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Everything posted by Froglet

  1. Nothing quite like the first day of the holidays… I woke up at 4am, gave up trying to sleep at 5 and had made and eaten a mini bread and butter pudding for breakfast by 7.30! I’m still in my pjs though - mostly planning to chill, crochet and clean today! We had an INSET day yesterday and myself and the deputy got some very therapeutic tidying done at the end of the day. My midday niece let me know that she is now on WhatsApp so we exchanged a few messages - they’re off to the Hay festival next week. I have the TDL of course but mainly want to do some getting organised so that the last half term of the year can go as smooth as possible.
  2. I never usually do. I am a rubbish plant person! I tend to stick the plants I have in the sink for a good drink every week - works for orchids! I did the poinsettia from habit as it still had a little colour on it then one week noticed some tiny shoots - I’m going to see how it goes!
  3. I was given one of those mini poinsettias by a child last Christmas. It all died off but I randomly kept watering it. It has started sprouting leaves again! I am definitely in awe.
  4. I remember when I first joined not really looking closely at the profile pc and for a while thought it actually was you!
  5. Everything crossed here too Cait. Sunnyday - you did things the right way round! I have got the washing on the line and bought a ball of wool but other than that have drifted in and out of sleeping and reading today. I have promised my sister that I will go out for a walk tomorrow.
  6. What a lovely birthday present Steve - thank you!! welcome Plin, it’s lovely to see you!
  7. Poor you. Glad it’s behind you - sunshine and outdoors will help I’m sure. Take care.
  8. I’ve long thought that a 3 day weekend should be a standard thing! Not much planned for me this weekend - more work on the gargoyle! I got a blood blister my mouth on Wednesday evening. It’s gone down but my mouth is still unbelievably painful - really hard to swallow so lots of paracetamol for me!
  9. Oh no! I’m not good with random pens!
  10. Sunnyday has a waterproof balaclava with snorkel if that would help? I’m sure she’d be happy to lend it.
  11. There are some left - I'd forgotten until you said that - a quick refresh I. The oven and they’ll be great!
  12. What rubbish timing! I can make scones anytime though!
  13. Scones are in the oven… when are you lot getting here?
  14. I’m doing the ironing!
  15. Well, I was awake at 4.30 this morning and had done a load of laundry, cleaned the bathroom and made a pot of mushroom soup by 7am! A morning of work but since then I have dozed, read and am about to do some crochet (second gargoyle toe!). I have rethought the rhubarb and custard cake - too much ‘faff’ so am roasting my the rhubarb to eat at some point and am contemplating making scones instead. Does that make you feel better? Oh and I’ve just redeemed a ‘tea and book club’ subscription I was given!
  16. It’s funny isn’t it? I have used this colour before but it’s been grey for ages. That was the intention when I set the colours as I want it to go in a particular room but the change is refreshing!
  17. I always find myself wishing I could get a closer look at all the amazing needlework - both royal and ecclesiastical! It’s the little things… 😉 I have worked really hard this week on sticking to a routine, getting more sleep and eating properly. It’s mostly worked and definitely contributes to me feeling calmer. I worked this morning and did Tesco’s and the library this afternoon. I have lots more work on the TDL but the urge to get back to crocheting the gargoyle (body, head and arms are done) is strong! I have 14 books that I should be doing assessments on - I might try to do those and then tackle the rest of the planning tomorrow morning when my brain is more in thinking mode! Tuna pasta is on the menu tonight - I’m quite glad of the rain to justify the comfort food. Other cooking plans this weekend include mushroom soup, cheese scones and trying out a rhubarb and custard cake! Oh, and in exciting news the temperature has finally increased enough for me to add some blue to my temperature blanket!
  18. That was exactly the phrase I used about to someone else earlier! Actually, I was intrigued by the pattern - I like trying new things but also we’re going to be learning about Christopher Wren at school and the gargoyles on St Paul’s before going on to make our own clay boggart. I thought a crochet gargoyle might be a good prop!
  19. Not knitting but crochet - I just started making a gargoyle!
  20. Happy birthday Zigzag! No, you mustn't ignore your special day. I am sure that they will always feel a little strange as you think of your day but I hope that over time it becomes easier to remember the lovely times. Sending you lots of good wishes.
  21. You are all so lovely. Thank you! Today, in the end, I have pretty much just ended up pootling and dozing which has probably been good for me although I know I will be feeling bad tomorrow as I remember all the things that I was meant to do but haven't! I don't think I have ever known a school year quite like it. I don't know about others but I know that I find myself so busy during term time and the working week that when it gets to the weekend/holidays I am either wiped out or resentful at the prospect of working even though I know that if I could get just a little ahead with some of the more 'strategic' stuff it could make such a difference. I find it immensely difficult to be accountable to myself. However, it's just after 8pm and I'm dopey so I'm not going to even attempt to do some work tonight. I will go to bed soon and plan an early start. I just need to find ways to be a little more focused and efficient an organised and as Sunnyday suggested a little while ago possibly consider a cleaner (although I suspect the idea is not me at all!)
  22. Thank you! I did get quite a bit of sleep. I’m just doing a bit of crochet catchup with my temperature blanket whilst watching a little TV then I’m going to get on with jobs. I’m not sure. At the moment I’m sleeping very deeply just not for very long which is partly dictated by work and habits. Plus I’ve had very little sense of smell since having covid and I don’t know to what extent that would affect its effectiveness.
  23. Thank you. There’s nothing in particular wrong - just feeling a bit lonesome and tired. I tried calling mum and dad on the way home and it was tricky - they’re getting old and I wish they weren’t. I never did get the foot butter although I discovered that I have a pillow spray from the same people. And yes, a big chunk of the weekend is going to be working.
  24. Feeling quite glad it’s Friday. In bit of a need of a hug. Regretting not being able to stay focused and work last week. All will be well - some sleep will make a world of difference.
  25. I have back to school nerves! Will I get up in time? Remember how to teach? Actually get home at a sensible time of the day this term? Always start with good resolutions but then ‘stuff’ happens!
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