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Everything posted by Froglet

  1. Time does disappear scarily quickly in the holidays doesn't it?! I've now reached the point of the holiday when I'm not so exhausted that I fall asleep at the drop of a hat which is great except that it means I am reminded just how badly I sleep! I have been trying to do work in the mornings and 'me stuff' in the afternoons but yesterday I slept through my alarm and didn't get up until nearly 9am. I decided to take the day off and spent it watching mindless TV and crocheting - I am having a go a making a doll for the first time. Today was going to be back to the school work in the morning but my next task is one that I am anxious about so am procrastinating over - I have done a couple of bits but have mostly been unfocused! I must get back on it properly tomorrow with no excuses. My plan is to have a clear two weeks off in the middle of the holiday so that things don't drift and I feel like I've worked every day. I'm going over to mum and dad's for tea in a little while which will be nice so have decided to try and tick a few housework jobs (ironing, tidying etc) off the list before I go so I have fewer excuses tomorrow. I had an exciting yarn delivery today including some gold which is to make anniversary decorations and I may have accidentally had to buy a little more sock yarn just to bring the shopping basket up to the free postage limit! It will all get used eventually. I'm contemplating whether to go back to the crafternoon again tomorrow and also what my 'fun activities' will be for the next two weeks. Have a lovely weekend and week ahead everyone!
  2. Indeed, it was the start of a downward slope I think - she developed Parkinson’s around the same time.
  3. My mum always tells a story of my granny having to knit dishcloths as therapy when she had a fall and broke both arms at the same time.
  4. Well, 1 week into my holiday and I have... - defrosted the freezer and started refilling it - have eaten proper meals a few times (South Indian fish curry, chicken fajitas and tonight will be having 'Spicy cauliflower and halloumi rice) - done quite a lot of work sorting out - am working in the mornings and resting in the afternoons which is going pretty well - eaten a lot of chocolate - crocheted half a dishcloth - knitted half a pair of socks - written a letter - visited my sister for Sunday lunch - had several naps - been for a couple of short walks (literally ten minutes but it's a novelty just to get out) - read a book All is going well so far!
  5. That was it exactly! Knit and natter by another name. Some were knitting, some crocheting and one who was clearly a regular with a poorly wrist just chatting.
  6. I went to my crafternoon - got the time wrong so arrived half way through it actually one hour rather than two was probably good for a first time. Some nice people - I mostly listened!
  7. Ok, I have been brave and committed myself to going to a ‘crafternoon’ at the yarn shop near me - obviously meant I needed to start a new pair of socks!
  8. I am very tempted by this especially as I have the crochet on my project list too! Well I made it to the end of term! Such a relief - it has been a very difficult one! I spent the last two days in school sorting, tidying and stripping walls to get ready for big building work and redecorating over the summer. Consequently my room looks worse than before at the moment but it will be worth it in the end! Today I have woken up after sleeping through the night for the first time in weeks! It feels incredible! I think that this weekend I’m going to focus on resting and restoring the house to ‘normal’. There will probably be lots of naps and quite a bit of chocolate eating! I also want to plan some proper food in. For various reasons I’ve been struggling to cook and eat recently and need some delicious ideas!
  9. 1 day left to go! I have been given a summer project… it is my school’s 50th anniversary next year and I have been asked to crochet some gold decorations for a tree we have in our entrance hall. I have also been asked to make some gold bunting. I thought I’d ask you as many are far more expert sewers than me - any suggestions for good sources of appropriate fabric - it will be outside in all weathers!
  10. I had to learn not to do this out loud when my niblings were small!
  11. Thank you all, really helpful!
  12. I am doing some work for school mapping out how we teach RE across school. Whilst the locally agreed syllabus doesn't expect RE to be taught specifically prior to reception we have some strands which we are including. I am looking for suggestions of books with simple stories from different faiths - especially Islam, Christianity and Hinduism as this makes up the majority of our school population which declares a faith. I am also looking for ideas of what might be a special place for a 2-4 year old.
  13. Hi all, As one of my subject leadership roles I am looking at our computing provision across school (from 2-7 years old). I have a set of objectives for our nursery and reception children - for nursery it is essentially knowing some basic skills in turning on and operating some ICT equipment and knowing how to operate simple equipment. I have a couple of questions and requests for any information. 1. What types of equipment might you use for this type of objective? I'm thinking so far: Alexa, turning a microwave on, using a simple program on a tablet. 2. Do any of you use beebots? We have an objective about completing a simple program on an electronic device and someone has suggested beebots - I have used them many times but, depending on how you interpret 'complete a program' I think beebots are potentially quite complex. 3. Do any of you do any online safety work with children of this age? I know that much of it will be about educating parents about it but I'm wondering if you have done anything directly with the children or found any sites particularly useful to use with parents? Thank you!
  14. Lovely idea. I have discovered that you can name a rose for someone...
  15. Could you threaten it as some kind of intimidation technique? Or if other people get pushy near the water station? You could offer to play strip poker?
  16. Am in the throes of trying to sort out leaving presents for various people. One is taking early retirement. We have a bracelet, book and a personalised bag for her but have lots left. We were thinking of a lovely plant - any suggestions? Gardens are not my strong point!
  17. Would that delay or speed up water reinstatement?!
  18. Someone at work the other day said that everyone outside the setting thinks we wind down for the summer but actually we wind up!
  19. Thanks Sunnyday, that did make me smile. Early return because a couple of years ago my LA changed to having a two week October half term - we lose a week in summer as compensation. This year I think it feels worse because it’s 4 and 2 half weeks. Any week which has school in it feels like a school week to me. My current plan is that I will aim to take the middle two weeks completely off - no email, no work, no nothing. The other weeks I will allow myself to work in the mornings and then do ‘me stuff’ in the afternoon. My top tip for keeping cool is to freeze a hot water bottle. When it’s back in it’s soft cover it creates lovely cool spots in the bed at night.
  20. Zigzag - so pleased that Thursday went well. Sending you lots of love. Sunnyday - congratulations on the blanket - it's lovely. Louby - congratulations on finishing! I have 8 more days to go - we finish on the 27th. One of those includes sports day which we have moved (originally scheduled for Tuesday). It has been a difficult term in many ways and I am mentally and physically exhausted and just worn out. We have what feels like a short holiday this year - back on 31st August. I need to take a little time to reset and regroup and a lot of time to think over some challenging questions. Am not quite sure where to start at the moment! I know that I will need to sleep a lot but for me that often ends up being naps - I can tell when I'm 'better' when I no longer need an afternoon nap. I have lots of crochet plans (taking a little break from socks at the moment) although I haven't crafted for a while and I need to! I usually have cooking plans but I've been struggling with wanting to cook recently so I maybe need to find some easy things to get going again. Since I lost my taste/smell I don't have quite the same motivation to cook and eat! The school TDL is, as always, epic and I need to find a way of managing that so that I don't start the year stressed but also take a proper break. Apologies if all that sounds moany - it's not meant to be just stating a fact! I know that as soon as next Thursday (rescheduled sports day) is over that will help.
  21. Zig zag, I’m so sorry to hear about your dad. Sending you much love.
  22. I’ve really enjoyed Sewing Bee again this year. It felt more ‘normal’ celebrating people who were really good sewers rather than weird and wonderful.
  23. A crochet Victoria sandwich. As for your granddaughter - love a girl with priorities!
  24. I’m with you Sunnyday. I have just crocheted a champagne bottle - might that have something to do with it? Currently working on a Victoria sandwich!
  25. Nothing in particular but I have (for me) been very brave and been in to town today to get my hair cut and go to the theatre.
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