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Everything posted by Froglet

  1. Aha icord! That’s the key thing - I’ve never done a knitted one only crochet. I didn’t know how to do that either but once I’d googled it was fairly straightforward!
  2. Hmmm, I mostly use a circular needle although I use dpns to start and finish the socks. The smallest I’ve made though were 44 stitches and that was a fiddle! Essentially you just knit around without turning the work in between. I wonder if you keep the 3 stitches on one needle, knit along it using another then go back to the start and knit again. If you pull the working yarn tight as you go back to the start would that gradually pull it into a tube? What does the pattern actually say?
  3. I didn’t get any photos of the actual well dressings which were lovely but I thought you might like to see the DIY version. My dad made the frame, filled with play dough decorated with leaves and flowers from granny’s garden. Kept my niece busy for ages.!
  4. It’s amazing! Well worth a visit if ever you’re near a place that has one.
  5. Afraid it was! And yep definitely counting this year. For various reasons that I can’t share it’s been tougher than usual. Aside from that transition days went well. Had nice chat with my sister and am meant to be going to the well dressing in my mum and dad’s village over the weekend (although I haven’t told them yet!)
  6. 12 days!
  7. Really tricky as I don’t know for sure that they did. Another child reported it and at first I thought it had been said to them. I was still shocked and horrified but then that child said ‘no it was to you.’ No one is in any doubt that I’m not pleased!
  8. So… how would you respond to a child who has apparently told you to ‘shut your mouth’?! That about sums the week up!
  9. Thanks Helen. Really like the competing against me idea.
  10. I’m looking for some ideas around supporting my class with learning to lose or even just not get their way with something. They have always struggled with this but at the moment it’s huge. I’m sure some of it is sensing that things are changing but I seem to have someone ‘stropping’ or in tears constantly. It’s really only half a dozen key children but the effect they are having on the others is huge. As it all started again this afternoon I overheard one of the others say “Oh not this again!” I’m planning to do some very focused PSHE but would love some extra ideas!
  11. First transition morning today. I got a mixed bag of responses from my new class… - one of my current class groaned, huffed, puffed and sulked on hearing that he was going to be with me again next year. - lovely message from parents of one child saying how pleased she and they were that she was. - one disappointed that their wasn’t with me but then said ‘he’s not naught though, he doesn’t need her. There are others who need her more! 😂
  12. Thank you! I read and enjoyed The Keeper of lost things. I don’t know most of the others - will go and look them up!
  13. Well it mostly includes writing reports and sorting next week’s transition to be honest but there will be some downtime too! Thanks for the suggestions will go and take a look…
  14. Well, I didn’t have my own oomph let alone Sunnydays! I took myself in to school for 4 hours this afternoon - it’s the only way I can stay focused at the moment. My reports aren’t finished (deadline was yesterday) but the inside of my mind is a little more settled and I have a plan for tomorrow.
  15. Actually it does help to know that other people think it’s madness too. Believe it or not I have the ‘nice class’ this year.
  16. I introduced a timer for children changing for PE just after Christmas because they were taking so long (25 minutes in one instance. 2 parents unhappy because their child didn’t like the timer instead of saying to the. “Well let’s practise changing so that you get quicker”. Last year we’d trialled having children come to school in kit on PE days but for various reasons decided to change back. When I said that at our parents meeting this time last year I had one concerned parent because their child still needed help from them. We’re talking about starting year 1 not even reception.
  17. I am continually gobsmacked at the number of children who sit not engaging in a lesson and when I ask (and I do mean ask) why not they say ‘I don’t want to’. Cue me pointing out that they don’t actually have a choice. I had 4 in tears/stropping at me yesterday because they didn’t get to be sharks in the game we played in PE because no one other than me ever seems to say no to them. Last week I had to cancel our trip as it was forecast torrential rain. The next morning child arrives at school (in said torrential rain) with no coat. Parents can’t understand why we don’t let them have umbrellas out at playtime.
  18. Really, really not just you!
  19. I’ve read the first of the Thursday murder club books and have just got the second from the online library. Haven’t heard of the other series - thanks for the recommendation.
  20. Definitely fiction. I like pretty much everything - not horror or chilling things (my imagination does things to them after I’ve finished). I read lots of crime (generally of the cosier/golden age variety). I like science fiction and fantasy. I do read romcom things but have a few already. I enjoyed things like The shoemakers wife by Adriana Trigiani. I liked Elizabeth is missing but found it heartbreaking too. I’ll try to think of other things that I’ve read and enjoyed but I really do have hugely eclectic taste.
  21. Cake looks amazing Cait. I didn’t watch Elton (or anything else much for that matter) as I just kept falling asleep but I have been smiling over this today.
  22. Sssh…. I didn’t work today either.
  23. I have just discovered that I have some money on a Waterstones gift card and it’s the summer holidays in a month when I might actually manage to read more than two pages without falling asleep. Has anyone got any recommendations? I do read pretty much anything and am usually a fairly quick reader but recently have been re-reading lots. Audiobook recommendations welcome too!
  24. I love that all of you are enjoying dogs! I keep thinking about whether to get one myself. Usual manic week at school although I did have a visit from a friend I haven’t seen for 4 years and went out for dinner on a school night. I have spent the whole of today in pjs, crocheting and eating crispy cake. Just starting to regret it as this weekend is one where the TDL is immense.
  25. I remember having ‘Peter and Jane’ as the first reading books in school. having a black and white telly that you changed channel by turning a dial on - I think things were permanently fuzzy. Phone number being 4 digits long and then the excitement when everyone in the village got an extra two digits. Handwriting assignments at university. I didn’t do O-levels but only just! Cross country at secondary school actually being cross country. My parents did the whole Good Life self-sufficiency thing when I was growing up and I hated having to pick prickly, hairy gooseberries (which I didn’t even like eating)! Looking back now I know I didn’t apprchow lucky we were at the time. There
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