours but not always the 'faff' of waiting for things to rise!
  2. Thank you Mousie - you too! I have knitted for half an hour and the dough for my hot cross buns is rising. I'm going to spend a couple of hours doing some much needed sorting out and work on my governor to do list. Then I have a couple of other sorting jobs I want to do - nothing major but my dining room tends to become a bit of a dumping ground and I want to try and tackle some of the clutter corners. My first is to plant a couple of 'kits' that children have given me as presents - I am not a good gardener! I'd also like to get a walk in; my back is aching and I suspect it may be due to not moving as much as I do at school or maybe moving in different ways! Have a lovely Easter weekend all of you.
  3. He’s my brother and sister-in-law’s dog.
  4. Just feel I should share…
  5. Thanks for the encouragement and the yarn recommendation!
  6. Ahhh, she’d be very welcome. There is a sheep, goose, frog and slightly psychotic rabbit (I need to redo the eyes on that one !) too! There may be more dogs soon. I’m thinking of treating myself to a dogs pattern book for Easter - I will be taking requests!
  7. They’re called ‘Hermione’s everyday socks’ (I liked the name’). They have a pattern in the stitches so it creates a texture.
  8. I love that!
  9. To be fair I often call it ‘crotcheting’! I’m working on a new pair of socks with a pattern I’ve not done before. I also have twitchy fingers for some crochet but I’m not sure what!
  10. People always say that it doesn’t matter if they don’t match but it would to me. Plus I enjoy the challenge of making them match. These aren’t completely right the toes finish at a different place. I suspect I lose count of the rows I’ve done! I would have been the same as you with that cardigan! I really want to have a go at a jumper or cardigan for me - there are so many amazing patterns out there. I suspect that my eyes are bigger than my skills though!
  11. Oh wow! Very exciting!
  12. I used to think about having a go when it was first on but it now seems to be so much more about how things look and I’m not good at pretty! Plus I suspect I wouldn’t be a good candidate for camera - I think I’d sit on a stool, with ear plugs in, looking grumpy and refusing to talk!
  13. Well, at 11am today I went to Tesco to do much needed food shopping. I arrived, checked my bag and no purse. Cue an hour and a half of searching and ringing the last places I'd been with increasing stress levels. Eventually found it behind the dining room door where it must have flipped out of my bag as I picked it up as I never put my bag there. That threw everything off for the rest of the day consequently I haven't finished the TDL. However, I have remembered that I go back on Tuesday 19th but the Monday will feel like part of a working week so I'm going to work then and no more today or for the rest of the week. I've just had a lovely tea and have started a new pair of socks - with a different stitch pattern this time. They're called 'Hermione's everyday socks'! Thank you all for keeping me going the last couple of days - I have got so much done which I wouldn't have without you. Now for a week of playing - lots of crafting and Easter decorating just because I can and I want to try and make macarons as I've never made them!
  14. Brilliant! I have loved the Easter egg hunts for my niblings that I’ve been able to join!
  15. Just so Cait has something to look at! 😉
  16. The socks or the brownies? I'm afraid not - the socks are on my feet, will take a photo now. The brownies are in my tummy I'm afraid! Myself, the head and deputy at school and the SBM were all in school working all day on Tuesday and Wednesday so I decided to make us a nice lunch as a reward - sticky onion and cheddar tart, lemon and garlic potato salad, tomatoes, cucumber and the brownies (which also helped us keep going through the day). They were good - I will definitely make again if only because I have half a jar of seedless raspberry jam to use up! I didn't quite get what I wanted to done last night - my brain just wouldn't so I'm up and on it again today. I am just popping to Tesco though so that I can eat delicious food next week! (Roast chicken soup and cheese scones for lunch which obviously necessitates roast chicken with hasselback potatoes today doesn't it?!)
  17. Ok, well the short break turned into a 45 minute nap and then eating tea! I’m just going to do the dishes and then get on with things again - I have 3 jobs that must be done today. Then there are 10 for tomorrow although most of those are less ‘thinky’ and in many cases already started.
  18. The science planning/took way longer than I’d intended. Am taking a short break (need to rest my eyes from the screen) before tackling RE and SEND.
  19. Lots! I have been working since 7.30, have taken an hour off lunch and am just about to get back into it. Now is the tricky time - I am so not an afternoon person. Lots of jobs have been ticked off the list today though so hopefully that success will keep me going.
  20. That's a good plan. I have already broken into my tub of crystallised ginger (bought to make iced ginger shortbread) so maybe the actual shortbread making or perhaps a takeout Indian feast for tea tomorrow if everything I need to is done!
  21. Long walks and Easter egg hunts and time with grandchildren sounds lovely. Lorries thundering not so much. My sister has messaged to say that they have arrived safely in Nepal. I have been singularly unproductive again today. I'm frustrated with myself now because although it's easy to say there are more important things and the TDL will still be there I would rather get it done. I think I will have an early tea (I'm hungry!) and have another look at the TDL to see what must be done then tonight try to cross off some of the mindless things that are fairly easy but time consuming (I need to do a price comparison for our two main stationery suppliers for example) but will make a big difference down the line. The planning (which is neither easy, nor quick and rarely fun) I might leave for tomorrow... Wish me luck and please send all the motivation inducements you can! Going in to school for long days wasn't exactly how I'd have chosen to spend my holiday but I have fewer excuses to procrastinate there! In more positive news I have finished my latest pair of socks, finished the book I was reading last night and finished off the raspberry jam puddle chocolate brownies I made!
  22. That’s just where I’m heading - time to try out the new bubble bath I bought the other day. A cosy crime book and I’m sorted!
  23. Me too! The TDL is still epic and I am determined not to work at all next week so I must do some more but I think my body has decided for me today. I had covid for the second time last week so did quite a bit of sleeping then too. Today I have have successfully booked my car in for its MOT and that’s about it. My sister and her family are off to Nepal to see in laws for the first time in 5 years tomorrow. I’m currently debating whether to get dressed at all today - maybe just change into different pjs at bedtime!
  24. Hello everyone! I know it’s not Friday but… I’m on holiday! I finished last Friday but have spent the last three days in school 6 till 6 doing some significant sorting out - the kind of jobs you just can’t do when the children are in. TodayI was going to be a paperwork day but I slept badly last night so instead have had a pj day drifting between dozing, sock knitting, reading and mindless TV watching. It’s lovely! Hope you’re all ok whatever you’re up to.
  25. Congratulations Sunnyday! Enjoy your celebrations!
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